ADCI Informational Update 2016 - 10

Nominations are now open for the
ADCI Scholarship Program

Scholarship recipients will be honored at the Awards Dinner at Underwater Intervention 2017.

Deadline for submittal of nominations:
OCTOBER 31, 2016

Please click here to download the application form.

Scholarship Program Information

As a membership funded non-profit organization in sound financial condition, ADCI has elected to return some of its financial resources to our communities in the form of secondary education scholarships. Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the Association of Diving Contractors International has approved a resolution to implement the following program. 

Scholarship Qualifications
Each Member company of ADCI, who has been a member and in good standing for a minimum of one year, may nominate and endorse the application of one individual from its community for consideration for the ADCI Scholarship program per year. Any person in the Member’s community is eligible for nomination at the discretion of the Member Company. However, officers and/or directors of the ADCI Board of Directors or the immediate family of such officers or directors shall not be eligible for nomination. Immediate family means spouse, child, stepchild or dependent of such officer or director. 

Applicants must: 
  1. Provide documentation of acceptance to the learning institution for which the scholarship is to be applied. If applicants are applying to more than one institution, they must so indicate on their scholarship applications.
  2. If successful, applicants must notify the Committee as to which institution they will attend, prior to the award distribution. 
  3. Execute an affidavit agreeing that should they not attend the learning institution as indicated on their application or, should they withdraw from same, that then all scholarship funds received or in the event of withdrawal, shall be returned in their entirety to the ADCI in a timely manner. In the case of a scholarship being awarded to a minor, the custodial parent or guardian shall sign the affidavit. 
  4. Agree to allow the committee to contact their current school to verify grade point average if applying for a scholarship on grade point merit. 

Scholarships may be awarded on the merits of one or all of the following criteria; grade point average, civic activities, extracurricular activities and essay submission. The scholarship award shall be paid jointly to the selected individual (or designated representative) and to the learning institution the successful applicant will attend. 

Eligible Institutions
The Board of Directors shall have final say as to the qualification of the secondary education institution, but generally, any institution of higher learning will be acceptable. These include universities, colleges, junior colleges, vocational training schools and trade schools. The emphasis shall be placed on colleges, universities, and trade schools; however all students are encouraged to apply. 

Scholarship Award Distribution
Distribution of applications for the awards and announcements to the members regarding the scholarship fund shall commence immediately upon the Board’s approval of the number and level of each year’s awards. Applications for scholarship awards must be submitted to the ADCI office who shall compile all information received for delivery to the Scholarship Committee Chairman. To allow graduating High School students to have the awards presented or announced at their High School commencement ceremony every effort will be made to announce the 2016 awards by December 1, 2015. 

This year the ADCI will award 2 Scholarships at $4,000.00 each.

This ADCI Scholarship is open to members of the community of all ADCI voting member companies who are current and in good standing with ADCI, with the exception of officers and/or directors of the ADCI Board of Directors or their immediate families. This award is available for any institution of higher learning after high school including universities, colleges, junior colleges, vocational training schools and trade schools. 

Association of Diving Contractors International