AAFA Weekly Brief

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In Brief
AAFA's Footwear Workshop: This Thursday, October 6, AAFA’s Footwear Workshop will take place at New Balance in Lawrence, MA. Last call to register! Meet the presenters here.

Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) comments: As part of AAFA’s continued efforts to secure GSP for travel goods, AAFA submitted a letter on October 2 to the U.S. Trade Representative. The letter provides comments and a request to testify at the October 18 Travel Goods GSP eligibility hearing.

Hanjin Shipping updateAAFA was joined by Ken O'Brien from Gemini Shippers Group for a fourth member-only Hanjin Shipping briefing call last Friday, September 30. To access a recording of the member-only call, click here (login required). To learn more, or join AAFA's Transportation Group, contact Nate Herman. 

Product safety updatesDid you know AAFA's Product Safety Council (PSC) provides updates on industry best practices and national and international regulatory compliance developments? PSC members develop industry tools that help apparel and footwear companies navigate current and future product safety regulations. Join the PSC and AAFA’s other committees here. Also, learn more about our International Product Safety and Compliance Conference in Vietnam on November 15! 

Reminder: AAFA maintains a list of every fashion and fashion-accessory related notice for the past six years in the AAFA Prop 65 "60-Day Notice" running list. AAFA also maintains a list of all apparel or footwear related recalls since 1975 

Letters to debate moderatorsIn advance of the first Presidential debate, AAFA sent a letter to the moderator, Lester Holt, encouraging him to ask questions about UNICOR and the damaging impact prison factories have on USA manufacturing. AAFA will continue to provoke these questions in advance of the next two debates, airing October 9 and 19.

See all of AAFA’s latest letters, comments, and testimony here

Congress and government agencies solicit comments on a range of issues that may affect your business – find a list of comment opportunities here.


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