The Toolbox
Western Retail Lumber Association
WRLA Weekly ToolBox: March 8, 2012
What's Going On

And the winners of the 2012 Prairie Showcase Post Show Survey Prizes are:
(2013 Prairie Showcase Complete Event Ticket Package for 2)
Chris Gerbrandt - GRUNTHAL LUMBER
(1 Free Inside Booth at the 2013 Prairie Showcase)
Thank you to everyone who completed our survey!
Registration Now Open
Don't miss out on these upcoming WRLA Education courses in Saskatoon
April 16 - 17 - Estimating Fundamentals (Saskatoon)
April 18 - 19 - Estimating for Residential Construction (Saskatoon)
April 20 - Yard Foreman (Saskatoon)
CLICK HERE to register your employees today!
Please contact Susan Labossiere with any education related questions
( or 1-800-661-0253)

Do you have a special event, anniversary, expansion, or new location that you would like highlighted? Have you incorporated new technology into your day-to-day business (Social Media, etc.) that you would like to share?
If so, this would be your opportunity to:
• Market your business
• Market your suppliers
• Market your buying group
• Build staff morale
• Share your business experience with the industry
• See your name and photo in print
Contact: Caren Kelly
Or 204.953.1693 or 800.661.0253 ext 3
Are you doing everything possible to ensure your customers are having a pleasant shopping experience at your store?
Statistics show that only 1 out of every 10 customers will voice an opinion. Remember, good news travels fast, bad news travels faster.
The WRLA has partnered with one of the leading appraisal firms in Canada to conduct the Mystery Shop program. They use professional shoppers who know what to look for and what to ask. They will conduct an honest and fair evaluation of your business.
CLICK HERE to view a sample report
CLICK HERE to download the Registration Form
For more information call Susan at 204-953-1690 or 800-661-0253 ext 0
or email

$99 + GST per mystery shop - 2 times per year – spring & fall
or 4 times per year – once a quarter
You don’t pay until you receive your report!
Industry News
 Leadership and innovation in wood use was celebrated this evening at the Vancouver Convention Centre West, as more than 350 distinguished design and building professionals, including architects, engineers, project teams and industry sponsors and guests gathered to honour the nominees and winners of the 2012 Wood WORKS! BC Wood Design Awards. The 8th annual awards evening in Vancouver recognizes and encourages continued excellence in the building and design community. Wood WORKS! is a national industry-led initiative of the Canadian Wood Council, with a goal to support innovation and provide leadership on the use of wood and wood products. Wood WORKS! BC provides education, training and technical expertise to building and design professionals involved with non-residential construction projects throughout BC. There were 106 nominations in 12 categories for projects all over the province, and included some national and international projects; one in China and another in South Africa. "We are proud to congratulate the winners and nominees of the 2012 Wood Design Awards, who have all explored the potential of wood, and showcased its outstanding qualities such as strength, beauty, versatility and cost-effectiveness," stated Wood WORKS! BC Executive Director Mary Tracey. "The wood design and innovation has been remarkable from both an architectural and structural standpoint, and we salute and thank our outstanding design and building professionals for amazing and inspiring us with your achievements."
Visit to view the full article online.
Calendar of Events
March 22 - 23, 2012
Epicor - LBM Customer Training Conference
Denver, CO
March 30-31, 2012
TIM-BR MART National Buying Show
Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON
April 14 - 16, 2012
TruServ Canada Spring Market
Winnipeg Convention Center, Winnipeg, MB
April 16 - 19, 2012
Manual Estimating
Saskatoon, SK
April 20. 2012
Yard Foreman
Saskatoon, SK
April 22 - 24, 2012
Home Hardware Show
St. Jacobs, ON
August 16-18, 2012
Orgill Spring Market
Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
WRLA Terry Yates Memorial Golf Tournament
Steinbach, MB
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Calgary Classic Golf Tournament
Sundre Golf Course, Sundre, AB
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Kenossee Golf Tournament
Kenossee SK.
CLICK HERE To view our full events calendar
Member Updates
FEIN Canadian Power Tool Company (Associate Head Office)
323 Traders Blvd. East
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2E5
Phone: 905-890-1390
Phone Toll Free: 800-265-2581
Fax: 905-890-1866
Main Contact: Randy McDonald
(Manufacturer) power tools and abrasives