December 2019, Vol.13 , No.12
As the 2020 legislative session approaches, Georgia counties should be in full gear to stay informed, get involved, and make a difference on helping craft sound public policy for the State of Georgia.  ACCG’s Legislative Toolkit is designed to inform individuals about major issues and concerns that counties share in an effort to spark dialogue amongst communities and promote awareness of the Guiding Principles and the Policy Agenda ACCG will actively pursue on their behalf. Before the legislative session begins, county officials are encouraged to take time to review the Toolkit and discuss these top issues with their state legislators. County officials are also encouraged to use the Toolkit as a guide throughout the session.

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The Board of Trustees of the ACCG-Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (GSIWCF) recently approved a rate decrease for members in 2020. Learn more about the decrease and how members will benefit from the change.

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The deadline to file an immigration report with the DOAA is quickly approaching! All counties must submit the required documents by December 31, 2019.

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Gilmer County is one of many counties recently awarded an Employee Safety Grant from the ACCG - Group Self-Insurance Workers’ Compensation Fund (ACCG-GSIWCF). The Employee Safety Grant Program is available to Fund members that are fostering a culture of workplace safety through additional training, equipment, or services.  

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ACCG and GMA have partnered to provide a 2020 Census Webinar for counties and cities on Thursday, January 9, 2020. The webinar will include information about public outreach, reaching hard-to-count communities, available resources, and more.

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As we prepare for the 2020 session of the Georgia General Assembly, ACCG is asking for your assistance in updating the list of County Legislative Coordinators (CLCs). The CLC network is a communication tool that helps county commissioners and county management stay updated on legislation of importance to counties and provides county-specific information to ACCG to help legislators assess the impact of proposed bills during the session.

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The Georgia County Internship Program (GCIP) has four different types of county internship grant opportunities available for the 2020 summer grant period. Help college students better prepare for the workforce by providing them with an internship in their field of study. Interested counties should apply by January 6, 2020.

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Prior to interning with Dawson County, Cullen Reed had a limited understanding of government operations. Thanks to his internship, Reed learned the role each department has in creating a functioning county government. Learn more about his role with the county and his advice to future interns.

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The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is partnering with the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA) to host a Georgia ReConnect Broadband workshop on December 5, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia. Sign up to learn about the planning process and resources available to help expand broadband infrastructure in your county.

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Has your county created a Local Complete Count Committee (LCCC) yet? With the 2020 Census quickly approaching, ACCG encourages every community to establish a LCCC to educate and reach out to their residents about the importance of participating. Here are some resources your county can use to get started.

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The National Association of Counties (NACo) and ACCG have proudly partnered to provide all Georgia counties with a free flag retirement box for county residents to deposit flags that are no longer in good condition. The custom boxes will begin shipping to counties in mid-December. 

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Local governments and many other entities across the country have been sued for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) because their websites are not accessible to persons with disabilities. On Monday, December 9, Minh Vu, Seyfarth Shaw will discuss the laws that require accessible websites, why government entities have been targeted for lawsuits, and what state and local government officials can do to avoid being sued.     

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Local tax officials, staff and members of county boards of equalization can now earn continuing education credit for more than 40 Institute of Government courses recently approved by the Georgia Department of Revenue.

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The Georgia Department of Transportation is updating the Georgia State Rail Plan. This survey is intended to obtain input to inform the plan in several areas including safety, community impacts, passenger rail service, and freight rail. Your input is needed! Take a few moments to complete the survey.

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ACCG would like to extend a congratulations to the county employees that were recently awarded Level I and Level II certifications in the Human Resource Manager program. Recipients were presented with their certifications during the Georgia Local Government Personnel Association's (GLGPA) Fall Conference in Athens, Georgia on November 12-15, 2019.  

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Georgia Transmission Corporation
Bo Phillips Company

Association County Commissioners of Georgia
2019-2020 ACCG Board of Managers