APPA Legislative Rally Recap!

Over 20 New England public power representatives attended the 2015 American Public Power Association legislative rally in March.  We called upon 14 congressional offices, attended committee briefings, and many of us were intrigued to hear Robert Woodward share his perspectives on people, places and politics!

The New England delegation met with staff members of the House representatives because the House was on recess.  From what I heard and experienced, the staff members were receptive and engaged in our discussions on our areas of concern.  Not having any specific requests for action didn’t seem to deter the emphasis we all made on how the New England market just isn’t working on behalf of the consumer who, after all, should be everyone’s concern.  Thanks to good talking points and information sharing among ourselves with data input from Steve Kaminski and Brian Forshaw, the congressional staff members heard our points and stand ready to assist NEPPA in working to reform the existing market constructs.

The Senate was in session and many members of NEPPA met with one or more of the Senators from their respective states.  During these sessions, staff and the Senators got engaged in our discussion of the dysfunctional New England market.  These offices as well have indicated that they are prepared to work with NEPPA on market reform and one Senator from New Hampshire stated "perhaps we need a legislative fix."  This statement reflects in some measure how far NEPPA has come in terms of members of the delegation trusting our concerns and knowing that we represent the consumer first and foremost.  These visits are critical to getting New England’s messages front and center with the members of our delegation.  

The Legislative Committee will continue to work with all these offices and assist members in getting information and answers to their representatives as well.  Morgan Meguire staff members have already provided follow-up to several offices.  The recent meeting with FERC Commissioner LaFleur spearheaded by Rep. Kennedy of Massachusetts is clearly indicative of engagement on the part of members of the New England delegation regarding the high cost of energy to New England customers in this current market.