July 2012, Vol. 6, No. 7
The ACCG Policy Committees will hold their second committee meetings during the month of August. During these meetings, committee members will review proposed changes to the county platform discussed during the first committee meeting in June and hear presentations on hot topics in their policy area.

Visit http://www.accg.org/content.asp?contentid=1923 to view the full article online.

Please join ACCG in welcoming the newest member of our policy team, Shaun Adams. As an ACCG Associate Legislative Director, Shaun will handle economic development and transportation issues as well as oversee federal advocacy efforts.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/acg-nwl/articles/index-v5.asp?aid=181764&issueID=24669 to view the full article online.

August 16 & 17, the ACCG Mobile Classroom heads to West Georgia for a look at the winning combination of environmental stewardship and economic development. Stops include the Kia Plant in Troup County, Columbus Water Works and the Chattahoochee River in Columbus-Muscogee County and Ft. Benning.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/acg-nwl/pdf/ACCG_August_2012_Mobile_Classroom_tentative_itinerary.pdf to view the full article online.

In August, LGRMS will be holding a contracts class in four locations across the state for local governments that is focused on local government contracting, practice pointers, risk transfer, risk mitigation, indemnity, and technical compliance. There is no charge for members of the ACCG Interlocal Risk Management Agency (IRMA).

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/acg-nwl/pdf/Contracts_-_Course_-August_2012.pdf to view the full article online.

Effective July 1, 2012, O.C.G.A. Section 15-6-59 (as amended by HB 665; Act 599) increases the required minimum amount of the Public Official’s Bond for the Clerk of Superior Court from $25,000 to $150,000. For the 105 counties that participate in ACCG’s Property & Liability insurance program, no action will be required.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/acg-nwl/articles/index-v5.asp?aid=181767&issueID=24669 to view the full article online.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a new framework to help local governments meet their Clean Water Act obligations. The Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning Approach Framework assists local governments to develop voluntary storm and wastewater management plans and implement effective integrated approaches that will protect public health by reducing overflows from wastewater systems and pollution from stormwater.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/acg-nwl/articles/index-v5.asp?aid=181773&issueID=24669 to view the full article online.

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