BOMA Facts


November 2011
And the Nominees Are....
Landmarks, LEED, Energy Star and skyline stars all compete for real estate's top award. Here's a preview of the Pinnacles as the judging gets underway...

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Make Your End of Year Plans Today
Make sure to check our BOMA/NY Calendar to plan the rest of your activities for this year...

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Committee Corner
Lower Steam Costs, Cease the Grease
Reporting in here are your BOMA/NY Committees with news of programs that may benefit both operations and your bottom line...

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Must Know Info
Occupy Wall Street: Dealing With The Private Side of a Public Protest
An overview on handling the property management side of protests...

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ADA New Rules, Sustainability Tools
Shop BOMA International to get valuable asset management tools and gain a competitive edge...

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Seminar Spotlight
Weathering the Weather and a Shout-Out From City Hall
Our Annual Conference Round-up: the prognostications, the preparations and the keynote by Christine Quinn

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Membership Matters
BOMA International Creates New Recognition for Outstanding Members
Nominate an outstanding BOMA professional to be the first to receive the new BOMA Fellows distinction...

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Welcome New Members
Join us in welcoming 22 new members.

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Government Round-up
18 Real Estate Associations Tell the Super Committee "NO" on Carried Interest Tax Rates
No to the Supercommittee, yes to several Congressional campaigns...

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