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Community College Business Officers

Are you ready to "Find Your Oasis"? We hope you are planning on attending the CCBO annual conference this year in Palm Springs, CA. This year the conference returns to a popular site from a few years ago. I encourage you to read The History of Palm Springs to learn about this interesting place. Though "The Valley", as it is called, was the home of the Agua Caliente Indians thousands of years ago, Hollywood discovered this desert playground in the mid-1900’s. Just as this community grew from a desert to a flourishing community and economy, we are working hard to bring you interesting and insightful speakers with a focus on finding opportunities in the challenging environment our colleges are faced with today.

Visit to view the full article online.

Leadership Academy
"I cannot say enough about CCBO and the Leadership Academy. This was my first year attending and I had an amazing experience! The sessions were completely informative and relevant to the various issues we face as Business Officers. The conversations with past presidents were invaluable. I also connected with my mentor while at the conference and our relationship is off to an incredible start. I look forward to an extremely rewarding experience as we strengthen our professional connection. Thanks for a great conference CCBO...I’m looking forward to next year!!!!! " Adrian H. Douglas, Ph.D. Vice President of Business Services Eastfield College

Visit to view the full article online.


Thanks to a generous sponsorship from CardSmith CCBO members will be able to join these webinars for FREE!! Non-member rate: $89

Watch for new programs as they are scheduled. View all Professional Development opportunities online.

The CCBO Annual Conference Program Committee is thrilled to announce that call for programs is now open for the 2013 Annual International Conference in Palm Springs, California.

Visit to view the full article online.


Attendees are able to earn up to 20 CPE Credits total at the 2013 annual international conference. Certificates will be emailed out to all particpants who submit a form post conference. The breakdown of credits will be posted with the education session list in the spring.

It’s 3:30 a.m. - I’m awake; that’s odd because bedtime was only 3 hours ago. Yesterday, I was compelled to engage in training required by Texas’ PFIA (Public Funds Investment Act). One of the segments of yesterday’s presentation was on the subject of fraud. The materials were based on a report published just last year (2012) by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (AFCE). Our instructor promised to e-mail me his powerpoint presentation, but I haven’t received it yet. Even so, I’ll share with you random pieces of his lecture that now, at 3:30 a.m., flood my thoughts and keep me from further sleep. I’ll try not to make-up what I can’t remember.

Visit to view the full article online.

These are exciting, challenging and creative times for community colleges and the New Year does not bring any welcome relief. The simple fact is that we must plan and prepare even more aggressively to look for opportunities and solutions that support our institutions and the communities we serve. All types of business partnerships, educational programs and member engagement activities are the type of actions I believe that CCBO can deliver to best serve our members in support of addressing the continued challenges. After nearly four months on the job, I am getting a better understanding of the resources and tools available to CCBO and its members, and I am learning that there are many allies and partners eager to help move the mission of CCBO forward.

Visit to view the full article online.

A sometimes challenging, though always rewarding accomplishment for the college emergency manager/coordinator is building regional relationships throughout their service area. Many colleges have numerous locations/campuses where they offer seminars, workshops, and classroom instruction. In order to be successful each college needs to know their regional emergency partners prior to an incident. These regional partners can assist with training, planning, and serving as valuable resources for various activities.

Visit to view the full article online.

Annual Conference

Special thanks to the sponsors who have helped to bring us enhanced sessions, pertinent programming and unique conference items for 2012. View these terrific CCBO sponsors online. Are you interested in sponsoring in 2013?  Please contact today for the current list of opportunities.


We hope you will visit with the business partners in the conference exhibit hall in Palm Springs in order to learn about services and products that will benefit your campus.

An exhibit hall diagram and list of booth numbers will be posted on the exhibitor web page.  If you are a company interested in exhibiting, please contact us today. We encourage your participation.


CCBO now has 120 Facebook "likes".  Help us hit our new goal of 125 "likes" on the CCBO Facebook page.

Important association and conference information is posted on a consistent basis.

Are you taking advantage of all the member benefits your institution is entitled to? Your institution can have an unlimited number of contacts on the membership at no extra charge to your college. If you have a colleague or someone else on your campus you would like to have added on to the membership list for your college, just contact Heather Brown, Managing Director.

Have you used our online Membership Directory resource? If not, check it out today by logging in here and then simply click "Membership Directory" within the box. All you need is your log-in ID and password. If you do not recall what they are, simply contact Heather Brown, Managing Director.

This resource is an excellent way to do a search of Community College Business Officers. Take advantage of this great member-only benefit!

Naylor, LLC