GCIP Intern Spotlight: Jimmy Lovett and Burke County

Jimmy Lovett, Georgia Southern University Graduate, Interns with Burke County’s Parks and Recreation Department

Following graduation, Jimmy Lovett sought an opportunity to put his Sports Marketing/Management degree to work. Despite being unfamiliar with county government operations, Lovett jumped at the opportunity to intern with Burke County’s Parks and Recreation Department as part of the 2015 Summer Georgia County Internship Program. Through his internship, Lovett was tasked with planning and orchestrating the county’s youth summer recreation programs. 

Lovett explained that his main objective in this role was to create fun recreational activities for children that simultaneously promoted healthy lifestyles and physical fitness. Beyond planning these activities, Lovett was responsible for reaching out to the community to ensure parents were aware of the summer program opportunities that were available through the parks and recreation department. Lovett considered his ability to increase the number of participants in Burke County’s summer program every week as the largest success of his internship. 

Lovett’s favorite part of his internship, however, was interacting with the county’s youth and knowing that through planning and leading the department’s summer program, he was making a positive impact on his community. From this experience. Lovett gained an appreciation for county government and the role the department fulfilled as promoters of healthy living. 

Lovett expressed that as an intern he strengthened his communication and community relation skills. Furthermore, he gained a passion for enriching the lives of Burke County’s youths. As a result, Lovett believes that working for a county’s parks and recreation department would allow him to combine his passion for both sports and community service. Based on his positive experience and the type of work his was able to perform during his internship, Lovett is interested in pursuing a career in county government.

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