The Catalyst

British Columbia School Counsellors' Association

The January/February 2014 volume of the Teacher Newsmagazine of the BC Teachers' Federation features mental health. According to international research, teachers are at high risk of stress-related disorders, and BC teachers definitely bear out the statistic that tells us that at least 20 per cent of British Columbians experience a mental illness. Articles in the magazine cover the range from celebrating the power of building attachments with alternate students to the grim reality of youth suicide. You can take a short quiz to test your knowledge about eating disorders, then learn more about this illness and how to find support for people who suffer from an eating disorder. Carol Todd, Amanda's mother, is building a legacy to teach about mental illness in schools, as "teaching kids about mental health and wellness is the best prevention we have," and her story is featured. Finally, learn the signs of despair and what work is being done to prevent youth suicide, because youth suicide is the second leading cause of death among secondary youth.

Visit to view the full article online.

Lasalle College
Sometimes it takes a look back in time to remind us that the more things change, the more they stay the same. In 2010, Meridith Sones was the Injury Prevention Specialist for the BC Coroners Service, and this article is an interview in which she discusses the results of a recent report on child and youth suicides in BC. Her five principles that school counsellors can use in their practice are just as relevant today as yesterday.

Visit to view the full article online.

You are invited to take part in a research study looking at services provided to children with and without disabilities that support the development of bilingualism. You do NOT need to be a bilingual specialist or a disabilities specialist to participate.

You can participate in the study if:
1. You are an administrator or a professional (e.g., early educator, teacher, speech-language pathologist, psychologist, etc.).
2. You work with children and youth of any age (birth through high school graduation).
3. You work in British Columbia or your work impacts children or youth in British Columbia.

This study is being conducted by Stefka Marinova-Todd (Principal Investigator) and Pat Mirenda at the University of British Columbia.

Visit to view the full article online.

Vancouver Island University
Beginning this month, we will feature book reviews in The Catalyst. Is there a book you want to read and own? Here is your chance to increase your knowledge and add to your book collection. Choose a book you would like to read, send an email to The Catalyst editor and wait for your book to arrive in the mail. Read your book and write a short review for the next Catalyst issue that is tailored for your audience of BC counsellors. To start us off, I have reviewed the book "Far From the Tree" by Andrew Solomon.

Visit to view the full article online.

MacEwan University