the bottom LINE

Community College Business Officers

September 20-23, 2014

The 2014 CCBO Annual International Conference will be held in San Antonio, TX at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk. Business officers learn best practices, strategic planning, and innovative ideas not only by attending educational sessions, but also by informally meeting and mingling with fellow business officers facing the same trends on their own campuses. Educational sessions, the Leadership Academy, the exhibit hall, networking events, and awards recognition are just a few conference features.

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Leadership Academy
By Dr. Ron Rhames
Leadership Academy Dean

The 2014 CCBO Leadership Academy, scheduled for September 20 and 21, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk, provides an opportunity for current and aspiring community college business officers to educate themselves on the various intricacies of the chief business officer leadership role. The Academy curriculum will be a wide range of current and relevant educational sessions. The sessions are interactive and will help Academy participants to develop the necessary leadership skills needed to succeed as a chief business officer.

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Cort Furniture Rental
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) will host its 94th Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. in April. CCBO has grasped this opportunity to expose our association to a large audience of community college presidents and leaders. The panel, titled "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet – Getting the Most from Your Business Officer," will feature three community college presidents and will be moderated by CCBO Board Member Keith Houck.

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At the 2013 Annual International Conference in Palm Springs, CCBO members volunteered to serve on several newly formed committees. These committees were formed to support the growth and development of CCBO. Together the committees will aid significantly in fulfilling the strategic direction of CCBO. The new year brings even more professional development opportunities, including the introduction of CCBO webinars, the review of educational content at the annual conference, and the collaboration with other organizations such as the AACC. CCBO continues to commit to providing educational and professional support to community college business officers.
CCBO partners with NACAS, The National Association of College Auxiliary Services, to offer discounted rates for educational programs. These include NACAS webinars, virtual roundtables, and the professional development events listed below.

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While writing recently about some experiences I have had in my career, I was reminded of a particularly difficult time as a brand new business officer. During this time, I chose five words which would serve as touchstones for me for years to come. Sorry, but I’m not going to reveal all five of the words yet. I have several more articles to write for The Bottom Line, so I had better keep them in my pocket for later use. I wrote these words on individual stones, which are actually in my computer bag now, 14 years later. The one that comes to mind at this time in the life of CCBO is "growth."

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A year ago at this time, I wrote that these are exciting, challenging and creative times for community colleges and the new year does not bring any welcome relief. The simple fact is that we must plan and prepare to continue to look at opportunities and solutions that support our institutions and the community we serve. What I observe a year later is that community colleges, in particular the community college business officers, have responded to the challenges.

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The Bottom Line is your bulletin – so start posting! If you have anything you would like to share with your fellow business officers, email it to and we’ll make sure it features in the next issue.
CCBO now has over 140 Facebook "likes". Help us hit our new goal of 175 "likes" on the CCBO Facebook page. Important association and conference information is posted on a consistent basis, but remember it's an easy way to share with your peers! Please "like" us and post timely announcements on member recognition, any awards received, and accomplishments in member business services areas. These include bursar offices, facilities departments, HR departments, auxiliary services, or any other accomplishments that our members should share and learn about!
Reach out to your colleagues who are not members of CCBO. Spread the word about the value of CCBO membership, conference attendance, and Leadership Academy graduation. CCBO is the premier association for community college business officers, so share it with the folks in your area! Help the Association reach its goal of increasing membership by 10% each year through 2016.
Have you used our online Membership Directory resource? If not, check it out today by logging in here and then simply clicking "Membership Directory" within the box. All you need is your log-in ID and password. If you do not recall what they are, simply email Lillian De Lisle at

This resource is an excellent way to do a search of community college business officers. Take advantage of this great member-only benefit!
Are you taking advantage of all the member benefits your institution is entitled to? Your institution can have an unlimited number of contacts on the membership at no extra charge to your college. If you have a colleague or someone else on your campus you would like to have added on to the membership list for your college, just contact Lillian De Lisle at