Call for GHRAC Awards Nominations
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Reward Excellent Work in Archives
Do you know someone who has done outstanding work using, preserving, or making historical records more accessible? Think about the historical or genealogical society, library, museum, county or municipal government, researcher, local historian, educator or student. The Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) wants to encourage and reward their exceptional efforts.
The Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) established the Outstanding Archives Awards Program in 2003 to recognize outstanding efforts in archives and records work in Georgia. By publicly recognizing excellent achievements, the Board strives to inspire others. Hundreds of organizations and individuals play a significant role in the preservation of our state’s documentary heritage.
GHRAC has twelve different award categories for individuals and organizations. Award recipients will be honored at the Georgia Archives by the GHRAC Board at a ceremony during Archives Month in October. Nominations may be submitted through June 1. Nominations must be postmarked on or before June 1, 2020.
All of the following are eligible for an award. (You may nominate your own organization.)
- local governments, courts, school systems, state agencies, and institutions
- historical records repositories, historical societies, libraries, and museums
- educators, students, and researchers
- legislators and government officials
- individuals and organizations who support archives and records management
- specialized subject societies in related fields such as oral history, genealogy, folklore, archaeology, business history, etc.
Information about the GHRAC Awards Program is located on the website of the Georgia Archives, On the homepage, type “GHRAC” in the search bar. You can then click on the link to the “GHRAC Awards Program.” Here you will find the links for the Nomination Form and instructions, the Award Categories and Selection Criteria for all 12 awards categories, and a list of all prior award recipients.
A nomination package consists of the one-page nomination form (please provide all requested contact information), a 500-word summary or project description, a copy of the work itself, and any supporting documentation necessary to appropriately portray the complete work (in the case of a project which includes an exhibit, a website, or an audiovisual, instructional, service, or performance component). Please note requirements in the appropriate selection criteria for nominations.
If submitted electronically, one copy of the nomination package should be emailed to: If submitted as hard copy, seven (7) complete nomination packages should be sent to: GHRAC, Georgia Archives 5800 Jonesboro Rd. Morrow, GA 30260 [Copies will not be returned.] Nominators should pay particular attention to the following requirements: 1. Georgia students who research and write in an area other than Georgia history or a Georgia subject must use the resources of Georgia records repositories to qualify for these awards. 2. A letter of support from a professor, teacher, adviser, or other appropriate representative of an organization or institution must accompany students who nominate themselves or are nominated by a family member. Award recipients are typically notified in August or September, and the annual GHRAC Awards Reception and Ceremony are held at the Georgia Archives in October.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get involved and shine the spotlight on the organizations and individuals all across Georgia who are dedicated to preserving and sharing our history, and improving our record keeping.
For additional information, please contact GHRAC by phone at 678-364-3806, or email |