As we prepare for the session and in our ongoing mission to heighten county involvement in the legislative process, ACCG is updating its list of County Legislative Coordinators (CLCs) and needs your assistance.
In 2010, ACCG established the CLC network to help improve communications among and between counties and legislators while the General Assembly is in session. The CLC will serve two primary roles:
- help keep county commissioners and county management updated on legislation of importance to counties (this information is provided by ACCG’s weekly Legislative Updates), and
- provide your county-specific information to ACCG and your legislative delegation to help policymakers assess the impact of proposed legislation on your county.
ACCG is requesting counties’ assistance in the following areas:
- Please review the list of 2018 county-appointed CLCs as a reference;
- If your CLC remains the same, please confirm that this is correct;
- If your county’s CLC will be someone else, or your county did not designate a CLC for 2017 but you would like to do so this year, please let us know.
Further details on the responsibilities of a CLC can be found
here. County chairmen are asked to officially designate the CLC by passing a
resolution at a commission meeting.
Once the resolution passes, ACCG will need a copy of it for our files as well as the name, title, office and cell phone numbers and email address for your CLC.