Belmont Municipal Light Department celebrates Public Power Week

Belmont Light joined more than 2,000 other public power utilities in the United States celebrating the benefits of hometown, community-owned and operated electric utilities during Public Power Week, October 6th through October 12.  This year marked the 27th annual Public Power Week sponsored by the American Public Power Association (APPA).

More than 2,000 communities in the United States light up their homes and businesses with ‘public power’— electricity that comes from a community-owned utility. Each public power utility reflects its own hometown characteristics and values, but all have a common purpose: providing safe, reliable electricity at a reasonable price. These community-owned electric utilities serve over 44 million people and more than 2.8 million business customers. Some of the America’s largest cities, including Los Angeles, San Antonio, Seattle and Orlando, operate publicly owned electric utilities. 

"Public Power Week provides utilities like Belmont Light an opportunity to remind customers that local residents make important decisions about their public power services," General Manager James Palmer said. "That’s because public power utilities are consumer owned and operated and provide reliable, responsive, not-for-profit electric service. We’re accountable to the people we serve and are committed to serving our customers, keeping rates low, and contributing to the economic development and sustainability of the community." 

 "Belmont Light employees have also been committed to providing reliable, safe power and service to all our customers since 1898," he added. "We’re proud that Belmont Light has been a part of the community for more than 115 years and we plan to provide that same level of quality, reliable electric service to our customers for years to come."

In addition to Public Power Week, customers of public power utilities had access to programs and services not usually available to customers of private electric utilities, including conservation services, appliance rebates and other energy-saving incentives.

To learn more about BMLD and the services they provide, please call 617-993-2800 or visit the website at