Create your job in minutes and upload all relevant documents with ease.
Chat with your process server and get real-time updates at every step.
Get affidavits for each attempt, complete with photos, precise location data, and detailed server notes.
From fast updates to quick problem-solving, your dedicated specialist ensures a smooth process, giving you peace of mind.
Conveniently stay on top of every job from one place. Our dashboard has it all, and is ridiculously easy to navigate.
Our servers are rigorously vetted for experience, jurisdictional qualifications, and background checks.
They’re not just reliable—they’re determined to get the job done right and keep you informed along the way.
With Proof, you’ll get notified of nearby jobs, all managed through the highest-rated process serving app in the industry. Our efficient platform and operations team empower you to succeed on every job.
With nationwide process serving taken care of, your firm has more time for cases and clients.
And that’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. See it for yourself.