Achieving Our Client's Goals Accurately and Efficiently

Founded in 1950, Lane Gorman Trubitt, LLC (LGT) is dedicated to serving the middle market. The firm represents a broad range of clients, from individuals to public companies, in a variety of industries. LGT offers traditional services (accounting, audit, tax, and consulting) as well as various other specialized services.

Award-Winning Culture

Our ethics and dedication are often recognized by the community and our clients. LGT was also recently named one of ClearlyRated’s “2021 Best of Accounting," as well as AccountingToday’s “2021 Best Accounting Firms to Work for” and “Top 100 Firms” in the Southwest Region. We are also one of the “Nation’s Top 200 Accounting Firms” by INSIDE Public Accounting and honored internationally for our outstanding young professionals program and social media initiatives. We were also named one of “DFW’s Top Work Places” by the Dallas Morning News and one of the “Top 200 Private Companies in DFW” by the Dallas Business Journal.

Clearly Rated LGT
2023 IPA - Award Logos - Top 200 Firms
2023_AT_regional leaders
17 th

Largest Accounting Firm in the Dallas & Houston Metro Areas

2700 +

Number of Clients


Hours Servicing the Dallas Not-for-Profit Community

$ 100 k

Approximate Value of Volunteer Paid Employee Time


LGT offers a wide range of accounting, tax and advisory services to meet our client's needs. The selection of the right accountant is more important now than ever. At Lane Gorman Trubitt, we recognize the importance of this business decision and the importance of getting to know our client’s business. By learning the intricacies our client’s operations, we can tailor our approach to the specific needs of each client.


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