January 29, 2014 Archive/Subscribe Send to a Friend Advertise Join ADCI
Fisk Marine Insurance International
The following items of information are provided to bring your attention to recent industry developments, initiatives, or safety notices.
USCG MARINE SAFETY INFO BULLETIN - 02-14: Recreational and Medicinal Marijuana Use Policies for Maritime Transportation Workers

The U.S. Coast Guard is providing this notice to ensure that mariners, marine employers, Medical
Reviewing Officers and the public are knowledgeable of the continuing prohibition of marijuana use by
those serving in safety-sensitive positions in the maritime transportation industry.

It is important to note that marijuana remains a drug listed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
It remains unacceptable for any safety-sensitive employee serving in the maritime industry and subject to
drug testing under the Department of Transportation’s drug testing regulations to use marijuana. The
Department of Transportation’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulation – 49 CFR Part 40 – does not
authorize the use of Schedule I drugs, including marijuana, for any reason.

As such, Medical Review Officers will not verify a drug test as negative based upon learning that the
employee used "recreational marijuana" or "medicinal marijuana". Furthermore, mariners/employees
that hold a Merchant Mariner Credential and fail a drug test due to recreational or medicinal
marijuana usage, will be subject to administrative action against their credential in accordance with
federal regulations.

The Coast Guard’s regulation regarding recreational or medicinal drug usage is firmly aligned with the
Department of Transportation’s regulation on the use of Schedule I drugs. For more information
regarding DOT’s notices for "recreational marijuana" or "medicinal marijuana" please click here.

The intent of the U.S. Coast Guard is to assure the maritime community and the traveling public that our
transportation system is the safest it can possibly be. This Marine Safety Information Bulletin is published
to provide the highest visibility and notice of our effort in support of the Drug and Alcohol Prevention

For more information, please contact Mr. Patrick Mannion, Drug and Alcohol Program Manager,
Commandant (CG-INV), U.S. Coast Guard, at (202) 372-1033.

This Information was sent to further the communication of all industry stakeholders. Safety is the primary concern of the ADCI. Remember: a real-time Job Hazard Analysis is important, but nothing can replace good common sense.


Phil Newsum
Association of Diving Contractors International


5206 FM 1960 West, Ste. 202 | Houston, TX 77069
Phone: (281) 893-8388 | Fax: (281) 893-5118

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