On Friday, November 7, NEPPA will conduct its most important business day of the year. The first Friday in every November NEPPA conducts its Annual Membership Meeting. Why is it the most important day of the year? It is like 3rd Quarter Report Card day for those of you who have kids. We will attempt to explain how we performed in 2014 and decide on our course of actions for 2015.

If you are an active member of NEPPA you really need to attend this one-day meeting!

This year in addition to hearing about our 2014 operational, political and financial performances, you will hear about some very important changes:

All of these important and exciting developments are going to be presented to you, the members, to review and in some cases vote to approve. They are essential to who we are as a community. Almost 50 years ago members of the public power community came together to create a home. Their goal was simple: create a place where the burdens of training, common threats and mutual assistance can be more easily managed.  For 49 years this has been done and Friday is your opportunity to uphold that tradition of participating and representing your interests.

Registration opens at 9 a.m. and I expect to see all of you exercising your say in the organization. Please RSVP to Colleen at cdelsignore@neppa.org. For those first-timers to the Training Center, tours will be provided. I look forward to seeing you.