AAPA Seaports Advisory

Community Engagement: San Diego

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Port of San Diego and City of Imperial Beach to Host Public Open House on Imperial Beach Improvement Project
The Port of San Diego and the City of Imperial Beach invite the public to attend an open house to view design concepts for the Beach Avenue Comfort Station and Street End Improvements Project in Imperial Beach. The open house will be held Tuesday, March 27, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Beach Avenue street end at Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach. Drop-ins are welcome.
At the open house, the public will be encouraged to provide input on the design for proposed improvements, which include:
  • Installing a new comfort station (bathroom), shower and seating area; the existing site has none of these elements
  • Replacing pavement with new colored pavers
  • Creating two bulb-outs at the intersection of Beach Avenue and Seacoast Drive
The goal of the Imperial Beach open house is to hear from the community about preferences for design of these elements. Approximately $1 million is provided for construction by the Port’s Capital Improvement Program. The goal is to start construction in the winter of 2018.


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