The Toolbox
Western Retail Lumber Association
WRLA Toolbox: October 16, 2013
What's Going On
The WRLA Show Committee promotes this event as a buying show, encouraging building supply retailers throughout Western Canada to attend, stressing the value in meeting suppliers, seeing new products and taking advantage of the specials.
New this year, we would like to offer you the space to promote
"Pallet Specials".
Reserve your spot now, as space is limited. Contact Caren if you would like our logo or have any questions at 800-661-0253 ext. 3 or
It is no secret that one of the key components to our shows success is the "show specials". These "specials" drive attendance to the show and to your booths. Each year we hear of exhibitors having record sales and they attribute that to their specials.
CLICK HERE for the Complete Pallet Special Form
January 21 - 23, 2015 - Calgary, AB
The WRLA has enlisted the professional services of International Conference Services (ICS) Housing Bureau to assist in coordination of the delegate housing requirements for the 2015- 2017 WRLA Showcases.
If your company requires meeting space and group hotel blocks please refer to the following official list of preferred hotels. Group blocks will be assigned on a first come first serve basis so don’t delay.
View venue map, hotel summary and access group housing order form here:
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Opening Night – Hyatt Regency
Thursday, January 22, 2015 Buying Show – BMO Centre
Gala – Hyatt Regency
Friday, January 23, 2015 Buying Show – BMO Centre
Closing Night Party – Telus Convention Centre
Housing Policy: The WRLA, producer of the WRLA 2015 Showcase, would like to remind all Show attendees and exhibitors that WRLA 2015 Showcase uses ICS (International Conference Services Ltd.) for show accommodations. Any claims by any other organization stating that they are the official WRLA 2015 Showcase housing agency are untrue. Please feel free to contact for further information.
It is important to complete all the paper work clearly and correctly upon returning to the WRLA Offices.
IMPORTANT: Should you choose to renew via Credit Card, please include all required information (i.e. card name, number and exp. date)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office at 1-800-661-0253
Thank you!
We wish to advise you that the pet insurance program offered to WRLA members and their employees under the STRATA Select Voluntary Benefits program will be changing from Petsecure to Petplan. As a plan member, you have the option of staying with Petsecure, or you could apply for the Petplan program. To stay with Petsecure, there is no action that you need to do. Your coverage will simply continue. To apply for Petplan, please see the following information by clicking Learn More...
Visit,_2013.pdf to view the full article online.

Online registration is now open for classroom training: Manual Estimating, Yard Operations, & Plumbing and Electrical basics.
Check out course details, dates and locations by visiting the WRLA website now.
CLICK HERE to visit our website and learn more!
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Industry News

Guarantee your FREE lunch by registering TODAY (Oct. 17th, 2013).
In addition, receive lower seminar prices and your badge in the mail before the show!
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA – October 7, 2013 – TruServ Canada announced the retirements of four key managers at their National Buying Market this weekend. "We have several managers, with a long history in our Company, who will transition into retirement at the end October," said Bill Morrison, President of TruServ Canada during the Market presentations. "It has been an honour to work with them." Click learn more for pictures and a few farewell words!
Visit to view the full article online.
The Business Outlook Survey summarizes interviews conducted by the Bank’s regional offices with the senior management of about 100 firms selected in accordance with the composition of Canada’s gross domestic product. The survey’s purpose is to gather the perspectives of these businesses on topics of interest to the Bank of Canada (such as demand and capacity pressures) and their forward-looking views on economic activity. Click learn more below for the survey....
Visit to view the full article online.
October 8, 2013 (Calgary, AB) — TIM-BR MART Group today announced that Doug Skrepnek has resigned from its Board of Directors. Mr. Skrepnek, of WSB Titan Group in Vaughan, Ont., served on the Board as a representative of the gypsum specialty Dealers, or GSDs. TIM-BR MART Group extends its thanks to Mr. Skrepnek for his years of service to the company.
In operation since 1967, TIM-BR MART Group is a $2 billion+ member-owned organization serving over 750 building material and hardware retailers, commercial dealers and manufacturers across Canada. The organization exists to help Canadian entrepreneurs involved in the sale of building materials and hardware be more profitable.
October 5, 2013 (London, ON) – With more than 120,000 sq. ft. of the hottest buys and pallet deals of the year, Chalifour Canada’s third annual Retailer Buying Expo took place October 4 and 5 at Place Bonaventure, in Montreal, QC, with a full house of over 1,800 retailer and vendor attendees gathered from across Canada for the show. To read more and find out the Chailfour Canada Retailer and Vendor Award Recipients click Learn more below.
Visit to view the full article online.
Provincial home buying preferences:
The Atlantic provinces are practical home buyers, valuing location and having funds remaining for personal expenses.
Quebec home buyers want convenience for their commute and a move-in ready home
Ontario home buyers desire character homes, and move more often.
The Prairies prioritize their social lives when home buying.
Alberta is a family-focused province.
British Columbian home buyers want a great location and outdoor spaces.
For the Complete Survey details CLICK HERE
In-store services like screen and glass repair, as well as blade sharpening and small engine repair, are likely already going strong this summer. Here are some ideas to keep customers coming in for services and repairs as the weather turns cold! Click Learn more below to read September Tips from NRHA!
Visit to view the full article online.
Calendar of Events
October 20 - 21, 2013
FCL Market
Saskatoon, SK
October 28 - 31, 2013
Manual Estimating Training
Red Deer, AB
November 1. 2013
Yard Foreman - Operations Manager
Red Deer, AB
November 2 - 6, 2013
Sexton Member Conference
San Francisco, CA
November 4 - 8, 2013
Manual Estimating Training
Winnipeg, AB
November 25 & 26, 2013
Plumbing & Electrical Seminars with Bob Sutherland
Winnipeg, AB
January 22 - 24, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Prairieland Park - Saskatoon, Sk
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
Member Updates
2013-2014 WRLA DIRECTORY & Product Source Guide
Page 113
BW Creative Railing Systems
NEW CONTACT: Rob Mitchell