Chiropractic Register Newsletter RSS Feed. en-us Copyright 2024 9/26/2024 10:41:30 PM 20 TCA Launches Inaugural Texas Sports Chiropractic Conference This Fall at TCC <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Sports have always been huge in Texas. TCA, in conjunction with <a href=" " target="_blank">Southeast Sports Seminars</a>, is launching the <span class="" style="font-weight: bold;">2017 Texas Sports Chiropractic Conference </span>on<span class="" style="font-weight: bold;"> September 29-October 1</span> at Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena. Earn all 16 CE hours toward your Texas license and increase your knowledge of sports chiropractic. </p> 6/28/2017 8:13:20 AM;view=article&amp;id=3342:tca-launches-inaugural-texas-sports-chiropractic-conference-this-fall-at-tcc&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=257 TCA Member Issues 100 x $100 Challenge to Benefit CDI <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Because of your generous contributions over the past year, the 85<sup class="">th</sup><span class="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px;"> Texas Legislative Session was TCA&rsquo;s most productive in decades. </span>Unfortunately, the fight is far from over. It will take $100,000 in legal fees per year, every year to appeal the lawsuits filed by TMA. TCA member Dr. James Fowler is challenging all DCs to participate in the <strong class="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px;">100 x $100 Challenge</strong>! Donate $100 a month to the <a href="" target="_blank">Chiropractic Development Initiative</a>&nbsp;(CDI) over the next three years or make a one-time donation of $2,500. </p> 6/29/2017 2:17:33 PM;view=article&amp;id=3354:tca-member-issues-100-x--100-challenge-to-benefit-cdi&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 TCA to Host New Doc Seminar July 14 at TCC Convention in The Woodlands <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Back by popular demand, the Texas Chiropractic Association is hosting the New Doc Seminar on Friday, July 14, during Texas Chiropractic College&rsquo;s <span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline-color: initial; outline-style: initial; color: rgb(0, 147, 221);"><a href="" target="_blank">2017 Annual Convention</a></span><span class="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px;"> at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel &amp; Convention Center in The Woodlands. From</span><span class="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px;"> how to launch your chiropractic career, to business/financial/legal considerations, marketing, hiring/office management and much more, it&rsquo;s your opportunity to ask questions of your chiropractic colleagues and learn. TCC students and doctors of all experience levels are invited to attend. Visit TCC&rsquo;s </span><span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline-color: initial; outline-style: initial; color: rgb(0, 147, 221);"><a href="" target="_blank">Convention webpage</a></span><span class="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px;"> to register or find out more about the conference.</span> </p> 6/29/2017 2:28:10 PM;view=article&amp;id=3355:tca-hosting-new-doc-seminar-july-14-at-tcc-convention-in-the-woodlands&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Featured Affinity Partner: Office Depot/OfficeMax <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Get more from your TCA membership by participating in TCA&rsquo;s affinity program with <a href="" target="_blank">Office Depot/OfficeMax</a>. Enjoy significant savings on products and services you use every day. Best part, its completely FREE! No fees, no obligations &ndash; just more money for you! <div> <div>In addition to Office Depot/OfficeMax, you&rsquo;ll find great discounts with more premier suppliers like <a href="" target="_blank">Sterling Talent Solutions</a> (background checks), <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (accounting services) and <a href="" target="_blank">FedEx</a> (express/ground shipping) at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </div> <div>In addition to saving, a percentage of your business will be donated back to TCA to support chiropractic in Texas. Sign up today!</div></div> </p> 6/29/2017 5:03:47 PM;view=article&amp;id=3356:featured-affinity-partner--office-depot-officemax&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 8:14:02 AM Is Chiropractic Care Safe and Effective for Older Adults? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Chiropractic care represents a safe and effective treatment alternative for older adults, according to evidence-based recommendations published in the May issue of the <span class="" style="font-style: italic;">Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics</span>. </p> 6/28/2017 8:27:35 AM;view=article&amp;id=3348:is-chiropractic-care-safe-and-effective-for-older-adults-&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 The Biopsychosocial Model and Chiropractic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />There is an increasing acceptance of the biopsychosocial (BPS) model by all health care professionals. Biological influences are an important component of health and disease, particularly in the area of spine care and pain management. Appreciation of the psychological and social aspects of patient care carries significance as well and should not be overlooked.</p> 6/28/2017 8:28:22 AM;view=article&amp;id=3347:the-biopsychosocial-model-and-chiropractic&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 It Bears Repeating: 85th Legislative Session TCA Recap <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />In Texas&rsquo; 85<span class="" style="vertical-align: super; font-size: smaller;">th</span> Legislative Session, 6,631 bills were filed and only 1,211 bills passed (the fewest in 20 years). The Chiropractic profession fared exceptionally well this legislative session.</p> 6/28/2017 8:29:34 AM;view=article&amp;id=3340:85th-legislative-session-tca-recap&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 8:30:12 AM Leg Pain Location and Neurological Signs Relate to Outcomes <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />It is unclear whether leg pain location above or below the knee and the presence of neurological signs are important in primary care patients. The objectives of this study were to explore whether the four Quebec Task Force categories based on the location of pain and on neurological signs are associated with outcome.</p> 6/28/2017 12:40:46 PM;view=article&amp;id=3346:leg-pain-location-and-neurological-signs-relate-to-outcomes&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Individual Expectation, a Pertinent, Factor in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />The current literature suggests expectation is an influential component of clinical outcomes related to musculoskeletal pain. The purpose of the clinical perspective reported here is to highlight the potential role of expectation in the clinical outcomes. </p> 6/28/2017 12:41:35 PM;view=article&amp;id=3345:individual-expectation--a-pertinent--factor-in-the-treatment-of-musculoskeletal-pain&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Eating Fish May Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Eating fish may help reduce joint pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, according to a new study.</p> 6/28/2017 12:42:19 PM;view=article&amp;id=3344:eating-fish-may-ease-rheumatoid-arthritis&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 12:43:19 PM New Medicare ABN Form Required <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />The government has issued new ABN forms. You must now use the newly dated form. It became effective June 21, 2017. </p> 6/28/2017 12:44:01 PM;view=article&amp;id=3240:take-note--new-medicare-abn-form-required&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 12:45:41 PM Frequently Asked Questions of the TBCE: Acupuncture <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />The Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) offers an FAQ relating to acupuncture in Texas. </p> 6/28/2017 8:20:27 AM;view=article&amp;id=3352:frequently-asked-questions-of-the-tbce--acupuncture&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 EVENT: Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar, Mid-September In Texas <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Support the ongoing battle for chiropractic in Texas and earn valuable continuing education hours at an upcoming seminar sponsored by TCA Gold Sponsor <a href="" target="_blank">Foot Levelers</a>&nbsp;for the Texas Chiropractic Association. The <span class="" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar Benefiting the Fight for Chiropractic in Texas</span> coming up <span class="" style="font-weight: bold;">Sept. 16-17</span>&nbsp;in San Antonio. </p> 6/28/2017 8:23:22 AM;view=article&amp;id=3305:footlevelers&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=256 Did You Know: An Obligation to Report Child Abuse <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />A DC who, in the normal course of official duties has direct contact with children, has an obligation to report child abuse or neglect, either actual or suspected. A new law updates some of the definitions relating to abuse.</p> 6/28/2017 8:21:25 AM;view=article&amp;id=3351:did-you-know--an-obligation-to-report-child-abuse&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Check Out the <i>Texas Journal of Chiropractic</i> Spring Issue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Check out the articles in this issue of TJOC, t<span class="" style="font-style: italic;">he changing face of chiropractic.</span> </p> 6/28/2017 8:22:18 AM Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 8:24:29 AM Get Ready for New Medicare Cards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Medicare is taking steps to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. CMS will issue new Medicare cards with a new unique, randomly-assigned number called a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) to replace the existing Social Security-based Health Insurance Claim Number starting in April 2018. All Medicare cards will be replaced by April 2019. </p> 6/28/2017 8:25:19 AM;view=article&amp;id=3350:get-ready-for-new-medicare-cards&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 AMA&rsquo;s New Policies <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Having concluded their annual meeting recently the AMA passed policies that include meeting only in venues that offer gender-neutral restroom facilities; determining if there are laws preventing physicians asking patients if there are guns in the home before booking a meeting in that locale; investigating a public option for the insurance marketplace; reducing sugary drinks and more.</p> 6/28/2017 8:25:57 AM;view=article&amp;id=3349:ama-s-new-policies&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/28/2017 8:26:23 AM Obituary: Kurt Brown, DC <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>Obituaries</em></strong><br />After a two year battle with ALS, Dr. Kurt Brown passed away on June 5, 2017 at his home in Graham surrounded by his family. Kurt moved to Graham in 1990 and spent his life as a chiropractor, endeavoring to help those in pain regardless of their ability to pay. </p> 6/28/2017 12:46:23 PM;view=article&amp;id=3343:obituary--kurt-brown--dc&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 President&rsquo;s Message: Celebrate and Follow-through <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 is in the rear view mirror, and it was truly a first-class event. I want to thank everyone who made TCA's convention a resounding success. Enthusiasm filled the air as doctors celebrated the many successes of the 85<sup>th&nbsp;</sup>Texas Legislative Session. It also marked the transition to TCA&rsquo;s new leadership team. I am thrilled to be your new TCA President and honored to serve with Vice President Dr. Devin Pettiet and Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Chad Carpenter. Our collective goal is "follow-through," and we will work very hard to continue the momentum we have created together. </p> 6/15/2017 10:09:13 AM;view=article&amp;id=3336:president-s-message--celebrate-and-follow-through&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Texas Chiropractic Association Recognizes Awards Winners at Annual Gala <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA) recognized some of the state&rsquo;s top doctors of chiropractic at its annual Awards Gala and Celebration at Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. See who received award recognition. </p> 6/15/2017 9:56:41 AM;view=article&amp;id=3325:texas-chiropractic-association-recognizes-awards-winners-at-annual-gala&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 New Leadership Takes TCA Reins <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 wasn&rsquo;t just a celebration of the past year in Texas chiropractic, but it also represented a change in leadership. TCA installed its three executive officers. Max Vige, DC, of League City is the new TCA president, succeeding Tyce Hergert, DC, of Grapevine. Devin Pettiet, DC, of Tomball was appointed as vice president, while Chad Carpenter, DC, of Boerne was named secretary/treasurer.</p> 6/15/2017 4:16:38 PM;view=article&amp;id=3339:new-leadership-takes-tca-reins&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 TCA Honors Sen. Van Taylor as Legislator of the Year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The 85th Texas Legislative Session was TCA&rsquo;s most successful in decades, but it required help from a few friends at the State Capitol. Among them was Sen. Van Taylor of Plano, who was instrumental in the passage of SB 304, known as the Sunset/Diagnosis bill. At Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17, TCA honored Sen. Taylor with its prestigious Legislator of the Year award.&nbsp; </p> 6/15/2017 3:22:31 PM;view=article&amp;id=3338:tca-recognizes-sen--van-taylor-as-legislator-of-the-year&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Chiro College Cup ... It&rsquo;s Parker&rsquo;s Time to Shine! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />In a few short years, the Chiro Cup has become one of the most popular activities at Chiro Texpo. Created to be a friendly competition between the two Texas chiropractic colleges, teams from Parker University and Texas Chiropractic College competed in front of a boisterous crowd of alumni, students, faculty, administrators and other conference attendees for the the third annual Cup. Not as close as the first two, both of which were decided on the final question, Parker prevailed this time, but TCC competed hard. Find out more about this year's Cup! </p> 6/15/2017 3:23:23 PM;view=article&amp;id=3337:chiro-college-cup---it-s-parker-s-time-to-shine-&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 9:56:58 AM TBCE Reports on State Legislation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Recently passed Sunset Legislation, SB 304, extends the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 12 more years and amends certain laws in the Chiropractic Act. Please read the following three important messages regarding these changes, effective on or after Sept 1, 2017. </p> 6/15/2017 10:02:17 AM;view=article&amp;id=3327:tbce-reports-on-state-legislation&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 Chiropractic Wins Big in the Texas Legislative Session <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />It&rsquo;s no secret that this year has seen a most aggressive assault on the chiropractic profession in Texas. The stakes could scarcely have been higher. Losing would have left the profession hamstrung for a generation, but Texas state legislators gave overwhelming support to bills preserving and protecting the rights of our profession. But the battle is not over. There is still a civil suit by the Texas Medical Association challenging the right of chiropractors to evaluate and treat neurological conditions (including subluxations). So the battlefield moves from the statehouse to the courtroom. I encourage you to support the ongoing court battle by donating to the Chiropractic Development Initiative (CDI) at&nbsp;<a href=";d=DwMFAg&amp;c=Gm3BBxc8aT6kWRgL0BN82PxksiHdQKp4W7aI7_AdSxA&amp;r=luqda0WrJW2fdUt2Gxfr-zSKcCewwWvuUAjpDBceCh4&amp;m=88bCwy5HVnHsqaLKks-YdXv2fsPCVfCAoN7sXUYJW-s&amp;s=fv7pvgHQebewDYxfT9o3t-eSNIW5LRj5pyiQK4MbH8I&amp;e="></a>.</p> 6/15/2017 10:03:19 AM;view=article&amp;id=3328:chiropractic-wins-big-in-texas-legislative-session&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 4:25:24 PM New Poll: Rx Painkillers Most Common Treatment for Patients Seeking Care for Back Pain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Did you know some 163.9 million Americans suffer back pain. Of these, 95.1 million will seek healthcare. With over 70 percent of these treated by medical physician, 23.8 million saw their symptoms resolved, 23.8 million saw their symptoms unchanged, and over 38 million saw their symptoms worsen. Did you know that 68.8 million Americans who suffer back pain go without treatment? </p> 6/15/2017 10:04:20 AM;view=article&amp;id=3329:new-poll--rx-painkillers-most-common-treatment-for-patients-seeking-care-for-back-pain&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 SMT Has an Immediate Effect on Thermal Pain Sensitivity in People With LBP <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Current evidence suggests that spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is effective in the treatment of people with low back pain (LBP). The authors of this study concluded that inhibition of temporal summation was observed in participants receiving SMT suggesting a modulation of dorsal horn excitability.</p> 6/15/2017 10:04:58 AM;view=article&amp;id=3334:smt-has-an-immediate-effect-on-thermal-pain-sensitivity-in-people-with-low-back-pain&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Sham Knee Surgery as Good as Knee Surgery? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />After two years of followup, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was no better than sham surgery for patients with degenerative medial meniscal tears and no evidence of knee osteoarthritis.</p> 6/15/2017 10:05:30 AM;view=article&amp;id=3333:sham-knee-surgery-as-good-as-knee-surgery-&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 10:05:49 AM FREE GUIDE: F4CP Announces "A Guide to Local Marketing Success" <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP)&nbsp;announces the launch of <span style="font-style: italic;">A Guide to Local Marketing Success</span>. This guidebook delivers our doctor members the tools and techniques needed to utilize the F4CP material and achieve positive press in the local area. </p> 6/15/2017 10:06:25 AM;view=article&amp;id=3321%3Af4cp-announces--a-guide-to-local-marketing-success-&amp;catid=20%3Asite-content&amp;Itemid=145 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 10:06:45 AM Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 Observations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 was an awesome experience! If you missed this year&rsquo;s celebration of a legislative session that unified and advanced the profession; if you missed the energy, venue, celebrations, fun, games and food... then you missed a milestone of chiropractic history in Texas. Chiro Texpo offered a time for "a victory lap, a moment for Texas chiropractors to celebrate what we&rsquo;ve accomplished." </p> 6/15/2017 9:58:17 AM;view=article&amp;id=3326:chiro-texpo--17-observations&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 EVENT: Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar, Mid-September In Texas <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Support the ongoing battle for chiropractic in Texas and earn valuable continuing education hours at an upcoming seminar sponsored by TCA Gold Sponsor <a href="">Foot Levelers</a>. The<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"> Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar Benefiting the Fight for Chiropractic in Texas </span>is<span style="font-weight: bold;"> Sept. 16-17 </span>at <a href=";source_campaign_id=3605&amp;cmid=88007214&amp;agid=3958224294&amp;search_keyword=parker%2520university&amp;search_type=e&amp;netid=s&amp;adid=74742123534&amp;adpos=1t1&amp;dvt=&amp;ptid=&amp;gclid=COPej--2htQCFQiSaQod2vUJlQ">Parker University</a> in Dallas. </p> 6/15/2017 10:00:01 AM;view=article&amp;id=3305:footlevelers&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=256 85th Legislative Session TCA Recap <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Texas&rsquo; 85<sup>th</sup> Legislative Session came to an end on May 29. While 6,631 bills were filed this session, only 1,211 bills passed. TCA actively pursued six pieces of legislation, three of which were passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott. TCA also worked with Sen. Judith Zaffirini, Sen. Bryan Hughes and Rep. J.D. Sheffield to amend SB 55 (authorizing a study on establishing a patient-reported outcomes registry for musculoskeletal care provided in the ERS and TRS systems) to include chiropractic colleges.</p> 6/15/2017 4:24:09 PM;view=article&amp;id=3340:85th-legislative-session-tca-recap&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 10:00:22 AM Wisconsin Department of Health to Study Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />A committee of the Wisconsin Legislature has approved a provision that would require the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to study best practices in state Medicaid programs using chiropractic and other physical medicine treatments to reduce OTC and prescription medication use.</p> 6/15/2017 10:00:53 AM;view=article&amp;id=3332:wisconsin-department-of-health-to-study-effectiveness-of-chiropractic-care&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 For the First Time, Fewer than Half of Physicians are Independent <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />With the ever growing corporatization of this era, fewer than half of practicing physicians in the U.S. owned their medical practice in 2016. According to a new study, this marks the first time that the majority of physicians are not practice owners. </p> 6/15/2017 10:01:26 AM;view=article&amp;id=3330:for-the-first-time--fewer-than-half-of-physicians-are-independent&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 REMINDER: New Medicare ABN Form Required June 21 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /><span style="font-style: italic;">The government has issued new ABN forms. You must use the new form effective June 21, 2017.</span></p> 6/15/2017 10:07:21 AM;view=article&amp;id=3240:take-note--new-medicare-abn-form-required&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 16, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 6/15/2017 10:01:45 AM President&rsquo;s Message: Chiropractic Victory <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Over the past 12 months, a lot has changed for the chiropractic profession in Texas. It took an army of chiropractors from the Lone Star State and beyond working together to achieve our biggest gains in decades. Most of you have heard about TCA&rsquo;s triumph in the 85<sup>th&nbsp;</sup>Texas Legislative Session, most notably SB 304. The Sunset bill, signed by Gov. Greg Abbott, not only extends the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) until 2029, but it also clarifies diagnosis for all doctors of chiropractic in Texas. You&rsquo;ll find out the implications of this bill, not to mention TCA&rsquo;s other key wins, at&nbsp;<a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, coming up June 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas.</p> 5/31/2017 2:59:27 PM;view=article&amp;id=3320:president-s-message--chiropractic-victory&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Time Running Out to Register for Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />If you still haven&rsquo;t made up your mind to attend TCA&rsquo;s <a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, what are you waiting for? It&rsquo;s not too late to join the 400+ doctors of chiropractic, staff, educators and students already registered for TCA&rsquo;s annual convention June 9-11 at the <a href="">Hyatt Regency Dallas</a>. Good news! You can <a href="">register online</a> through <strong>Monday, June 5.</strong></p> 5/30/2017 8:34:14 AM;view=article&amp;id=3324:time-running-out-to-register-for-chiro-texpo17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 2017: A GOOD Legislative Session for Chiropractic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Three new laws have been signed by the governor that will ensure that chiropractic continues as a licensed profession in Texas, that DCs can easily form partnerships with other medical practitioners and may legally withhold student athletes with concussions from practice or play. </p> 5/30/2017 8:37:06 AM;view=article&amp;id=3318:2017--a-good-legislative-session-for-chiropractic&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/30/2017 8:38:08 AM Elon Musk&rsquo;s Chiropractic Connection <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Elon Musk is an inventor, engineer and entrepreneur who has revolutionized several high-tech industries. He is the CEO and product architect of electric car manufacturer Tesla, as well as the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, one of the leading private aerospace companies. He also has a very strong chiropractic heritage.</p> 5/30/2017 8:46:07 AM;view=article&amp;id=3314:elon-musk-s-chiropractic-connection&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 New Canadian Opioid Guidelines Recommends Chiropractic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />A new Canadian guideline published in the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Canadian Medical Association Journal&nbsp;</span>(CMAJ) strongly recommends considering non-pharmacologic therapy, including chiropractic, in preference to opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain.</p> 5/30/2017 8:46:56 AM;view=article&amp;id=3313:new-canadian-opioid-guidelines-recommends-chiropractic&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 For Bad Backs, It May Be Time to Rethink Biases About Chiropractors <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />About two of every three people will experience significant low back pain. Physicians suggest any number of potential treatments and therapies, but have seldom considered a referral for spinal manipulation. For initial treatment of lower back pain, it is time for physicians to rethink their biases. </p> 5/30/2017 8:47:44 AM;view=article&amp;id=3312:for-bad-backs--it-may-be-time-to-rethink-biases-about-chiropractors&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Physician Medicare Fee Schedule FAQ <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />There are a multitude of questions regarding Medicare and the physician fee schedule. The ACA has created a FAQ providing direct answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.</p> 5/30/2017 8:48:23 AM;view=article&amp;id=3311:physician-medicare-fee-schedule-faq&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/30/2017 8:48:45 AM New Cervical Spine Guidelines Relevant for Chiropractic Practice <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />The Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative has recently published a guideline on neck pain-associated disorders and whiplash-associated disorders in the<span style="font-weight: bold;"> Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics </span>as a quality evidence-based guideline related to cervical spine injury. Its use is recommended in chiropractic practice. </p> 5/30/2017 8:49:43 AM;view=article&amp;id=3310:new-cervical-spine-guidelines-relevant-for-chiropractic-practice&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Are Fitness Trackers Accurate for Clinical Use? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Next-generation activity trackers are wrist-worn trackers measuring heart rate. It is easy to understand their convenience, but their accuracy is questionable. The data supporting clinical use has been lacking. This study offers some insight. </p> 5/30/2017 8:50:14 AM;view=article&amp;id=3309:are-fitness-trackers-accurate-&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/30/2017 8:50:30 AM What You Say Matters <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />Nothing will give your team more confidence than knowing what to say when it comes to communicating with patients in your office. Not only does it improve customer service and efficiency, but it can also help you become more compliant. </p> 5/30/2017 8:51:15 AM;view=article&amp;id=3308:what-you-say-matters&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Documentation Protocols for Chiropractic Office Visits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />Documentation is the watchword of our era. Adequate documentation of patient encounters is now an expected part of patient care. The Institute for Chiropractic Ethics offers guidelines for record keeping which may serve to focus your attention on this important aspect of practice. </p> 5/30/2017 8:51:54 AM;view=article&amp;id=3307:documentation-protocols-for-chiropractic-office-visits&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/30/2017 8:52:15 AM Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar, Mid-September In Texas <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Support the ongoing battle for chiropractic in Texas and earn valuable continuing education hours at an upcoming seminar sponsored by TCA Gold Sponsor <a href="">Foot Levelers</a>. The<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"> Foot Levelers Extremities Seminar Benefiting the Fight for Chiropractic in Texas </span>coming up<span style="font-weight: bold;"> Sept. 16-17 </span>at <a href=";source_campaign_id=3605&amp;cmid=88007214&amp;agid=3958224294&amp;search_keyword=parker%2520university&amp;search_type=e&amp;netid=s&amp;adid=74742123534&amp;adpos=1t1&amp;dvt=&amp;ptid=&amp;gclid=COPej--2htQCFQiSaQod2vUJlQ">Parker University</a> in Dallas. </p> 5/30/2017 8:43:35 AM;view=article&amp;id=3305:footlevelers&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=256 Chiropractic Gains Ground During Texas Legislative Session <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 304, continuing the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) and upholding the right of licensed doctors of chiropractic in Texas to diagnose patients. The governor has also signed Senate Bill 679 and House Bill 3024 allowing for increased professional business associations and withholding athletes with concussions from sports. &nbsp;It caps a historic legislative session for the chiropractic profession in Texas.&nbsp; </p> 5/30/2017 12:16:34 PM;view=article&amp;id=3319:chiropractic-gains-ground-during-texas-legislative-session&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 F4CP Announces "A Guide to Local Marketing Success" <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />As an F4CP member, the TCA passes resources along to our members. The F4CP announces the launch of &nbsp;"<span style="font-style: italic;">A Guide to Local Marketing Success</span>" to F4CP doctor members. This guidebook delivers the tools and techniques needed to utilize the F4CP material and achieve positive press in the local area. </p> 6/1/2017 10:55:43 AM;view=article&amp;id=3321%3Af4cp-announces--a-guide-to-local-marketing-success-&amp;catid=20%3Asite-content&amp;Itemid=145 Free Webinar: 4 Ways to Rank Higher on Google <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Don&rsquo;t miss a free webinar from TCA Friend of Chiropractic Sponsor&nbsp;<a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=Chiropractic%20%20-%20Search%20-%20Exact&amp;utm_term=online%20chiro&amp;utm_content=Online%20Chiro%20-%20Brand">Online Chiro</a>,<a href="">Personalize and Rise: 4 Ways To Rank Higher On Google</a>, at 1 p.m. CST Thursday, June 15. Register for this short webinar to learn the strategies that will help your practice get the most out of its website. </p> 6/1/2017 3:30:31 PM;view=article&amp;id=3252:free-webinar--4-ways-to-rank-higher-on-google&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/30/2017 8:43:55 AM FDA Education Blueprint for Health Care Providers Involved in the Management or Support of Patients with Pain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The FDA has issued guidance on pain management. Pain can be categorized and an understanding of these categorizations can help direct therapeutic decisions. Here is how the federal government classifies pain and what it expects.</p> 5/30/2017 8:44:38 AM;view=article&amp;id=3316:fda-education-blueprint-for-health-care-providers-involved-in-the-management-or-support-of-patients-with-pain&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Medicare Overpayments: Mount Sinai Asked to Return $41.9 Million <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 2, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The federal government is getting serious about asking for refunds. It is claiming that the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York was overpaid $41.9 Million and now has 60 days to pay up. </p> 5/30/2017 8:45:19 AM;view=article&amp;id=3315:medicare-overpayments--mount-sinai-asked-to-return--41-9-million&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Chiropractic Sunset Bill Nearing Adoption <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Senate Bill 304, the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners Sunset bill, passed in the Texas House of Representatives. The bill previously cleared the Senate, and now the Senate is expected to vote to concur with the House amendment to the bill. Then it will head to the Gov. Greg Abbott for his signature or veto. This bill extends the regulation of chiropractors by the TBCE until 2029, clarifies that Doctors of Chiropractic diagnose the biomechanical condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system and much more. </p> 5/18/2017 1:14:18 PM;view=article&amp;id=3299:chiropractic-sunset-bill-nearing-adoption&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 President&rsquo;s Message: Let&rsquo;s Celebrate Our Legislative Wins at Chiro Texpo '17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The 85<sup>th </sup>Texas Legislative Session is nearly over and it looks promising for the chiropractic profession. Because of the tenacity and unwavering commitment of Team TCA and our members, SB 304 has successfully passed both the Senate and House. This significant piece of legislation would extend the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) for another 12 years and, more importantly, affirm the right of Texas chiropractors to diagnose.&nbsp;Let&rsquo;s celebrate this win and other victories by joining your colleagues at Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 in Dallas.</p> 5/19/2017 7:28:44 AM;view=article&amp;id=3303:we-re-counting-on-you-to-show-up-for-chiro-texpo--17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 Regular Registration Deadline Coming May 26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /><a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, the chiropractic event of the year in Texas, is only a few weeks away,&nbsp;<strong>June 9-11&nbsp;</strong>at the&nbsp;<a href="">Hyatt Regency Dallas</a>. If you haven&rsquo;t registered yet, what are you waiting for? Whether you need all or some of your 16 CE hours or none, you have plenty of registration options. <a href="">Register now</a>... the regular registration deadline is next week,&nbsp;<strong>Friday, May 26.</strong> </p> 5/19/2017 8:08:18 AM;view=article&amp;id=3304:chiro-texpo--17-regular-registration-deadline-coming-may-26&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Exciting New Sessions Added to Chiro Texpo &lsquo;17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Looking for something different, including ways to grow your practice?&nbsp;<a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, coming up June 9-11 at the&nbsp;<a href="">Hyatt Regency Dallas</a>, has something new for you. Check out these newly added sessions on increasing patient outcomes, Facebook advertising, reaching those not already seeing a DC, and the keys to significant practice growth. </p> 5/18/2017 1:16:05 PM;view=article&amp;id=3300:exciting-new-sessions-added-to-chiro-texpo--17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Make Your Next Hire at Student Career Fair During Chiro Texpo &lsquo;17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Hiring someone you trust isn&rsquo;t easy, but TCA hopes to make it easier. Sign up for the Student Career Fair on Saturday, June 10, during TCA&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>&nbsp;at the&nbsp;<a href="">Hyatt Regency Dallas</a>. Meet new doctors of chiropractic and students from Parker University and Texas Chiropractic College. You can talk about your practice&rsquo;s needs and schedule one-on-one meetings with candidates and try to find the right fit. There&rsquo;s no cost to participate in the Career Fair, although we recommend that you purchase a one-day Texpo pass or a full registration.&nbsp;<a href="">Register online today!</a> </p> 5/18/2017 1:16:49 PM;view=article&amp;id=3301:make-your-next-hire-at-student-career-fair-during-chiro-texpo--17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Join TCA Sponsor ChiroMatrix and Beat Childhood Summer Hunger <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />TCA Silver Sponsor&nbsp;<a href="">ChiroMatrix</a>&nbsp;wants to fight childhood summer hunger by donating 10,000 meals in 10 days to Feeding America. All you have to do is complete a comprehensive website evaluation and demo with ChiroMatrix&rsquo;s online marketing experts by Wednesday, May 31. With each demo, ChiroMatrix will donate 55 meals to Feeding America&#9415;. Plus, ChiroMatrix will increase its donation to a total of 275 meals if you switch your website to iMatrix following your demo.</p> 5/19/2017 9:47:06 AM Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 2:55:34 PM Medicare&rsquo;s Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and Why You Need to Take Action NOW <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />MIPS is now in effect and, in this first year, you have a number of options. &nbsp;You have until October to begin collecting data, or a penalty will be imposed. Everyone will be affected in the next two to three years. </p> 5/16/2017 2:58:42 PM;view=article&amp;id=3294:medicare-s-merit-based-incentive-payment-system-and-why-you-need-to-take-action-now&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Logan Partners to offer Chiropractic care <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Logan University is now partnering with federally qualified community health care providers to provide chiropractic care to the communities they serve. </p> 5/16/2017 2:59:07 PM;view=article&amp;id=3293:logan-partners-to-offer-chiropractic-care&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Capsaicin-Induced Secondary Hyperalgesia and Allodynia Are Reduced by a Single Chiropractic Adjustment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />A single spinal manipulation helped to reduce hyperalgesic effects of inflammation. </p> 5/16/2017 2:59:38 PM;view=article&amp;id=3292:capsaicin-induced-secondary-hyperalgesia-and-allodynia-are-reduced-by-a-single-chiropractic-adjustment&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 2:59:57 PM Reference Values for Human Posture Measurements <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />This study looked at reference values for posture using Postural Assessment Software and concluded that they could be a help in clinical practice. </p> 5/16/2017 3:00:20 PM;view=article&amp;id=3291:reference-values-for-human-posture-measurements&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Energy Drinks are Tied to Cardiac Changes <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Evidence continues to accumulate that caution should be utilized when regularly consuming high-volume energy drinks. </p> 5/16/2017 3:00:41 PM;view=article&amp;id=3290:energy-drinks-are-tied-to-cardiac-changes&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 House Panel Considers OTC Hearing Aids <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Permitting OTC hearing aids is being considered by the federal government for mild to moderate hearing loss. </p> 5/16/2017 3:01:03 PM;view=article&amp;id=3289:house-panel-considers-otc-hearing-aids&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 3:01:18 PM The Formula for Winning at Life is Actually Incredibly Simple <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />This article offers a remarkably sound explanation of the rules for the game of life. &nbsp;Not the board game, the game in which you participate at some level every day. </p> 5/16/2017 3:01:41 PM;view=article&amp;id=3288:the-formula-for-winning-at-life-is-actually-incredibly-simple&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Better billing? Healthcare Can Learn from other Industries <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />With most consumers, even those over 55, desiring self-service online payments why is it that some 75 percent or more in health care are still sending confusing paper statements? </p> 5/16/2017 3:02:12 PM;view=article&amp;id=3287:better-billing--healthcare-can-learn-from-other-industries&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 3:02:56 PM DC Elected to Texas Hospital District Board <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />TCA member Ben Quiroz, DC, won election to the Ector County Hospital District Board. Ector County voters made a statement as they voted out all of the incumbents. Dr. Quiroz, TCA&rsquo;s Membership Committee Chair, ousted his opponent with vote totals of 587-287. TCA asked him about his election experience and what he believes it means for both the hospital he serves and the profession in which he is a leader. </p> 5/18/2017 1:17:25 PM;view=article&amp;id=3302:dc-elected-to-texas-hospital-district-board&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 2:56:35 PM AHCA: House Votes to Repeal and Replace the ACA <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The AHCA has once again been proposed in Congress to replace the ACA healthcare reform act. &nbsp;With amendments, the act has now passed the House of Representatives and is in the Senate. &nbsp;What does this version of the AHCA propose to do? </p> 5/16/2017 2:57:04 PM;view=article&amp;id=3297:ahca--house-votes-to-repeal-and-replace-the-aca&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 AHCA: Physician Groups Oppose AHCA <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Six political physician groups have sent a letter to Congress critical of the AHCA proposal passed in the House of Representatives. </p> 5/16/2017 2:57:31 PM;view=article&amp;id=3296:ahca--physician-groups-oppose-ahca&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 President Trump Creates Accountability Office at VA <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Efforts are underway at the VA to improve accountability, protect whistle-blowers, create a more integrated VA and use professionals from the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps to provide care at underserved VA facilities. &nbsp; </p> 5/16/2017 2:57:58 PM;view=article&amp;id=3295:president-trump-creates-accountability-office-at-va&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 19, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/16/2017 2:58:20 PM Get Training for Your CA, Staff at TCA&rsquo;s Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The front desk is the nerve center of any practice, and must run at optimal efficiency. Get all the answers at <a href="">TCA&rsquo;s Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a> on June 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. <a href="">Register online</a> and bring your entire team with you. Send your chiropractic assistant and staff to <em><span style="font-weight: bold;">The Efficient, Effective and Profitable Front Desk</span></em>, and <em><span style="font-weight: bold;">Maximizing Patient Outcomes through Effective Communication and Patient Education </span></em>taught by Lori W. Allen of <a href="">Profitable Practice Strategies</a>. </p> 5/4/2017 10:59:01 AM;view=article&amp;id=3281:get-training-for-your-ca--staff-at-tca-s-chiro-texpo--17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Legislative Report&ndash;May 5, 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />From bills allowing professional associations for DCs, to continuing the chiropractic profession for 12 more years, a half-dozen bills that are nearing completion in the legislature are updated.</p> 5/5/2017 10:29:10 AM;view=article&amp;id=3283:legislative-report-may-5--2017&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178;view=article&amp;id=3283:legislative-report-may-5--2017&amp;catid May 9 Town Hall Meeting: The Final Countdown, Legislative Session Update <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The countdown is on ... only four weeks are left in the 85<sup>th </sup>Texas Legislative Session, the biggest for the chiropractic profession in decades. Join TCA President Dr. Tyce Hergert, and TCA&rsquo;s lobbyists, Kaden Norton and Josh Massingill, at <span style="font-weight: bold;">7:30 p.m. CT on Tuesday, May 9, </span>for an up-to-the-minute update on the&nbsp;<span style="font-weight: bold;"><a href=";eas=1&amp;msid=&amp;auid=&amp;mailingid=572468&amp;messageid=572468&amp;databaseid=572468&amp;serial=16831218&amp;;userid=75616&amp;targetid=&amp;fl=&amp;mvid=&amp;extra=&amp;&amp;&amp;2063&amp;&amp;&amp;">TCA Virtual Town Hall Meeting, </a><span style="font-style: italic;"><a href=";eas=1&amp;msid=&amp;auid=&amp;mailingid=572468&amp;messageid=572468&amp;databaseid=572468&amp;serial=16831218&amp;;userid=75616&amp;targetid=&amp;fl=&amp;mvid=&amp;extra=&amp;&amp;&amp;2064&amp;&amp;&amp;">The Final Countdown &ndash; 2017 Texas Legislative Session Update</a>. </span></span>Find out the latest on the Sunset bill (SB 304), which could impact your right to diagnose. Get a full report on TCA&rsquo;s core bills and others that could directly impact the future of chiropractic. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><a href=";eas=1&amp;msid=&amp;auid=&amp;mailingid=572468&amp;messageid=572468&amp;databaseid=572468&amp;serial=16831218&amp;;userid=75616&amp;targetid=&amp;fl=&amp;mvid=&amp;extra=&amp;&amp;&amp;2065&amp;&amp;&amp;">REGISTER NOW</a>.</span> </p> 5/4/2017 3:38:43 PM;view=article&amp;id=3253:may-9-town-hall-meeting--the-final-countdown--legislative-session-update&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Legislation Would Include Chiropractors in the U.S. Public Health Service <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Congressional House Bill 2202 by Rep. Gene Green of Texas calls for the appointment of doctors of chiropractic as officers in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. The bill would also require the appointment of no fewer than six chiropractors to the Commissioned Corps.</p> 5/4/2017 11:01:39 AM;view=article&amp;id=3279:legislation-would-include-chiropractors-in-the-u-s--public-health-service&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:23:58 AM ACA Pediatrics Council Invites Doctors, Students to Enter Research Competition <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />The ACA Pediatrics Council has announced a research competition for all DCs and chiropractic students. A narrative literature review on a topic of their choice related to pediatric chiropractic care is solicited. Prize money totaling $2500 has been contributed by NCMIC. </p> 5/2/2017 11:36:00 AM;view=article&amp;id=3278:aca-pediatrics-council-invites-doctors--students-to-enter-research-competition&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Manipulation Peak Forces Across Spinal Regions for Children <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />This study created a database of manipulation treatment force variability as a function of the intent of an experienced clinician.</p> 5/2/2017 11:36:33 AM;view=article&amp;id=3269:manipulation-peak-forces-across-spinal-regions-for-children&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 A Qualitative Study of Expectations Over Time Among Chronic Low Back Pain Patients Seeking CAM Therapies <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />This study used data from a larger study to develop a valid expectancy questionnaire for use with participants starting new CAM therapies. It examined how participants&rsquo; expectations of treatment changed over the course of a therapy.</p> 5/2/2017 11:37:04 AM;view=article&amp;id=3270:a-qualitative-study-of-expectations-over-time-among-chronic-low-back-pain-patients-seeking-cam-therapies&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:37:37 AM Support Breastfeeding Moms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />There is a recent trend to declare breastfeeding is not "natural." Pediatricians have established guidelines, however, to recommend breastfeeding for six months to one year, or longer as is desired.</p> 5/2/2017 11:38:37 AM;view=article&amp;id=3266:support-breastfeeding-moms&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Low Vitamin D Tied to CV Problems in Kids <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Kids who are vitamin D deficient had significantly higher atherogenic lipids and markers of early cardiovascular disease compared with those who were not.</p> 5/2/2017 11:39:14 AM;view=article&amp;id=3267:low-vitamin-d-tied-to-cv-problems-in-kids&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 FDA Clears Noninvasive Device for Episodic Cluster Headache <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />A new"noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation device to treat episodic cluster headache" has been approved by the FDA. </p> 5/2/2017 11:34:10 AM;view=article&amp;id=3268:fda-clears-noninvasive-device-for-episodic-cluster-headache&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:39:32 AM Self-Paced QPP Education for Small, Rural and Underserved Practices <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />Want to know more about Medicare&rsquo;s Quality Payment Program? CMS has created seven short educational videos available on YouTube.</p> 5/2/2017 11:40:06 AM;view=article&amp;id=3271:self-paced-qpp-education-for-small--rural-and-underserved-practices&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Location, Location, Location <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />What is the driving factor behind the use of unneeded tests? Provider type? Specialty? Nope. It is the location of the practice. Those that are hospital-based request low-value care such as expensive imaging, unneeded tests and referrals to other specialists more frequently than others. </p> 5/2/2017 11:40:39 AM;view=article&amp;id=3264:location--location--location&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:41:03 AM TBCE Answers Questions on Acupuncture <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />The TBCE recently published FAQs regarding the use of acupuncture in chiropractic practice. Take note of the training required before you are permitted to perform or advertise the performance of acupuncture or dry needling. Also, take note that Texas chiropractic scope prohibits the direct treatment of or advertising the treatment of systems or conditions that fall outside the musculoskeletal system and subluxation complex. Be careful what you advertise. </p> 5/4/2017 11:04:29 AM;view=article&amp;id=3280:tbce-answers-questions-on-acupuncture&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 What Makes Texas State Politics Unique? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Texas politics is unique. Low pay for legislators may discourage middle-class citizens from seeking state office, attracting particularly elite or poor segments of society, rather than a diverse population. Campaigning for government office in Texas is slanted toward the well-off and is likely to include members of the medical profession. </p> 5/2/2017 11:27:40 AM;view=article&amp;id=3277:what-makes-texas-state-politics-unique-&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 LAST CHANCE! Call for Keeler Award Nominations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Nominations for the 2017 Keeler Plaque are due by May 17. The Keeler Plaque is the Texas Chiropractic Association&rsquo;s award designating the Chiropractor of the year. </p> 5/2/2017 11:28:12 AM;view=article&amp;id=1173:call-for-keeler-award-nominations&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 LAST CHANCE! Call for Nominations for Young Chiropractor of the Year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Deadline for nominations for the 2017 Young Chiropractor of the Year is May 17. Those under 40 years of age, or fewer than 10 years in chiropractic practice, qualify. </p> 5/2/2017 11:28:58 AM;view=article&amp;id=1174:call-for-nominations-for-young-chiropractor-of-the-year&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:29:58 AM Goodbye ACA, Hello AHCA? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The American Health Care Act (AHCA) has advanced, potentially to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted to repeal and replace the ACA. More than symbolic, AHCA dismantles most of the ACA, a controversial health insurance law passed in 2010. </p> 5/4/2017 2:43:29 PM;view=article&amp;id=3282:good-bye-aca--hello-ahca-&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Proposed Massive Tax Cut. Here&rsquo;s What You Need to Know. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Tax cuts may be in our future. Learn about President Trump&rsquo;s proposals. </p> 5/2/2017 11:30:32 AM;view=article&amp;id=3276:proposed-massive-tax-cut--here-s-what-you-need-to-know-&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Coming Soon: MIPS Participation Status Letter <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />CMS has announced that notification regarding MIPS will be shortly forthcoming to clinicians.</p> 5/2/2017 11:31:04 AM;view=article&amp;id=3273:coming-soon--mips-participation-status-letter&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Nurse Becomes First Non-Physician Surgeon General <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has stepped down at the request of President Trump. The interim Surgeon General is a nurse, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, marking the first surgeon general who is not a medical physician.</p> 5/2/2017 11:31:55 AM;view=article&amp;id=3274:nurse-becomes-first-non-physician-surgeon-general&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Medicare Urged to Look Harder at Value of Services Provided <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has suggested that spending on"low-value" care (services that don&rsquo;t help patients or actually do them harm, e.g., unnecessary tests) be curtailed. On the list is imaging for nonspecific low-back pain. </p> 5/2/2017 11:32:45 AM;view=article&amp;id=3275:medicare-urged-to-look-harder-at-value-of-services-provided&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Court Grants Summary Judgment ERISA Lawsuit Against UnitedHealth Group Inc. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />A District Court has determined that UnitedHealth Group wrongfully failed to pay providers for providing covered health services, and that it then compounded this misconduct by using the money it saved to repay itself for alleged overpayments. Plaintiffs allege that this type of "cross-plan offsetting" violates ERISA. The court agreed. </p> 5/2/2017 11:33:32 AM;view=article&amp;id=3265:court-grants-summary-judgment-erisa-lawsuit-against-unitedhealth-group-inc-&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 5, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 5/2/2017 11:35:22 AM Legislative Report: April 20, 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />There are only a handful of weeks left in the Texas legislative session. Three bills&mdash;HB 3024, HB 1649 and HB 3206&mdash;have been passed by committee and are in the calendars committee to be scheduled for house consideration. One bill pertains to permitting a DC to remove a student athlete suspected of having a concussion from UIL activity. Another would prevent insurance companies from extrapolating from insurance claim audits and applying results to other claims. The final bill would authorize DCs to serve on the Combative Sports Advisory Board at the Department of Licensing and Regulation.</p> 4/21/2017 8:20:55 AM;view=article&amp;id=3254:legislative-report--april-20--2017&amp;catid=25:legislative-news&amp;Itemid=172 Chiropractic Legend Dan Murphy Headlines Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 Line-Up <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />We are proud to welcome the legendary Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO, as a featured speaker at <a href="">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, TCA&rsquo;s annual convention on June 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. With nearly four decades of practice experience, Dr. Murphy has taught more than 1,600 continuing education seminars in the U.S. and around the world, he is a prolific author and has won numerous awards. At Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17, Dr. Murphy will present three sessions: <em><span style="font-weight: bold;">Concepts on Prolonging the Health Span </span></em>(4 CE hours) &ndash; Sponsored by <a href="">Nutri-West of Texas</a>; <strong>Practical Applications for Low-Level Laser Hormesis </strong>(4 CE hours) &ndash; Sponsored by <a href="">Erchonia</a>; and <strong>Understanding Whiplash Mechanics and the Relationship with Minor Impact Collisions </strong>(2 CE hours). Don&rsquo;t miss this opportunity to hear one of the profession&rsquo;s premier speakers! </p> 4/20/2017 11:19:15 AM;view=article&amp;id=3251:chiropractic-legend-dan-murphy-headlines-chiro-texpo--17-line-up&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Free Webinar: 4 Ways to Rank Higher on Google <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />With nearly a billion websites on the internet today, the competition for top rankings on Google is fierce.&nbsp;<a href="">Register now</a>&nbsp;for this short webinar to learn the strategies that will help your practice get the most out of its website and bring more new patients to the door. Don&rsquo;t miss the free webinar from TCA Friend of Chiropractic Sponsor&nbsp;<a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=Chiropractic%20%20-%20Search%20-%20Exact&amp;utm_term=online%20chiro&amp;utm_content=Online%20Chiro%20-%20Brand">Online Chiro</a>,<a href="">Personalize and Rise: 4 Ways To Rank Higher On Google</a>, at 1 p.m. CST Tuesday, April 25. </p> 4/20/2017 11:25:06 AM;view=article&amp;id=3252:free-webinar--4-ways-to-rank-higher-on-google&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 FDA Advisers Negative on OTC Combos <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Here is some news to share with the public. Two FDA advisory committees have declared that over-the-counter (OTC) analgesic-antacid combinations are not a "rational" treatment for minor stomach issues. Members also expressed concern about using OTC products to treat hangovers. </p> 4/17/2017 2:24:55 PM;view=article&amp;id=3250:fda-advisers-negative-on-otc-combos&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Age-Based Testing of Physician Competence Stirs Controversy <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Studies published in JAMA have demonstrated "the preponderance of evidence suggests that physicians have a limited ability to accurately self-assess." Because of this questionable judgement, there is a movement arising to call for mandatory assessment of older physicians.</p> 4/17/2017 2:25:35 PM;view=article&amp;id=3249:age-based-testing-of-physician-competence-stirs-controversy&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:26:16 PM JAMA &ndash; Spinal Manipulation: Modest Benefit in Acute Low Back Pain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /><span style="font-style: italic;">The Journal of the American Medical Association</span> adds to a growing body of recent research supporting the use of spinal manipulative therapy as a first-line treatment for acute low back pain. Researchers found that spinal manipulation was associated with statistically significant improvements in pain and function for up to six weeks with no serious adverse side effects. </p> 4/17/2017 2:32:10 PM;view=article&amp;id=3245:spinal-manipulation--modest-benefit-in-acute-low-back-pain&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Veterans Choice Program: An Update <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Doctors of chiropractic treating veterans through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs&rsquo; Veterans Choice Program (VCP) have been receiving letters that the VCP is scheduled to expire, however, with an additional $1 billion in dedicated funding remaining in the program, legislation was introduced to eliminate the August 2017 sunset date. </p> 4/17/2017 2:33:34 PM;view=article&amp;id=3244:veterans-choice-program--an-update&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:33:55 PM Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain Differ from Younger Adults <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />This study found small baseline differences in older people with chronic LBP compared to middle-aged and younger adults. Older adults present with slightly less intense low back pain but slightly more intense leg pain. </p> 4/17/2017 2:34:48 PM;view=article&amp;id=3243:older-adults-with-chronic-low-back-pain-differ-from-younger-adults&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Core Competencies of the Certified Pediatric Doctor of Chiropractic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Want to know what is expected of a chiropractic pediatrician? The purpose of this study was to develop an outline of the minimum core competencies expected from a certified pediatric doctor of chiropractic.</p> 4/17/2017 2:35:44 PM;view=article&amp;id=3242:core-competencies-of-the-certified-pediatric-doctor-of-chiropractic&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:36:07 PM Scientific Research Needs Oversight <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />A recent report encourages improved management of scientific research, calling for all involved in performing, managing, funding, and communicating research to commit to improving practices. </p> 4/17/2017 2:36:50 PM;view=article&amp;id=3241:scientific-research-needs-oversight&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 TAKE NOTE: New Medicare ABN Form Required <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />Take note that the government has issued new ABN forms. Nothing has really changed on the form but the expiration date, but you must use the new form effective June 21, 2017.</p> 4/17/2017 2:37:27 PM;view=article&amp;id=3240:take-note--new-medicare-abn-form-required&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Telligen Chosen to Provide Support for Small Practices in CMS Quality Payment Program <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />A contract has been awarded to a "Best Practices Academy" to help small practices in several northern states to prepare for the new quality payment program of MACRA.</p> 4/17/2017 2:37:59 PM;view=article&amp;id=3239:telligen-chosen-to-provide-support-for-small-practices-in-cms-quality-payment-program&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:38:22 PM May 4 Town Hall Meeting: The Final Countdown, Legislative Session Update <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />The countdown is on ... only five weeks are left in the 85<sup>th </sup>Texas Legislative Session, the biggest for the chiropractic profession in decades. Join TCA President Dr. Tyce Hergert, and TCA&rsquo;s lobbyists, Kaden Norton and Josh Massingill, at <strong>7:30 p.m. CST on </strong><strong>Thursday, May 4, </strong>for an up-to-the-minute update on next month&rsquo;s <strong><a href="">TCA Virtual Town Hall Meeting, </a></strong><em><span style="font-weight: bold;"><a href="">The Final Countdown &ndash; 2017 Texas Legislative Session Update</a>. </span></em>Find out the latest on the Sunset bills (SB 304 and HB 2547), which could impact your right to diagnose. Get a full report on TCA&rsquo;s core bills and others that could directly impact the future of chiropractic. <strong><a href="">REGISTER NOW</a>.</strong> <div>&nbsp;</div> </p> 4/20/2017 11:22:20 AM;view=article&amp;id=3253:may-4-town-hall-meeting--the-final-countdown--legislative-session-update&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Call for Keeler Award Nominations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;">Nominations for the 2017 Keeler Plaque are due by </span><span style="font-weight: bold;">May 17</span>. The Keeler Plaque is the Texas Chiropractic Association&rsquo;s award designating the Chiropractor of the year. </p> 4/17/2017 2:27:54 PM;view=article&amp;id=1173:call-for-keeler-award-nominations&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Call for Nominations for Young Chiropractor of the Year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Deadline for nominations for the 2017 Young Chiropractor of the Year is May 17. For those who are under 40 years of age, or fewer than 10 years in chiropractic practice.</p> 4/17/2017 2:28:47 PM;view=article&amp;id=1174:call-for-nominations-for-young-chiropractor-of-the-year&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:29:04 PM Nationalized Health Care Report <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Recently, House Republicans and the Trump Administration withdrew their bill to replace the Affordable Care Act when it became clear that they had not garnered enough votes to pass the controversial measure. Here is a compilation of news reports explaining the ill fated American Health Care Act. </p> 4/17/2017 2:29:39 PM;view=article&amp;id=3248:nationalized-health-care-report&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 ACP Aims to Reduce Administrative Burden on Docs <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />An avalanche of paperwork may be destroying the doctor-patient relationship and driving some doctors out of practice. The American College of Physicians is demanding an end to it. </p> 4/17/2017 2:30:05 PM;view=article&amp;id=3247:acp-aims-to-reduce-administrative-burden-on-docs&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Presidential Executive Order on Opioid Epidemic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The newly signed Presidential executive order notes that "it shall be the policy of the executive branch to combat the scourge of drug abuse, addiction, and overdose (drug addiction), including opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose (opioid crisis)." It further describes this as a public health crisis, and calls for reporting on best practices for addiction prevention, including healthcare provider education.</p> 4/17/2017 2:30:57 PM;view=article&amp;id=3246:presidential-executive-order&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 21, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/17/2017 2:31:20 PM Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 Registration Open <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Patch Adams is going to be at TCA&rsquo;s <a href="">Chiro Texo &rsquo;17</a>, not to mention several hundred doctors of chiropractic from Texas and surrounding states. Will you be there? <div> <div>Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17, the chiropractic event of the year in Texas, is coming up June 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. Adams, the inspiration behind the 1998 film, will headline an elite line-up of speakers that includes Dan Murphy, DC.<a href=";view=mc&amp;mcid=form_236621">Register online</a> or call the TCA office at (512) 477-9292.</div></div> </p> 4/6/2017 1:54:15 PM;view=article&amp;id=3217:patch-adams-to-headline-tca-s-chiro-texpo--17-line-up&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Legislative report, April 6, 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />On Wednesday, April 5th, Senate Bill 304, the Sunset bill for the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, passed the Texas Senate unanimously. The bill clarifies that the practice of chiropractic includes the authority of Doctors of Chiropractic to diagnose the biomechanical condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, and other positive results. SB 304 has been sent to the Texas House of Representatives, where it will likely be considered in the next few weeks. </p> 4/7/2017 8:37:23 AM;view=article&amp;id=3235:legislative-report--april-6--2017&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Member Benefit: Discounts on Office Products, More <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Sign up today for the <a href="">TCA Savings Program</a> to take advantage of group discounts off products and services you use. In addition to discounts on office products from <a href="">The Office Depot</a>, TCA has negotiated price breaks on background checks through <a href="">Sterling Talent Solutions</a>, accounting services through <a href=""></a> and express/ground shipping with <a href="">FedEx</a>. Contact Member Care at <a href=""></a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;(888) 868-4030.</p> 4/6/2017 1:55:43 PM Fraud Alert: HHS OIG Hotline Telephone Number Used in Scam <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The HHS OIG Hotline telephone number is being used as part of a telephone spoofing scam targeting individuals throughout the country. Scammers represent themselves as HHS OIG Hotline employees. The perpetrator may use various tactics to obtain or verify the victim's personal information, which can then be used to steal money from an individual's bank account or for other fraudulent activity.</p> 4/6/2017 1:56:55 PM;view=article&amp;id=3231:fraud-alert--hhs-oig-hotline-telephone-number-used-in-scam&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 1:58:10 PM Women, Use Your Voice to Get Ahead <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Women in chiropractic leadership have not been as prevalent as they could be. Here is a brief look at this topic, why it occurs, and some steps to improve the participation of female leaders.</p> 4/6/2017 2:09:59 PM;view=article&amp;id=3222:women--use-your-voice-to-get-ahead&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 DCs and Merchant Mariner Exams <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Closed-minded US Coast Guard medical advisory committee members have closed the possibility that DCs could perform certification examinations for merchant mariners. </p> 4/6/2017 2:10:29 PM;view=article&amp;id=3226:dcs-and-merchant-mariner-exams&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Primary Prevention in Chiropractic Practice: A Systematic Review <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Chiropractors are primarily concerned with musculoskeletal disorders, but they also have a responsibility to deal with primary prevention. This study found that the number of DCs with a positive opinion of primary prevention was greater than the number actually offering these services. Despite the readiness of the profession to offer them, only a small proportion of chiropractic patients consult DCs for primary prevention services.</p> 4/6/2017 2:11:43 PM;view=article&amp;id=3227:primary-prevention-in-chiropractic-practice--a-systematic-review&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 2:31:59 PM Time to Redefine the "Disease" of Obesity? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />The AMA has defined obesity as a disease. Some Canadian experts propose a change to the definition of the disease of obesity to make it more realistic. </p> 4/6/2017 2:33:27 PM;view=article&amp;id=3223:time-to-redefine-the--disease--of-obesity-&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Non-Drug Therapies Found Best for Managing Cancer Fatigue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Exercise and psychological interventions, or a combination of the two, improved cancer-related fatigue during and after primary treatment, whereas pharmaceutical interventions did not. </p> 4/6/2017 2:34:12 PM;view=article&amp;id=3224:non-drug-therapies-found-best-for-managing-cancer-fatigue&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 2:34:37 PM 4CP News: March 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />As an organizational member of the F4CP, the TCA brings you the latest opportunities from the F4CP. Check out the chiropractic press briefing at the National Press Club and the new F4CP button for your website. </p> 4/6/2017 2:35:19 PM;view=article&amp;id=3230:f4cp-news--march-2017&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 2:36:15 PM TBCE Disciplinary Actions and Statistics: March 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />There were 35 disciplinary actions reported by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) since their last reporting. 54 percent were for expired licenses, 26 percent for lack of diligence, failure to respond to the board, or unregistered facilities, 23 percent were for expired facility registration. Almost 63 percent resulted in cease and desist orders, around 20 to 30 percent required further testing, and nearly 9 percent received either a $250 or a $1500 fine. </p> 4/6/2017 2:02:42 PM;view=article&amp;id=3234:tbce-disciplinary-actions-and-statistics--march-2017&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 TBCE Actions from Feb. 16, 2017 Meeting <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />A regular meeting of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners was held on February 16, 2017. The Board voted to amend two rules effective June 1, 2017. Rule 78.1 now more clearly distinguishes violations that constitute unprofessional conduct. Rule 78.10(b) reorganizes the violations of the sanctions table into categories based on risk of harm to the public. </p> 4/6/2017 2:04:56 PM;view=article&amp;id=3232:tbce-actions-from-feb--16--2017-meeting&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 TBCE President&rsquo;s Message, March 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />The president of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners shares some important information for you to remember.</p> 4/6/2017 2:05:25 PM;view=article&amp;id=3233:tbce-president-s-message--march-2017&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 Call for Keeler Award Nominations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;">Nominations for the 2017 Keeler Plaque are due by May 17</span>. The Keeler Plaque is the Texas Chiropractic Association&rsquo;s award designating the Chiropractor of the year. </p> 4/6/2017 2:06:20 PM;view=article&amp;id=1173:call-for-keeler-award-nominations&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 2:06:42 PM Nearly 30 percent of Children in the United States Use CAM <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />This study indicates that almost thirty percent of children utilize complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). 24.6 percent of children had some form of pain in the past year, and 21.3 percent of them utilized CAM. Another 8.1 percent without pain conditions utilized CAM.</p> 4/6/2017 2:07:30 PM;view=article&amp;id=3225:nearly-30--of-children-in-the-united-states-use-cam&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 American Healthcare Needs Overhaul <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The United States is poised at a critical juncture in health and healthcare. While policymakers debate national healthcare, the National Academy of Medicine released a report calling for providers to help develop value-based care measures and other suggestions.</p> 4/6/2017 2:08:22 PM;view=article&amp;id=3229:american-healthcare-needs-overhaul&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 ACA House of Delegates Approves, Updates Policies at 2017 Annual Meeting <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The ACA has approved new policy guidelines. They have revised, reaffirmed and retired others.</p> 4/6/2017 2:08:52 PM;view=article&amp;id=3228:aca-house-of-delegates-approves--updates-policies-at-2017-annual-meeting&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 7, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 4/6/2017 2:09:15 PM Patch Adams to Headline TCA&rsquo;s Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 Line-Up <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> <div>Humor and a dash of Hollywood will highlight TCA&rsquo;s <a href=";view=article&amp;id=3214:chiro-texpo--17-registration-open&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=202">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>&nbsp;on June 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas.&nbsp;Patch Adams, who inspired the 1998 film by the same name featuring Robin Williams, is Saturday&rsquo;s headliner. He approaches the issues of personal, community and global health with "zestful exhuberance," according to <span style="font-style: italic;">Time Magazine</span>. Patch is a medical doctor, clown and social activist who has devoted 30 years to helping to change America&rsquo;s healthcare system. Allopathic doctors, doctors of chiropractic, and other practitioners of alternative medicine, work side by side in Patch&rsquo;s model.</div> </p> 3/23/2017 12:57:40 PM;view=article&amp;id=3217:patch-adams-to-headline-tca-s-chiro-texpo--17-line-up&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 TCA Members: Save Off Registration for Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Registration is open for <a href=";view=article&amp;id=3214:chiro-texpo--17-registration-open&amp;catid=20:site-content&amp;Itemid=202">Chiro Texpo &rsquo;17</a>, the chiropractic event of the year in Texas on June 9-11 at the <a href="">Hyatt Regency Dallas</a>. For a limited time, TCA members can take advantage of the special members-only rate of $199 &ndash; a saving of $126 off the regular registration price. Act fast ... this offer is limited to the first 50 members who sign up. You can<a href=";view=mc&amp;mcid=form_236621">&nbsp;register online</a>, complete and return the<a href=""> registration form</a> or call the TCA office at (512) 477-9292.&nbsp; </p> 3/23/2017 12:57:40 PM;view=article&amp;id=3216:tca-members--save-off-registration-for-chiro-texpo--17&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Agency Information Update Request &ndash; Acupuncture Services <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />The Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) is currently updating information regarding use of acupuncture in the practice of chiropractic. Please fill out the form and return it as noted to the TBCE within 10 business days.</p> 3/23/2017 1:13:56 PM;view=article&amp;id=3218:agency-information-update-request---acupuncture-services&amp;catid=28:state-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=175 Click here for more general news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/21/2017 8:17:36 AM Association Between the Type of First Healthcare Provider and the Duration of Financial Compensation for Occupational Back Pain <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Data from a study of over 5500 workers concludes the type of healthcare provider first visited for back pain is a determinant of the duration of financial compensation during the first 5 months following injury. Chiropractic patients experience the shortest duration of compensation, and physiotherapy patients experience the longest. These differences raise concerns regarding the use of physiotherapists as gatekeepers for the worker&rsquo;s compensation system. </p> 3/21/2017 8:23:19 AM;view=article&amp;id=3207:association-between-the-type-of-first-healthcare-provider-and-the-duration-of-financial-compensation-for-occupational-back-pain&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 The Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use and Health Care Expenditures for Back and Neck Problems <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Approximately 75 percent of all complementary and alternative medicine services were rendered by doctors of chiropractic. Adjusted annual medical costs among CAM users was $424 lower for spine-related costs and $796 lower for total health care cost than among non-CAM users. </p> 3/21/2017 8:23:54 AM;view=article&amp;id=3204:the-association-of-complementary-and-alternative-medicine-use-and-health-care-expenditures-for-back-and-neck-problems&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Lobbying Your Legislator <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br />Want to visit with your legislator to share your opinions about your profession? Here are some important pointers to remember. </p> 3/21/2017 8:24:38 AM;view=article&amp;id=3208:lobbying-your-legislator&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Click here for more chiropractic news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Chiropractic News</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/21/2017 8:25:00 AM Mom&rsquo;s Vitamin E Levels Tied to Child's Risk for Asthma <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br />Vitamin E plays a part in children's wheezing, but there are eight isotopes of vitamin E, all which have displayed differing effects on health in human studies. Clinicians should be aware that what is currently labeled in our foods and supplements as vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol is actually any of eight different isoforms. Alpha-tocopherol may not actually be the dominant isoform being provided.&nbsp; </p> 3/21/2017 8:25:40 AM;view=article&amp;id=3206:mom-s-vitamin-e-levels-tied-to-child-s-risk-for-asthma&amp;catid=42:clinical-research&amp;Itemid=220 Click here for more clinical and research news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Clinical & Research</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/23/2017 1:03:02 PM Billing and Coding for Extremity Adjustments <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br />Here are some pointers for coding extremity adjustments.</p> 3/21/2017 8:26:24 AM;view=article&amp;id=3205:billing-and-coding-for-extremity-adjustments&amp;catid=27:insurance-news&amp;Itemid=174 Click here for all of this issue&rsquo;s articles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>Business Development</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/21/2017 8:26:47 AM Legislative Report: March 23, 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />A legislative bill pertaining to the continuation of TBCE has been considered in a senate committee, and a vote by the senate is expected sometime in the next week. &nbsp;A bill to allow DCs to form professional associations with physicians and podiatrists has completed its trek through the Senate and has now arrived in the House of Representatives for consideration. </p> 3/24/2017 9:10:34 AM;view=article&amp;id=3219:legislative-report--march-23--2017relating-to-the-continuation-and-functions-of-the-texas-board-of-chiropractic-examiners-&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Chiropractic Under Siege in Texas: What&rsquo;s Happening and How You Can Help <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />The Chancellor of Palmer College of Chiropractic recognizes the struggle that chiropractic in Texas is facing and encourages Palmer graduates to join TCA in the fight! </p> 3/21/2017 8:18:11 AM;view=article&amp;id=3212:chiropractic-under-siege-in-texas--what-s-happening-and-how-you-can-help&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 Call for Keeler Award Nominations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />You have the opportunity to nominate a TCA member for consideration to receive the Keeler Plaque designating the Chiropractor of the year. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Nominations for the 2017 Keeler Plaque are due by </span><span style="font-weight: bold;">May 17</span>. </p> 3/21/2017 8:19:04 AM;view=article&amp;id=1173:call-for-keeler-award-nominations&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Call for Nominations for Young Chiropractor of the Year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br />Know a DC working hard for the profession who is under 40 years of age, or has fewer than 10 years in chiropractic practice? Why not nominate him or her for the Young Chiropractor of the Year? Deadline for nominations for the 2017 Young Chiropractor of the Year is May 17.</p> 3/21/2017 8:19:47 AM;view=article&amp;id=1174:call-for-nominations-for-young-chiropractor-of-the-year&amp;catid=36:clinical-chiropractic&amp;Itemid=179 Click here for more Texas news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>TEXAS</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/21/2017 8:20:09 AM ACA to be Replaced with AHCA <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />Congressional Republicans have unveiled a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and plan to replace it with the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Want to know what it proposes? Here is a synopsis. </p> 3/21/2017 8:20:47 AM;view=article&amp;id=3211:aca-to-be-replaced-with-ahca&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 NIH Would See Huge Budget Cut Under New Budget <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The National Institutes of Health would absorb a $5.8 billion reduction under President Trump&rsquo;s first budget proposal &mdash; equal to about 19 percent of its current $30.3 billion discretionary budget. The plan "includes a major reorganization" of NIH&rsquo;s 27 institutes and centers and would eliminate a $69.1 million program dedicated to building partnerships between health research institutions in the United States and abroad. </p> 3/21/2017 8:21:34 AM;view=article&amp;id=3210:nih-would-see-huge-budget-cut-under-new-budget&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Senate Confirms Verma to Head CMS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br />The Senate voted 55-43 to confirm Seema Verma as administrator of the Centers for Medicare &amp; Medicaid Services (CMS). Verma is known for her Medicaid reform in Indiana&rsquo;s Medicaid expansion program. </p> 3/21/2017 8:22:08 AM;view=article&amp;id=3209:senate-confirms-verma-to-head-cms&amp;catid=29:federal-regulation-news&amp;Itemid=176 Click here for more national news <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2017</a> -- <em>National</em></strong><br /> </p> 3/21/2017 8:22:35 AM Executive Director&rsquo;s Message <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 10, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />February is now in the books and it was quite a month for TCA. Just two weeks after concluding a record-setting TCA Legislative Day and the 2017 Texas Chiropractic Legislative Conference in Austin, TCA made the trip to Lubbock for the&nbsp;<a href="">2017 Mid-Winter Conference</a>&nbsp;at the Overton Hotel &amp; Conference Center. A big thank you to the 120+ doctors of chiropractic, chiropractic assistants, office managers and staff who made this year&rsquo;s event a success. </p> 3/10/2017 8:43:34 AM;view=article&amp;id=3203:executive-director-s-message--march-10--2017&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178 TCA Legislative Update: March 10, 2017 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 10, 2017</a> -- <em>Generally Speaking</em></strong><br />Friday, March 10, is the deadline for filing bills in the Texas Legislature. TCA&rsquo;s legislative team has been hard at work drafting legislative language, meeting with legislators and reviewing the hundreds of bills that could potentially impact chiropractic in Texas. Here&rsquo;s an update on key TCA bills.</p> 3/10/2017 8:34:32 AM;view=article&amp;id=3202:tca-legislative-update--march-10--2017&amp;catid=23:news-information&amp;Itemid=178