Tuesday, January 26, was a full day of seminars sponsored by CRA, MATRA (Mid-Atlantic Tent Renters Association Inc.) and SAIA (Scaffold & Access Industry Association).
8:30 am – 10:30 am: Understanding, focusing and implementing a strategy for your business growth. Tom Garrity, a certified coach with Gazelles International (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits), conducted a two-hour workshop that delivered tips on developing business direction, growth, financial success, and a business legacy.
10:45 am – 12:00 pm: Secrets to Social Media Success. Leah Sadowski, the owner of LMS Agency Inc., a San Diego-based multi-platform boutique agency that specializes in digital marketing and social media, presented a session on innovative marketing solutions. The session included common mistakes in today’s social media arena, how to leverage different social strategies while generating buzz and creating brand awareness.
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Permits and Codes. Jim Erickson, Las Vegas Fire Marshall, discussed permits and codes, current code proposals, and establishing relationships with building officials in a panel discussion about common problems in these areas.
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Scaffold User Hazard Awareness Training. This class was designed to help the scaffold user recognize the hazards on various types of scaffold. The presentation explored a number of hazards to which the end-user could be exposed and helps them identify and rectify these situations.
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm: Tent Installation Session: Basic Tenting, Site Survey, Frame Tent Installation. This session included classroom instruction and hands-on training with a frame tent. It also included a review of tent styles and sizes, tent terminology, tent safety, surveying sites, and learning about the latest techniques for safe tent installation.
3:15 pm – 4:30 pm: Why Search Engine Optimization Is So Important. Speaker Rick Simmons, Simmons On Line Solutions, a digital marketing advisor, described how the way people buy products and services has changed dramatically, but the way things are sold still lags behind. Rick discussed websites and what is important to make them perform to peak possibilities, including search engine optimization.
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