See First-Hand What the Power of Working Together Can Do!

Over the years a number of my colleagues have asked me, "What do we get from the dues we pay to NEPPA and to APPA?  Okay, we know we get reduced costs for safety meetings, workshops, conferences or webinars, but is that all?  Sometimes when I cost it out I can attend what I want without being a member."

I always have what I consider to be solid answers identifying among other items: first and foremost, networking; statewide and nationwide lobbying efforts on public power’s behalf; access to "list serves"; access to safety and training issues and thus resolves; an army of support waiting in the wings to assist regionally and nationally; opportunities for staff to grow through educational opportunities; mutual aid in weather event recovery; and much more.  However, it is sometimes difficult to point to a specific act that supports the efforts I outline above.

I am extremely pleased to reach out with a big "thank you" to Sue Kelly, CEO and President of APPA.  Ms. Kelly opened her most recent blog by stating: "Electricity rates paid by customers in New England are already among the highest in the nation.  And those rates are in danger of climbing even more, owing to lack of transmission and pipeline infrastructure and the ineffective capacity markets (in which resources for future electricity markets are estimated and purchased ahead of need)."  The entire blog is devoted to the concerns we New Englanders have been raising for months, if not years, regarding the fact that we believe the "markets" just are not working and ISO-NE needs to be accountable to someone other than themselves to get corrections in place.  The blog is a step by step definition of how a wholesale electric market works focusing on current forward capacity issues.  Legislative committee members from NEPPA made a special trip to Washington, DC to explain to legislators or their staff the concerns we have regarding ISO-NE’s recent plan for capacity markets known as the Forward Capacity Market – Performance Incentive ("FCM-PI").  The group, with support from NEPPA members and Morgan Meguire were successful in having nine New England Senators send a letter to FERC requesting careful consideration of the NEPOOL Participants Committee alternative proposal on forward capacity markets.

If you haven’t read this blog – PLEASE DO SO – it is a strong representation of how our national association hears us and helps carry and support our message.  Share the blog with your Boards or Commissions, your state and local representatives as well as your federal delegation; it is a well written, explanatory statement of a very complicated issue and brings New England’s message to the forefront.  

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See first hand what the power of working together can do!

Sharon A. Staz
Chair, NEPPA Legislative Committee