ACCG-IRMA Launches Firefighters’ Cancer Benefit Program
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After months of effort from many parties across the State,
the ACCG – Interlocal Risk Management Agency (ACCG-IRMA) Firefighters’ Cancer
Benefit Program was successfully launched on January 1, 2018. One hundred nine (109) Georgia counties elected
to become charter members of the program. This is the large majority of the
county-operated fire departments, since some counties utilize non-profit
organizations for fire protection.
This was an excellent start for this new program, which was designed
to help Georgia counties satisfy the new requirements of House Bill 146
(2017). Essentially, Georgia law now
requires that firefighters who have served 12 consecutive months with their
respective legally organized fire departments are eligible for certain cancer
benefits, consisting of Lump Sum/Critical Illness coverage and Long-Term
Disability (Income Replacement). The cancer
diagnosis must occur on or after January 1, 2018.
The ACCG-IRMA Board of Trustees, with the support of
Chairman John Daniell, authorized the creation of a program in July of 2017 to
assist Georgia counties in obtaining the newly required coverages. Georgia county leaders, the Georgia State
Firefighters Association, the Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs and others
were involved in communicating their expertise and viewpoints. The Georgia Department of Insurance and
Georgia Firefighters Standards & Training Council were helpful as well,
providing knowledge and assistance in their respective areas. In addition, the
ACCG-IRMA Administrator, Willis Towers Watson, and The Hartford, the carrier
that provides the underlying coverages, were invaluable to the successful start
of the Firefighters’ Cancer Benefit Program.
Most importantly, this program would not have gotten off the ground
without the assistance of the Georgia county boards of commissioners, their
staff and the county fire departments.
They provided the required firefighter census data necessary to develop
proposals and executed the enrollment documents upon electing to join the
According to ACCG Insurance Programs Deputy Director Ashley
Abercrombie, "The large amount of participation by Georgia counties enabled us
to negotiate the required coverages at competitive rates with The
Hartford. Plus, rates are guaranteed for
the first three years of the program."
This state-wide effort allowed Georgia counties to work
together to create a program that will aid firefighters in the event they
contract cancer. Due to collaborative
efforts, these newly required coverages are being provided at an affordable
price through the ACCG-IRMA Firefighters’ Cancer Benefit Program.
For more information, click here. |