NAFA Connection

NAFA Fleet Management Association


NAFA Chapters continue to provide valuable and timely education for NAFA members. In response to the ever increasing fuel prices since the beginning of the year, the Greater Pittsburgh Chapter recently invited Pricelock to present on the topic of managing the volatile fuel costs — an issue that has strained all fleets over the past few years.  Pricelock, Inc., the first company to combine a novel hedging strategy with patented technology in order to provide fuel-price predictability for businesses, recently delivered a presentation to the chapter on fuel price protection and fuel price management.

Tripp Dunman, Managing Director of Silicon Valley-based Pricelock, gave the presentation at a meeting in Pittsburgh with attendees from across the Northeast Region.
Pricelock provides consultative support services to fleet companies and other fuel-dependant organizations to help stabilize fuel budgets by analyzing fleet fuel usage patterns and pricing expectations.

Through its consultative service, Pricelock carefully develops customized fuel-price protection programs for clients of all sizes across multiple industries that meet the business objectives of each client and can be implemented quickly and easily.

"Pricelock has a great program, and they did a great job of presenting," said David Lynn, of the Greater Pittsburgh NAFA Chapter.

"We have the experience and expertise to advise fleet owners on protecting fuel costs in today's volatile fuel market," said Pricelock's Dunman. "We created programs for several of our fleet cards earlier this year and those clients have had their fuel budgets protected as the prices of gas have moved up dramatically in the last couple of months. We focus on our clients' success and provide customized solutions that are flexible, safe and inexpensive."

Pricelock, founded in 2006, has developed and executed fuel-price protection programs for five major companies and has been responsible for more than 100 million gallons of fuel-price protection.

Just published, the Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide is an expanded update of our Fleet Maintenance Staffing Guide. Vehicle maintenance directly impacts every aspect of fleet management, from productivity to driver satisfaction, from corporate image to safety, environmental compliance to financial bottom line, and everything in between.

No matter what type of fleet you have, fleet managers all face the same issues with regard to maintenance. This guide will enhance your understanding of the essential maintenance principles of in-house, contracted or outsourced maintenance. Whether you work for a large corporation, a government entity, utility, or university, the Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide provides you with valuable information and resources. More than 500 pages of information, articles, codes, checklists and guidelines examine:

  • preventive maintenance & warranty operations
  • shop operations
  • environmental issues
  • inventory management
  • benchmarking staff performance
  • outsourcing
  • maintenance staffing

Available in two formats to meet your project needs!

  • The e-download gives you instant access and portability — store it virtually anywhere: in your own "NAFA document folder," on your computer, or on your flash drive to take with you!
  • The CD version offers the same practical abilities as the e-downloadable format and is a product ready to share with other members of your fleet management team or add to the department's reference shelves!

Due to its size, it will not be available in print. Order Today!

As you may expect, education and fleet size play major roles in the amount of compensation for a fleet manager, according to NAFA's 2008 Salary & Compensation Survey.  NAFA Members were polled on their salaries and compensation relative to the specifics of their fleet back in the Fall of 2008. 

The response? The more educated a fleet manager is and the larger the fleet, the greater the compensation.

Corporate fleet managers with NAFA's Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) designation earn significantly higher salary than those with no certification or an alternative certification. 

Of all the certifications included in the survey, those with a CAFM made the most compared to those who earned a CPFP (Certified Public Fleet Professional) who made an average of $59,000 and those with a CEM (Certified Equipment Manager) who made an average of $55,000.

While the CAFM designation consistently relates to higher salary than those with no certification, the CEM (based on a very small sample) actually correlates to the highest salary for government fleet managers, though not their corporate counterparts. 

Government fleet managers with a CAFM earned an average salary of $78,000 compared to those without a certification, who earned $67,000.  Those with a CPFP earned $58,000 and government fleet managers with a CEM earned $67,000.

The average salary of corporate fleet managers who earned a CAFM (Certified Automotive Fleet Manager certificate) was $77,000, compared to those without a certification who made an average of $71,000.

One corporate fleet manager with over 20 years of experience told NAFA, "I feel that my experience level, as well as my education and CAFM certification, has been rewarded through my current compensation."

The good news? Now is a great time to enroll in the CAFM or CAFS program!

To better answer your questions and concerns, Impact Public Affairs, NAFA's Canadian legislative counsel, has established a new toll-free phone number with dedicated live response and a new centralized e-mail address:

Now, NAFA Members can call 866-935-9969 with any questions or concerns and receive a guaranteed 24-hour response (excluding weekends and public holidays).

NAFA's Canadian legislative counsel serves membership by monitoring federal legislation and regulatory activities that might impact fleets, to be on-call to fight key issues as they develop and to conduct significant direct dialogue with members as requested. Impact Public Affairs monitors legislation in all 10 provinces and three territories, and drafts regular legislative updates and bi-weekly member updates for electronic bulletins and articles for NAFA publications. 

This latest service will provide NAFA Members with immediate answers and even better service.

As a fleet professional, you have valuable knowledge and have had numerous experiences with a wide variety of fleet concerns that fleet managers would benefit from learning about. NAFA needs this information and perspective, as NAFA Affiliates are an important part of the NAFA family!

NAFA wants your input for educational articles in NAFA publications! What are you doing to save money? How do you see the economy affecting and impacting fleet management? These are just a couple of topics.

Share your ideas today. Don't just talk about your ideas to your peers; submit your idea for a FLEETSolutions or FleetFOCUS article. Contact Gary Wien, Communications Manager, at, or Tina Perrotta, Communications Assistant, at, with your suggestions.

Find out which Members recently celebrated a five, 10, or 20 year anniversary with NAFA by logging online to the Membership Milestones page. This page will provide you with anniversary dates along with bios on those celebrating milestones.

Most recently, Earl B. Mitchell, Mitchell & Associates Travel Consultants, Toledo, Ohio, celebrated his 40th anniversary with NAFA, and Douglas Ward, Coburg, Ontario, celebrated his 30-year anniversary. In May, Allen M. Mitchell, Fleet Manager, Snohomish County, Department of Public Works, Everett, Wash., celebrated his 30-year anniversary. To see additional members celebrating milestones, please click here.

Congratulations to the following members who are celebrating membership milestones!
Thanks for being part of the NAFA family!

Have you been promoted? Is your company moving? Did you get a new job? Are you retiring? Remember to notify NAFA about these and other changes.

If you are retiring, please contact NAFA, as you may be eligible to become a NAFA alumnus and stay in touch with your NAFA colleagues and friends.

Membership with the NAFA Fleet Management Association will follow you wherever you go; whether you change your position, place of work or retire. Just two easy steps can help your colleagues keep in touch. To make changes to your membership record: 1) click on "My Profile" on the NAFA homepage and submit changes, or 2) e-mail

GPS Insight

Headline News

Chrysler Group, LLC, and Fiat Group have finalized their previously announced global strategic alliance, forming a "new" Chrysler that has the resources, technology and worldwide distribution network required to compete effectively on a global scale. The new Chrysler will begin operations immediately.

As part of the alliance, Fiat will contribute to Chrysler its world-class technology, platforms and powertrains for small- and medium-sized cars, allowing the company to offer an expanded product line including environmentally friendly vehicles increasingly in demand by consumers. Chrysler will also benefit from Fiat's management expertise in business turnaround and access to Fiat's international distribution network with particular focus on Latin America and Russia.

"This is a very significant day, not only for Chrysler and its dedicated employees, who have persevered through a great deal of uncertainty during the past year, but for the global automotive industry as a whole," said Sergio Marchionne, who was named Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler Group, LLC. "From the very beginning, we have been adamant that this alliance must be a constructive and important step towards solving the problems impacting our industry. We now look forward to establishing a new paradigm for how automotive companies can operate profitably going forward."

Under the terms approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York and various regulatory and antitrust regulators, the company formerly known as Chrysler, LLC, today formally sold substantially all of its assets, without certain debts and liabilities, to a new company that will operate as Chrysler Group, LLC.

Chrysler Group, in turn, issued to a subsidiary of Fiat a 20 percent equity interest on a fully diluted basis in the new company. Fiat has also entered into a series of agreements necessary to transfer certain technology, platforms and powertrains to the new Chrysler. Fiat's equity interest will increase in increments by up to 35 percent in the event that certain milestones mandated by the agreement are achieved, but Fiat cannot obtain a majority stake in Chrysler until all taxpayer funds are repaid.

Similarly, the United Auto Workers' Retiree Medical Benefits Trust, a voluntary employees' beneficiary association trust (VEBA) has been issued an equity interest in Chrysler Group equal to 55 percent on a fully diluted basis. The U.S. Treasury and the Canadian Government have been issued an equity interest equal to 8 percent and 2 percent on a fully diluted basis, respectively. These interests reflect the anticipated share dilution as a result of Fiat's incremental equity assumption once the milestones outlined in the strategic alliance agreement are achieved.

In addition to Mr. Marchionne, currently the Chief Executive Officer of Fiat S.p.A. serving as CEO, the new Chrysler will be managed by a nine-member Board of Directors, consisting of three directors to be appointed by Fiat, four directors to be appointed by the U.S. Government, one director to be appointed by the Canadian Government and one director to be appointed by the United Auto Workers' Retiree Medical Benefits Trust.

General Motors Corp. and Koenigsegg Group AB, a consortium led by Koenigsegg Automotive AB, confirmed the details of a memorandum of understanding for the purchase of Saab Automobile AB that secures Saab's future.

The sale, expected to close by the end of the third quarter of this year, includes an expected $600 million funding commitment from the European Investment Bank (EIB) guaranteed by the Swedish government.  Additional support is to be provided by GM and Koenigsegg Group AB to fund Saab's operations and product program investments.  This includes plans to launch several new products that are in the final stages of development.  Saab had filed for reorganization under Swedish Law on Feb. 20, 2009. This tentative agreement is a key milestone for Saab to successfully emerge from its reorganization process.

As part of the proposed transaction, GM will continue to provide Saab with architecture and powertrain technology during a defined time period. Additionally, Saab plans to produce its next generation 9-5 models in the Saab production facility in Trollhättan, Sweden.

The sale will be subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory, governmental and court approvals.  Other terms and conditions specific to the sale are not being disclosed at this time.  Deutsche Bank acted as financial advisor to General Motors Corporation. 

National organizations representing health, environmental, and energy policy interests joined four national trade associations in calling for the restoration of the federal hydrogen and fuel cell research and deployment program.

"Fuel cells are essential to achieving national goals for energy security, sustainability and global competitiveness," the organizations wrote in a letter to the House and Senate Energy & Water Appropriations Subcommittee leadership.

The seven groups are the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM), American Lung Association (ALA), Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), Stella Group, Ltd, the National Hydrogen Association (NHA), and the U.S. Fuel Cell Council (USFCC).

The Obama Administration's 2010 Department of Energy (DOE) budget proposes to cut the federal hydrogen fuel cell research and deployment budget by more than two-thirds, or $130 million, eliminating funds for the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle program and market transformation programs. The organizations wrote that "attaining our national goal of sustainable transportation will require a diverse portfolio of advanced vehicles.  Fuel cell vehicles should be part of our portfolio."

"Industry, academic researchers and the Department of Energy, working together, have achieved substantial success in addressing technology, infrastructure and cost challenges.  Real-world data collected by DOE and others confirms that fuel cell vehicles are inherently low in smog-causing emissions, cut carbon emissions by more than half and achieve nearly 60% efficiency, which is two to three times the fuel economy of comparable combustion vehicles," noted the organizations."We need to maintain momentum in the hydrogen fuel cell pathway...We urge you to maintain U.S. leadership in developing and deploying fuel cell transportation by restoring fuel cell funding to FY 2009 levels."

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) unveiled its bold new highway safety agenda at a press conference on Capitol Hill.
"While the trucking industry is now the safest it has been since the U.S. Department of Transportation began keeping crash statistics in 1975, we must continue to further the trend," said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. "Our 18 progressive safety policies will advance highway safety for all highway users by improving driver performance, creating safer vehicles, and improving motor carrier performance."
Road Safe America Executive Director Tom Hodgson said, "We admire the fact that many members of the ATA are among the most safety-conscious corporate citizens in America. Road Safe America is proud to throw its support behind these commonsense, cost-effective, straightforward safety rules as proposed by the ATA."
"We support many of the key recommendations in the ATA safety agenda, including graduated licensing for young drivers, primary safety belt enforcement laws, speed enforcement, red light running cameras, tough anti-drunk driving laws, safer vehicle designs and effective driver licensing and supervision. If enacted, ATA's measures will reduce fatalities, injuries and economic costs for everyone sharing our highways," said American Insurance Association Vice President and Associate General Counsel of Public Policy David Snyder. 
Over the past 20 years, the involvement rate of large trucks in fatal crashes has been cut in half, according to Arkansas Best President and CEO, Bob Davidson.  Davidson stated that with the  important safety initiatives the ATA is announcing, the bar can continue to be raised. 

For ATA's entire safety report with detailed explanations of the 18 initiatives, click here.

ARI, Automotive Resources


Government of Canada Celebrates Student Green Vehicle Design

Canada's government is congratulating 17 teams from universities across Canada and the United States for their "green" achievements.  The teams, through innovative designs, have created clean car technology for the next generation of green vehicles.

Announced in June, Minister of Natural Resources Lisa Raitt and Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities John Baird highlighted the government's support for Canada's best and brightest students as they do their part to contribute to the cleaner and more efficient vehicles of the future. 

The three Canadian teams that are participating in the EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge competition are from the University of Victoria, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.  Criteria for the competition included using a variety of technologies including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, fuel cell, electric and extended range electric vehicles.

The government of Canada has contributed $500,000 to the competition, which is also sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and General Motors.

The Ohio State University Team has won the first phase of the competition. Placing second was the University of Victoria.

Networkfleet, Inc.

A high-tech truck convoy arrived on Capitol Hill, showcasing the emergence of fuel-saving hybrid technology for the nation's biggest vehicles and unveiling a new study from Duke University that finds hybrids provide the U.S. with a strategic opportunity in competitiveness, green jobs and reduced pollution.

But the first Hybrid Day On the Hill, organized by clean transportation group CALSTART and its Hybrid Truck Users Forum (HTUF), also warns that hybrid trucks need help to succeed and retain the technology lead American firms now have.

Hybrid Day on the Hill features 17 medium- and heavy-duty hybrids from five major truck makers and six driveline suppliers, showcasing the world's most advanced trucks.  During a morning briefing industry experts – from environmental, military and commercial fleet backgrounds — outline the status and benefits of hybrid technology, and provide highlights from a new study that identifies the early growth of an American technology edge.

The report indicates that more than 30 states are home to truck and component manufacturing and development in the clean truck sector, and that the growth of the industry offers solid economic opportunities for the whole nation.  Duke's study was commissioned by the Environmental Defense Fund and CALSTART's Hybrid Truck Users Forum Incentives Working Group.

Azure Dynamics Corporation announced that BlueCross/BlueShield of Tennessee is contributing to the greening of the city of Chattanooga by providing BCBST employees with state-of-the-art green transportation services.  

Azure Dynamics Series CitiBus will enable BCBST to connect its employees at its new corporate headquarters to other destinations in downtown Chattanooga, which was the first city in the nation to have an all battery-powered downtown shuttle bus system providing free public transportation.

Elsewhere in the state of Tennessee, Azure announced two BalanceTM Hybrid Electric orders from the Nashville MTA for its "Access Ride" program.  The buses specified by the MTA are flexible enough to accommodate 12 seated passengers, six wheelchair passengers or a combination of the two.  

BCBST is providing Azure's 19-passenger hybrid electric-powered shuttle bus to transport employees from their hilltop office campus to its other downtown offices as well as various locations in the city throughout the workday. 

"Our new headquarters campus incorporates numerous attributes designed to reduce our energy usage and lessen our environmental impact, so the Azure Dynamics hybrid electric Series CitiBus is an ideal solution for our employee transportation needs," said Dan Jacobson, vice president of properties and corporate services at BCBST.  "The new hybrid shuttle will help make the efforts of our 4,500 employees more productive and convenient. It's consistent with everything else we're doing to reflect sustainability in all of our operations."

Chattanooga's Advanced Transportation Technology Institute (ATTI), a non-profit entity for alternative energy solutions, introduced the AZD bus to BCBST after seeing it at the Electric Vehicle Society–23 Expo in December 2007.  The Azure Series CitiBus has become a preferred shuttle for municipalities and public agencies across the country seeking cleaner and smarter transit options.  BCBST is the first corporate customer in the nation for the innovative vehicle.

More than 100 scientists, including two university deans, have gone on record in the past four months in support of biodiesel by signing the "Scientists for Biodiesel" declaration, putting science squarely on the side of this important alternative fuel.

Scientists from U.C. Berkeley, Texas Tech, Penn State, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Sandia National Laboratories, to name just a few, recognize both the promise of sustainable biodiesel and the need for increased investment in biodiesel research and development.

"Our industry is at a critical juncture as we await details on implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard, and the future of the biodiesel tax incentive remains uncertain," said National Biodiesel Board (NBB) CEO Joe Jobe. "This show of support from the scientific community will hopefully help people see through the misinformation that defenders of the status quo have spread."

The "Scientists for Biodiesel" declaration was announced in early February by Dr. Rob Myers, a director of the Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute, and Roger Beachy, president of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. The declaration highlights biodiesel's sustainability and its benefits in reducing dependence on petroleum, helping address climate change, and boosting domestic economies. It also calls for more investment into the scientific needs associated with this vital bioenergy source.
NAFA Online Store

Order by June 30 and Save 25% on NAFA's Driver Transportation Options





Driver Transportation Options

e-Download & Softback Versions Available


This 154-page compilation of information examines the many facets that need to be considered when determining what is best for your organization and when providing business transportation to employees. Among other topics, the compilation reviews reasons to reject driver reimbursement, resale losses, and trends among commercial fleets. When ordering the e-Download format, please note: once your transaction is processed, your e-download will be available to you on the NAFA Web site, under the Store tab, on the My Documents page once you log in to the site.


Did you know about NAFA's other products, such as the NAFA Vehicle Classification System or Personal Use for Fleets CD or Request for Proposals Guide CD? Review all NAFA products at the online store (, or to download the current catalog, click here. Get the most from your NAFA membership by taking advantage of substantial discounts on all products in our online store.

New Fuel Management Guide!

Designed with you in mind, the guide will help you understand fuel supply and demand dynamics to better anticipate price changes; understand key fuel standards; and identify appropriate policies, activities, and technologies to improve fuel efficiency. A valuable appendix, comprised of additional references, makes this an "evergreen" learning tool, as links to current websites provide you direct access to the most current information on fuels and pricing, as well as from government authorities, non-profit and association websites, and manufacturers.

Information is easily accessible, as detailed chapters explore: the issues associated with the centralized fuel management of conventional fuels, a variety of tools to fuel decentralized fleets, and alternative fuels and advanced technology vehicles, including forms of hybrid drive trains currently available.

Available in three formats to meet your project and budget needs! 

  • The e-download gives you instant access and portability – store it virtually anywhere: in your own "NAFA document folder," on your computer, or on your flash drive to take with you!
  • The CD version offers the same practical abilities as the e-downloadable format and is a product ready to share with other members of your fleet management team or add to the department's reference shelves!
  • The more traditional, spiral-bound, soft-cover book provides for easy use, especially when sharing references with colleagues.

Other Items Featured in NAFA's Store: 

Keep cool this summer (and year-round) with NAFA's lunch bag and cooler. The zippered bag is insulated to help keep perishables fresh and drinks cold while a shoulder strap offers portability.

Show your support with a NAFA T-shirt! Our NAFA shirt features the blue NAFA logo with our tagline "Fleet Solutions for Fleet Professionals." The label is printed, not sewn in, and 100% cotton for ultimate comfort. The tagless label won't fade, wash off or itch!

Order today!

Career Corner

NAFA has provided space in each issue of the FleetFOCUS for companies and organizations to advertise career opportunities in the fleet industry. Members can also market themselves to potential employers. If you're interested in this opportunity, make your listings 200 words or fewer. Links to complete job descriptions on the company's website are suggested. Please note all of the materials a candidate must supply in order to be considered for the position (e.g., resume, salary history, municipal application, etc.). To take advantage of this service, e-mail your ad to Patrick McCarren at

Job Wanted Listings Provide New Networking Opportunities!

Are you looking for a new job or a motivated, hard-working employee? NAFA's Job Wanted Listings is an exclusive benefit for Members and Affiliates who are looking to make a career change. PLEASE NOTE: This new and exclusive benefit is FREE! To take advantage of this service, e-mail your job wanted posting to Maureen Smith at

June Job Postings

Sr. Fleet Operations Manager - Plano, TX

National Director Fleet & Commercial Sales - Elkhart, IN

Fleet Manager - Peoria, AZ

Fleet Sales Account Executive - Michigan, Maryland, Ohio and Virginia

Resume Bank

NAFA is going one step further to help those in the industry gain employment. For a small fee, NAFA will send resumes to any prospective employer who places an ad on the Career Network Section of the NAFA website. Employers will be provided with new, up-to-date resumes that fit the job, for a small cost.

There is still no charge to submit a resume to the resume bank. To be included in the resume bank, please send a current version of your resume to Maureen Smith, NAFA, Inc., 125 Village Blvd., Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540; or fax it to 609-452-8004. Resumes can also be e-mailed to Maureen Smith at A few tips and reminders: If you would like to include a generic cover letter to be sent to potential employers, please include that as part of your resume. Make sure your home address, home phone or cell phone and personal e-mail address are included on your resume. Potential employers will contact you directly. NAFA has a number of fleet-related job openings on the Jobs Wanted/Available page (click here).

GPS North America

Adesa Atlanta

E.J. Ward, Inc.

Insurance Auto Auctions

Chapter Highlights

Industry Calendar
Click Here

NAFA's 34 local chapters across Canada and the United States offer you numerous opportunities to meet colleagues and receive valuable fleet management education to keep you informed! Each year, more than 100 NAFA Chapter meetings provide top-level education and training on a wide variety of timely topics.

June Chapter meetings will take place:

June 18, 2009
New York Chapter - SAE Activity Meeting
Location: Holiday Inn, Carteret, NJ
Contact: Lois Roth, (201) 216.2363 or
RSVP by June 12, 2009
June 18, 2009
San Francisco Chapter - Meeting and Plant Tour
Location: Scelzi Enterprises, Inc., Date Street, Fresno, CA
Contact: Terence Kyaw,, (650) 780.7485
June 24, 2009
New Jersey Chapter - Contingency Planning
Location: Pinecreek Miniature Golf, West Amwell, NJ
Contact: Julia Mclver, P:(973) 466.4556, F: (973) 466.4249, 
June 24, 2009
Greater Hartford Chapter Meeting
Location: Southern Auto Auction, East Windsor, CT
Contact: Bridget Clark,

Membership Benefits You

As a service to NAFA Members, Patrick O'Connor and Huw Williams - NAFA's U.S. and Canadian legislative counsels, respectively - supply monthly updates on current legislative issues impacting the fleet industry. These updates, e-mailed to NAFA Members the first week of each month, are posted in PDF format at a MEMBERS ONLY SECTION on

Legislative Updates are issued monthly to NAFA Members and then archived online. With this e-newsletter, NAFA Members can easily check on the progress and status of current legislation. Click here for more information.

Three online, searchable networking databases will put you in easy touch with all your NAFA colleagues. These databases are exclusively for NAFA members. Our three databases help YOU find:

  • Fellow Members and Affiliates based on name, geographic area or chapter.
  • An expert who has volunteered to answer questions from colleagues on specific topics that are important to you.
  • An Affiliate product or service; you can choose from more than 50 categories.

You must be a Member or Affiliate to utilize the online networking databases. To start your search, click here.

NAFA's FleetED is designed to help you quickly find the references and educational resources you need now.

From asset management to maintenance management, benchmarking, and shop operations, NAFA's FleetED covers all fleet management disciplines and competencies, making this free Web site your fast online portal to all fleet management education.
Easily look up available resources while scanning an overview of a particular fleet management discipline. Complete a brief self-assessment test, selected by discipline, to confirm your strengths and discover what areas may need a little more concentration. These quizzes provide real-time feedback, with suggested education content according to your assessment results.

Whether you are looking for something specific or just trying to figure out what you need to know, NAFA's FleetED will guide you to valuable, comprehensive education content and reference materials. Visit FleetED at

e-Communities offers members the chance to reach colleagues and share ideas when they need to — anytime, anywhere. These virtual neighborhoods allow members to easily e-mail others within that community, with specific fleet questions. As a subscriber to e-Communities, you can:

  • View real-time activity between other subscribed members within the group(s) you subscribe to.
  • Share your knowledge and assist a fellow member in need, access lists of subscribers for each group, and access a history of inquiries posted to e-Communities.
  • Topics include alternative fuels, disaster relief, fleet maintenance, global fleet, law enforcement and many more! Come be a part of NAFA's community!

To visit e-Communities, please click here.

NAFA cares about your privacy. As such, NAFA does not sell or rent e-mail addresses or phone numbers of its Members or Affiliates. NAFA also does not endorse any particular product or service provided by fleet suppliers. If you receive an e-mail (or any other form of communication) from a supplier that implies a NAFA endorsement or uses the NAFA name or likeness to imply endorsement, please notify NAFA immediately. We will issue a cease and desist notice and pursue action as necessary. (You should know that e-mail addresses are part of the online PDF files NAFA posts each month for communication among NAFA Members and Affiliates. Access to these files is restricted to NAFA Members and Affiliates.)

For NAFA's complete privacy policy, please click here: