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Community College Business Officers

CCBO continues to accept nominations for the 2012 awards. We encourage you to recognize individuals who have made notable contributions in higher education. CCBO has three award categories and an award specifically intended to spotlight institutional excellence. Awards will be presented at the Annual International Conference. Please submit your nominations by August 15, 2012.

Visit to view the full article online.

Leadership Academy
The knowledge and learning shared in this program is the ONLY educational source geared directly FOR community college business officers, by community college business officers targeted FOR community colleges. The cost is reasonable, the return outstanding. You must enroll NOW for the next CCBO Leadership Academy beginning in September at the link below. Your future and the future of your institution makes this a critically important decision with a truly positive return on investment that will pay over your lifetime.

Visit to view the full article online.



Thanks to a generous sponsorship from CardSmith and Rafter, Inc. CCBO members will be able to join these webinars for FREE!! Non-member rate: $89

Watch for new programs as they are scheduled.  View all Professional Development opportunities online.

The CCBO Annual Conference Program Committee is thrilled to announce that educational sessions have now been selected for the 2012 Annual Conference at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort in Orlando, FL, September 29 - October 2, 2012!

Visit to view the full article online.

As I mentioned before, one thing we can all count on is CHANGE. One of the many changes in the near future for CCBO is a change in the Executive Director position. Dr. Bob Hassmiller is retiring after many years of service to CCBO, NACAS and the higher education community. As we reflect on Dr. Bob’s tremendous career and wish him the best in his retirement, please take some time to think about your own career. What have you accomplished and what do you still have time to accomplish before your own retirement? What are you most proud of - professionally and personally? How can you focus on making the years ahead worth remembering and celebrating?

Visit to view the full article online.

Most professionals in the higher education field are permitted to speculate on the future at least once before retirement. I AM retiring, but I will be brief, and rely on the fact that almost no one will check this in ten years. 1. When I entered the higher education profession over 40 years ago, the really BIG idea was "open access." A nation that had created the highest quality post-secondary institutions in the world took on the task of making education available to everyone. It was a monumental task that vitally involved a transition from "Junior" Colleges to Community Colleges. And it was successful. But, success at a single task often creates problems in its attainment. The meaningfulness of a two- or four-year degree sometimes was diminished. Open access did not always translate to successful achievements nor degree attainment. Open access may have resulted in some waste and certainly was costly. But despite students failing in sometimes breathtaking numbers, those who could benefit from an education, and who had often been denied their success DID succeed.

Visit to view the full article online.

Annual Conference
Excellence...Make It Happen! Excellence in college business operations can feel like the "magic of Disney;" but then, who really believes in magic? Excellence is what we make happen. Take it up a notch: from good to great, from greatness to excellence. Place yourself among the best in community college business operations. Explore solutions and innovations that will help you and your college excel. Define the future. Make it happen. Join us at the CCBO 30th Annual International Conference, September 29 - October 2, 2012, at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort in Central Florida. Our $179 room rate is approximately half the regular rate!! Reserve your room early as there are a limited number of rooms in the block at the lower rate (block is over 90% full as of July 2012).

Visit to view the full article online.


Join us at the CCBO 30th Annual International Conference, September 29 - October 2, 2012, at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort in Central Florida!.

Beyond the amazing education and networking you won't want to miss enjoying Disney and Orlando's finest attractions!

Register today!


Dr. Walter G. Bumphus, Ph.D., is President and CEO of the American Association of Community Colleges.

Anthony J. Connelly is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts, US.

Dr. Sanford C. "Sandy" Shugart serves as the fourth president of Valencia College, one of the nation’s largest and most celebrated two-year colleges.

Full biographies are online:



Sponsorships are now available for this year's conference! Contact Heather Brown to secure your sponsorship and/or booth for 2012!

Special thanks to this year's conference sponsors who have helped to bring us enhanced sessions, pertinent programming and unique conference items. View these terrific CCBO sponsors online.

View the complete list of 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities

Visit with the business partners in the conference exhibit hall who will showcase the latest trends, services and products that will benefit your campus. Show dates and hours for 2012: Sunday, September 30, 2012 - 4:00 p.m .-7:00 p.m. Monday, October 1, 2012 - 7:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Visit to view the full article online.

Generously sponsored by Nelnet and CampusWorks In addition to creating a magical environment for guests from around the world, Walt and Roy Disney mastered the art of business. In the end, they determined that leadership excellence, people management, quality service, brand loyalty and inspiring creativity were the five key principles that would forge an invaluable formula for success. Not only have these time-tested business lessons helped establish Disney as one of the world’s leading brands, but thousands of organizations around the world have also successfully adapted these principles in their own pursuit of excellence. Now you have the unforgettable opportunity to go behind-the-scenes...

Visit to view the full article online.


CCBO now has 93 Facebook "likes".  Help us hit our new goal of  100 "likes" on the CCBO Facebook page.

Important association and conference information is posted on a consistent basis.

Are you taking advantage of all the member benefits your institution is entitled to? Your institution can have an unlimited number of contacts on the membership at no extra charge to your college. If you have a colleague or someone else on your campus you would like to have added on to the membership list for your college, just contact Heather Brown, Managing Director.

Have you used our online Membership Directory resource? If not, check it out today by logging in here and then simply click "Membership Directory" within the box. All you need is your log-in ID and password. If you do not recall what they are, simply contact Heather Brown, Managing Director.

This resource is an excellent way to do a search of Community College Business Officers. Take advantage of this great member-only benefit!

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