The NEPPA Lineworkers' Rodeo is Back!

On September 11 and 12, NEPPA will be resurrecting the Annual Lineworkers’ Rodeo at the training center in Littleton. This will be a continuation of the rodeo that was so graciously hosted by the Burlington Electric Department from 1999 to 2005. While we can’t deliver the great views and spectacular venue that was enjoyed in Burlington, the spirit of the event will remain unchanged. There will be competition, camaraderie, and fun for all those who attend.

The rodeo is based on the International Lineman’s Rodeo, and will feature three-member teams competing in six events. The events are designed to showcase the lineworkers’ skills and safe working procedures. It is an excellent exhibition for spectators to witness the various tasks that may be performed by lineworkers over the course of their careers. Performance is judged on completing the events in a safe and efficient manner; speed is considered only as a tiebreaker. The emphasis is always on safety, as it is in our everyday work practices. Unlike work, however, the rodeo is intended to be fun!

Many fond memories have been made at the rodeo, and at the same time, valuable insight has been gained as well. Dave Schofield, manager of the Georgetown Light Department states: "As a competitor in this event, I had a great time. It allowed me to network with other public power linemen while putting my skills to the test against some stiff competition. As a manager, I can appreciate the value the rodeo represents as a great training and information-sharing tool for the crews."

Whether you are a lineman looking to test your abilities against your peers, a supervisor looking for an exciting day of observing some skilled lineworkers plying their trade, or just interested in seeing what lineworkers do on a daily basis, keep September 11 and 12 open on your calendar!

To register a team, volunteer or be a judge, please go here!