Baseball for the Benevolent Fund Winners and Golf Winners
Baseball for the Benevolent Fund
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1st Prize: Brian Forshaw, CMEEC
2nd Prize: Tim Houton, Steve Gilchrist
Brian Forshaw then re-donated his prize to benefit the Benevolent Fund, and it was auctioned off at the dinner Tuesday night. Deirdre Lawrence was the highest bidder at $280.
Total generated for the Benevolent Fund was $865! Thank you to all our members!
Golf Winners:
1st Place: Tzimorangas, Bottigi, Gilmore, Cameron
2nd Place: Viggiano, Edwards, Soden, Fedor-Soden
3rd Place: Folding, Zahner, Kelley, McCarthy
4th Place: Camardese, Myette, MacDonald, Bonner
Last Place: Gove, Pollart, Kaminski, Parenteau
Closest to the Pin, Hole #2: Jane Parenteau
Closet to the Pin, Hole #5: Jeff Evans-Mongeon
Long Drive, Men's: Elliot Bonner
Long Drive, Women's: Sarah Lohmeyer
Putting Contest: Chuck Clinch
Guess the # of tees: Dave Camardese
Hole in One: no winners!