Industry outcry against $300 billion in tariffs: Yesterday was a critical day for our industry efforts to protect our trading relationships with China and keep tariffs at bay. Three big developments:
1) Monday marked day 1 of testimony before the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, where AAFA testified. Our full written testimony is available here and we expect at least 17 companies across our industry to speak over the course of two-plus weeks of public testimony. 
AAFA President and CEO Rick Helfenbein
speaks with Wilfred Frost and Sara Eisen on
CNBC’s Closing Bell, June 17. Watch here.
An overview at the start of our busy day, directly
from AAFA’s President and CEO at the AAFA
offices in Washington. Watch here.
2) AAFA brought together 138 apparel and footwear companies – signed by nearly 200 executives and designers – in sending a letter to President Donald J. Trump yesterday afternoon opposing the use of tariffs in the trade dispute with China. The letter explains succinctly and in no uncertain terms that these tariffs will mean higher prices for U.S consumers, lower U.S. apparel and footwear sales, and lost jobs for American workers in our industry. A copy of the letter is available here and our press release and related postings are available at
3) Last week, AAFA joined more than 650 associations and companies in a letter to the President opposing the Tranche 4 tariffs. The letter, organized by the Americans for Free Trade Coalition, is available here.
Contact AAFA’s Steve Lamar for more information or to join the Government Relations Committee.
Letter to Myanmar on worker’s rights: On June 12, AAFA — in collaboration with the Fair Labor Association, the Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability, and Social Accountability International — sent a joint letter to the Myanmar Government expressing concerns over serious worker’s rights issues.

See all of AAFA’s latest letters, comments, and testimony here.

Congress and government agencies solicit comments on a range of issues that may affect your business – find a list of comment opportunities here.