A New Start: AAHOA Members and Leadership Come Together to Testify During New Jersey Hearing on Franchising Bill

One by one, the AAHOA leaders were called to the microphone to give their testimony concerning how their franchise relationships are becoming increasingly more unfair and unbalanced in the hospitality industry, and the heavy impact that this is having on their hotels and the guests they are serving. Listening to their personal stories and the immense challenges they are facing with the mandates and business practices imposed by their hotel franchisors clearly demonstrated how consequential the passage of this bill will be to their livelihood.

“On behalf of the 20,000 hotelier AAHOA Members, many of whom are here today in this great state of New Jersey, and who [directly or indirectly contribute to and] employ 72,000 employees in the state, they are asking for fairness,” incoming AAHOA President & CEO Laura Lee Blake said during her testimony. “What does FAIR mean?” she asked. “It means Fairness, Accountability, Improved disclosure, and a Reasoned response and dialogue, so they can work together [with their franchisors].  And we need your help – it is not happening without assistance.”

When AAHOA unites behind a common cause we can create impact and change with one cohesive voice. With Blake beginning her tenure as AAHOA’s next President & CEO on Monday, it truly is “a new start.”

Read the full story here.