In Brief
AAFA testifies today regarding GSP for travel goods: As part of AAFA’s continued efforts to secure Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) for travel goods, AAFA President and CEO Rick Helfenbein testified today at the Travel Goods GSP eligibility hearing. On behalf of AAFA, he made a very compelling case on why U.S. imports of travel goods (handbags, luggage, backpacks, etc.) should be duty-free from all developing countries under the GSP program.

2016 Notorious Markets submission: Earlier this month, AAFA called on the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to re-list Alibaba as a Notorious Market. USTR's final report is expected to be released in late 2016. AAFA will keep members informed of the results.

Meet AAFA’s Brand Protection Council (BPC): Charged with helping to protect U.S. branded products against cheap imitations that are flooding the marketplace, AAFA’s BPC is composed of legal, brand enforcement, and marketing representatives from AAFA member companies. The BPC’s winter meeting will take place on December 1 in San Francisco. AAFA will also host the Knock it Off! Brands & the Counterfeiting Quandary Workshop the day prior, November 30, in San Francisco (open to both members and non-members). Contact to learn more.

Final debate airing October 19: In advance of the final Presidential debate, airing October 19, AAFA sent a letter to the moderator, Chris Wallace. The letter encourages him to ask questions about UNICOR and the damaging impact prison factories have on USA manufacturing.

See all of AAFA’s latest letters, comments, and testimony here.

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