The Toolbox
Western Retail Lumber Association
WRLA Toolbox: November 7, 2013
What's Going On
Plumbing (one day) November 25, 2013
Electrical (one day) November 26, 2013
Gain product knowledge of the items sold to do-it-yourselfers. Get hands-on experience to explain do-it-yourself projects to customers and Increase selling confidence and learn to turn customer problems into solutions and increase sales.
Bob Sutherland has facilitated plumbing and electrical workshops to industry employees from coast to coast. Bob doesn’t travel light, he hauls a trailer packed with everything to deliver his program. When you attend his program you don’t just sit and listen you solder copper pipe or wire an electric circuit. Bob has a clear understanding of what customers are looking for. He is an avid do-it-yourselfer and has trained over 5000 people with his warm casual style, experience and knowledge.
WRLA member rate: $289 per day *Register for one or both courses
($50 rebate per course) see online registration for details)

2014 WRLA Prairie Showcase Buying Show
January 22-24, 2014
Saskatoon, SK
For all Show Details and to Register Now!
Interactive Floorplan Now Available!
All information regarding the show can be found on our website at
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Opening Night Meet & Greet
7:00PM - 11:00PM
Tickets: $40
Mezzaine Level, Radisson Hotel
Proudly Sponsored by Castle

Thursday, January 23, 2014
Gala Evening
7:00PM - 10:00PM
Tickets: $65
TCU Place, 2nd Floor
Featuring: Alter Ego
Proudly Sponsored by Jeld-Wen

Friday January 24, 2014
Closing Night Party
7:00PM - 11:00PM
Tickets: $65
TCU Place, 2nd Floor
Featuring: Johnny Reid
Proudly Sponsored by Sexton Group Ltd.
REGISTER NOW for the 2014 Prairie Showcase and buy your Tickets!
WRLA Ladies Luncheon
Friday, January 24, 2014
11:30AM - 1:30PM
Da Vinci Room, Radisson Hotel
Tickets: $25
This year we are pleased to offer a wonderful selection of Food Stations, organized by returing favorite; Chef Trevor and his team of the Radisson Hotel. Should the food not be reason enough to join us, we're also very excited to taste some amazing wines that will accompany the individual dishes! This lunch will be one to remember, so please get your tickets before we sell out!
The WRLA encourages all women attending the 2014 Prairie Showcase to register for our Ladies luncehon!
CLICK HERE - Register Now!
The WRLA Show Committee promotes this event as a buying show, encouraging building supply retailers throughout Western Canada to attend, stressing the value in meeting suppliers, seeing new products and taking advantage of the specials.
New this year, we would like to offer you the space to promote
"Pallet Specials".
Reserve your spot now, as space is limited. Contact Caren if you would like our logo or have any questions at 800-661-0253 ext. 3 or
It is no secret that one of the key components to our shows success is the "show specials". These "specials" drive attendance to the show and to your booths. Each year we hear of exhibitors having record sales and they attribute that to their specials.
CLICK HERE for the Complete Pallet Special Form
WRLA Property Insurance Renewal Deadline: NOVEMBER 1st, 2013
It is important to complete all the paper work clearly and correctly upon returning to the WRLA Offices.
IMPORTANT: Should you choose to renew via Credit Card, please include all required information (i.e. card name, number and exp. date)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office at 1-800-661-0253
West Can Group and WRLA have been working together to provide excellent rates and services to WRLA Members and there family and friends. West Can Group is a 100% Canadian owned and operated company and has been involved in the long distance industry from the inception of the deregulation in the Canadian market.
Under the WRLA Long Distance Plan we offer; direct -dial long distance services throughout Canada, Inbound toll free service within Canada and from the USA, calling card services and Reservationless Conference calling.
CLICK HERE To Learn More about our Long Distance Savings
West Can Group looks forward to our continued relationship with WRLA and serving its members!
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CLICK HERE for our Media Kit and more Information on how you can advertise on WRLA T.V!
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Industry News
Try out the new Project Pro Training Series: NRHA's new project-based sales training program, Project PRO, is made up of sections that are approximately 20 minutes long and combine project videos to teach employees how to sell a complete project – not just a few products. It provides valuable selling tips to teach associates how to complete common DIY projects and how to sell them. Modules explain how to deliver better customer service and increase transaction size.... Click Learn more below to find out how!
Visit to view the full article online.
CertainTeed is the first manufacturer to complete the UL Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) process for its full line of gypsum products. Specifically, UL Environment provided third-party verification for environmental claims including Recycled Content, Regional Materials and Mold Resistance. Additionally, the company secured Permanent Formaldehyde Absorption Capacity validation for its industry-only AirRenew®, which features VOC-scavenging technology that helps improve indoor air quality. The independent, third-party validation process involved rigorous audits conducted at 13 manufacturing facilities across the U.S. and Canada.
Visit to view the full article online.

TruServ Canada will be hosting two National Buying Markets on the following dates;
April 12th, 13th & 14th
FALL 2014
September 27th, 28th & 29th
Visit for more information
Calendar of Events
November 25 & 26, 2013
Plumbing & Electrical Seminars with Bob Sutherland
Winnipeg, AB
January 22 - 24, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Prairieland Park - Saskatoon, Sk
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
Member Updates
2013-2014 WRLA DIRECTORY & Product Source Guide
Page 119
NEW NAME: Falcon Equipment (formerly Excalibur Equipment)
Toll Free Phone: 855-955-4266
Fleetman Consulting Inc. (Head Office)
2369 124B St.
Surrey, BC V4A 9X7
Phone: 604-614-3530
Fax: 604-531-6585
Main Contact: Scott McLeod
(Service Provider) (Distributor) Independent forklift fleet management & forklift procurement consulting services. Distributor of forklift parts & attachments for all makes. Distributor of warehouse equipment
BarrierTek Inc. (Head Office)
14966 - 114 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5M 4G4
Phone: 780-488-0005
Fax: 780-643-2464
Main Contact: Suzanne Crocker
(Manufacturer) Fire retardant paint product to coat OSB and plywood.
Muratec-KDS Corporation (Head Office)
2026 W. Cortez St.
Chicago, IL 60622
Phone: 773-252-1314
Toll Free Phone: 877-430-7780
Fax: 773-252-1319
Main Contact: Kevin Carter
(Manufacturer) Utility knives, blades, measuring tapes, scrapers, putty knives, scissors, and electronic measuring devices
Nuco Mat Kings (Head Office)
321 Supertest Road
Toronto, ON M3J 2M4
Phone: 416-514-0808
Toll Free Phone: 855-514-0808
Fax: 416-514-1497
Main Contact: Rhonda Uretsky
(Distributor) (Importer) (Wholesaler) bound and decorative area rugs, utility runners / mats, all season door mats, indoor/outdoor patio rugs, laminate and hardwood floor cleaner
Westrend Exteriors Inc. (Head Office)
18918 62B Avenue
Surrey, BC V3S 8S3
Phone: 604-802-5929
Toll Free Phone: 866-824-8587
Fax: 604-574-7780
Main Contact: Jeff Lisson
(Wholesaler) (Distributor) (Service Provider) factory prefinishing on composite and natural wood products, composite siding, trim, panels, shingles, interior mouldings, soffit vents, metal trim details, interior/exterior wood doors and flooring