Firefighters’ Cancer Program Enhancements

The Georgia Firefighters’ Cancer Program (GFCP) has been operating successfully since January 1, 2018, the effective date of the Georgia law that requires all legally organized fire departments to provide and maintain specific cancer insurance coverages for all eligible full-time, part-time, and volunteer firefighters in the State. Designed to help bridge financial gaps firefighters encounter following a diagnosis of cancer, the coverages help with extra expense items such as deductibles, co-pays and out-of-network treatments and to offset loss of income. The benefits provide a little peace of mind so the firefighter can focus on healing. The program is administered by the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) and the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) and is fully insured by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company (A.M. best rating of A(Excellent)).

ACCG and GMA continue to enhance the program for the benefit of its members’ firefighters. While The Hartford originally provided a three-year rate guarantee to show their commitment to Georgia firefighters, they agreed to drop the rate for the third year since the losses to-date have not been as high as anticipated. Rates for the critical illness and long-term disability coverage are expected to decrease about 15% for January 1, 2020! The ACCG Firefighters’ Cancer Benefit Program currently has 115 members – more than any other insurer in the State, and firefighters have expressed their appreciation for the excellent service provided by The Hartford.

ACCG and GMA staff are also rolling out a NEW GFCP WEBSITE for its members. This website provides a history and overview of the program, as well as details about the coverage, claims service, forms and contact information. The new website also provides articles, videos and other resources for firefighters to help them better understand the risks of firefighting and how to prevent cancer. There are links to other helpful organizations as well.

Lastly, posters and brochures for three ancillary services will be sent soon to the participating members for distribution to the fire stations. The Hartford is providing their Ability Assist®, HealthChampionSM, and Travel Assistance programs free of charge to firefighters with approved claims because of their commitment to Georgia firefighters. What are these services?

* Ability Assist® – Professional counseling services for firefighters and their immediate family members

* HealthChampionSM – Provides firefighters access to professionals who can help guide them through health care options, connect them with helpful resources and advocate on their behalf for a timely and fair resolution of issues

* Travel Assistance –  Assistance with pre-trip information, emergency medical assistance or personal assistance services while traveling; this also include assistance with identity theft


For counties not currently in the ACCG program, contact ACCG Marketing and Field Services Representative Joe Dan Thompson to request a proposal for January 1 (404-522-5022 or

For more information about this program, contact the ACCG Insurance Programs staff at 404-522-5022.