Don’t take our word for it

We can’t wait to see you, and so many of your colleagues feel the same way. Here are a few quick notes from a small sample of past attendees who all are counting the minutes until this year’s installment kicks off:

Biran Patel
AAHOA Chair, 2020-2021
"I'm looking forward to seeing so many familiar faces from our membership and industry at AAHOACON21 in Dallas. After the year we have had to endure, it makes me appreciate my peers even more. The social interaction and networking at our conference this year is more valuable than ever. Cant wait!"
  Vinay Patel
AAHOA Vice Chair
"I’m looking forward to seeing and meeting all my fellow hoteliers in person. This will give me an opportunity to learn, see new products at the Trade Show, and simply have fun!" 
  Nishant (Neal) Patel
AAHOA Treasurer
"AAHOA has been the pinnacle when it comes to an industry conference. Looking forward to meeting with our hoteliers and learning how each one adapted their models during the pandemic to protect their NOI."
  Bharat Patel, CHO
AAHOA Secretary
"I'm looking forward to meeting and listening to our fellow hoteliers. It's been a long year, and I'm Zoomed out. AAHOA in-person events and AAHOACON21 will be the kick-off event for AAHOA Members, kind of like the Daytona 500. Let's make it an epic convention in Dallas, signaling the end of the pandemic and ushering in a new era of travel and tourism."