ADCI News Newsletter RSS Feed. en-us Copyright 2025 1/30/2025 9:03:31 PM 20 Industry icon Dr. Phil Nuytten passed away on May 13, 2023, at the age of 81 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 17, 2023</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>Phil Nuytten spent his life in subsea exploration. He logged many thousands of hours underwater world-wide as a working commercial diver, and as a developer of underwater equipment and techniques. He was widely regarded as one of the pioneers of the modern commercial diving industry and a significant force in the creation of new technology.</div></p> 5/17/2023 6:54:34 AM EFFECTIVE 01 May 2023 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 10, 2023</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>ADCI General and Associate Member Schools:</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The ADCI Board of Directors has ratified the below requirement for companies and schools.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>General Member Companies or Associate Member Schools, that have other business units which derive their revenue from commercial diving operations (or the training of commercial diving candidates) must have all such business units adhere to the guidelines in the <strong>International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations</strong> to the same degree as the audited company or school registered within the ADCI.&nbsp; Companies or schools cannot maintain their membership status with the ADCI if such members have separate business units that operate outside of the guidelines required for the registered ADCI company or school.&nbsp;<strong> This requirement also applies to subcontractors, joint ventures, affiliates, and partnerships performing diving services on behalf of ADCI General Members.</strong></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Associate Member Schools cannot maintain membership status with the ADCI if such schools operate other commercial diver training programs that do not adhere to the International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations, or satellite programs that have not been audited and approved by the ADCI.</strong></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Best Regards</div> <div>Phil Newsum</div> </div></p> 4/10/2023 1:29:20 PM;issueID=75370 Warning: Diving Cylinder Incompatibility Caused Diving Fatality <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 10, 2023</a> -- <em>CORRECTIVE ACTION</em></strong><br /><div>On Sunday, October 16, 2022, an accident occurred in which a diving instructor was killed.<br />During a dive, the valve came loose from the diving cylinder and fatally hit the diving instructor; a cylinder with internal thread G3/4 was used, which was fitted with a valve with external thread M25x2.<br />Despite various (international) publications about the prevention of such incidents, these situations unfortunately continue to occur. Also in previous incidents, the main cause was always that the diving cylinder and the mounted valve were incompatible. In such a case, the screw thread of the valve is slightly smaller than that of the screw thread in the diving cylinder.</div> <div><strong>Result:</strong> an increased risk that the valve will come loose from the cylinder forced at high<br />pressure.<br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Advice is to double check and scratch the old diving cylinders with the G3/4 thread.</strong></span></div></p> 1/10/2023 9:38:53 AM Guidelines for the Use of Commercial SCUBA <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 12, 2022</a> -- <em>CORRECTIVE ACTION</em></strong><br /><div>This notice is being issued to reinforce the ADCI guidelines and requirements for commercial SCUBA. The ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (ed. 6.4), Section 4.2 SELF-CONTAINED DIVING (SCUBA) outlines the minimum personnel requirements, operational guidelines, and equipment requirements for commercial SCUBA.&nbsp;</div> <div><em>It has been noted and reported that several firms are not meeting the stated requirements for:</em></div> <div><strong>&bull; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Two-way audio communications between the diver and topside;</strong></div> <div><strong>&bull; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Full face mask with through water communication to the surface (supervisor), with diver-to-diver communications a desirable option;</strong></div> <div><strong>&bull; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SCUBA divers shall be line-tended from the surface, or accompanied by another diver in the water in continuous visual contact during the diving operations;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </strong><br /><strong>&bull; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; During all SCUBA dives, a standby diver shall be available while a diver is in the water.</strong></div> <div>Please note that documented failures to abide by the guidelines prescribed in Section 4.2 will be addressed through the membership review process, which could result in suspension or termination of General or Associate School membership.</div> <div>Members who utilize commercial SCUBA should take an opportunity to review the conduct of their operations to ensure that they are in full compliance with the ADCI Consensus Standards.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 12/12/2022 8:30:38 AM;issueID=91370 ADCI Bulletin: Two fatalities at CDA Technical Institute <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2, 2022</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>Recently, the ADCI was notified about two fatalities that occurred at CDA in Jacksonville, FL.</div> <div>The fatality that occurred in April 2022 at the school, brought about a media report, which stated that CDA experienced a fatality in February 2022. The ADCI was not formally notified about the February fatality and subsequently confirmed the incident with the school.</div> <div>As a result of both fatalities, which couldn&rsquo;t rule out equipment or operational deficiencies, the ADCI instituted its membership review process. When a company or school is placed under membership review, they are automatically placed in &ldquo;suspended&rdquo; status while the audit-for-cause and review of any investigative findings are conducted.</div> <div>After the audit-for-cause and review of the investigative findings are conducted, the Membership Review Committee will make a recommendation to the ADCI Board of Directors on the future membership status of the said company or school. The Board will make and ratify a decision on the final disposition of the membership review process.</div> <div>It should be noted that the ADCI does not have the authority to suspend a company or school from continuing operations. The Association can only impact a company or school&rsquo;s ADCI membership and ability to apply for ADCI certifications for its personnel and graduates.</div> <div>The ADCI offers its condolences to the family and friends of both students that perished. These were unfortunate incidents that warrant the utmost in accountability. The root cause(s) for both fatalities need to be brought to light, so that our industry doesn&rsquo;t experience such avoidable tragedies in the future.<br /> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 5/2/2022 12:58:55 PM;issueID=91356 Delta-P Diving Checklist for Contractors <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 2, 2022</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>BACKGROUND</strong></span></div> <div>Between June 2019 and July 2021, there were five diving fatalities that occurred at power-generation facilities as a result of differential pressure (Delta-P). At the request of the OSHA&rsquo;s Office of Maritime Enforcement, the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) formed a task force consisting of ADCI, OSHA, contractors, the USACE, sonar experts, and facility operators to address the hazards associated with Delta-P.</div> <div><br /><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>PURPOSE</strong></span></div> <div>The purpose of this checklist is to provide best industry practices in a clear and complete format for dive operations at power-generating facilities where Delta-P hazards exist. It is a guide for those responsible for creating Dive Procedures and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). It consists of three sections:</div> <div>A checklist for planning and execution when diving in areas with potential for Delta-P.<br />A list of relevant terminology useful in the discussion of Delta-P.<br />A list of resources for planning Delta-P diving operations.<br />&nbsp;</div> <div>Copies of the checklist can be obtained at the ADCI website under the<a href=";contentid=173"> Safety &amp; Education link</a>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/2/2022 12:29:48 PM "Bargain brand" TYT Torch has potential safety hazards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 8, 2021</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>This report is a summary of findings regarding the TYT Torch, which is produced in Turkey. This torch has been spotted as a &ldquo;bargain brand&rdquo; BR-22 and has potential safety hazards and intellectual property infringements that prove problematic for customers.</div></p> 12/7/2021 12:36:32 PM OSHA Alert: Keep Workers Alive During Diving Operations <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 16, 2021</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>Divers working around drains, tunnels, pipes or valves can suffer fatal injuries when differential water pressure, commonly known as Delta P, creates forces quick and strong enough to entrap them. Diving contractors and facility operators must take measures to protect divers by attending pre-job safety briefs to discuss Delta P; identifying and calculating the force of Delta P; considering a pre-dive inspection with remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs); using a lockout/tagout (LOTO) program; and making sure all dive team members are qualified.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Other measures diving contractors and facility operators can take to ensure divers&rsquo; safety include: <strong>Facility Operator </strong></div> <div>&bull; Update facility drawings to show the most current piping and valve configurations.</div> <div>&bull; Train facility workers and diving contractors on LOTO procedures.</div> <div>&bull; Verify zero energy by using gauges, meters and confirmation from the diving contractor.</div> <div>&bull; Eliminate the hazard by constructing guards/screens or close valves.</div> <div>&bull; Review and understand the diving contractor diving plan.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Diving Contractor</strong></div> <div>&bull; Review facility drawings and physically verify plant configuration and valve alignment.</div> <div>&bull; Use your own locks to ensure LOTO.</div> <div>&bull; Verify zero energy by use of tell-tales, velocity meters, ROVs or SONAR as well as confirmation from the facility operator.</div> <div>&bull; Limit the length of the diver's umbilical and use proper umbilical management techniques.</div> <div>&bull; Always create a plan for each dive, even if you have worked at the facility and location previously.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>To learn more about commercial diving safety, visit To watch a video on the dangers of Delta P, visit <a href=""></a></div></p> 9/16/2021 8:23:50 AM ADCI Audit Initiative Has Resumed as of July 1 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 16 , 2021</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div> <div>Effective July 1, 2021, ADCI has resumed the ADCI Audit Initiative for companies and schools that have not previously submitted to the ADCI Audit.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>All companies and schools that have not previously gone through an ADCI audit will have until June 2022 to complete the process for continued membership.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Please contact the ADCI office at&nbsp;281-893-8388 for further information.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 7/15/2021 7:58:55 AM;issueID=75373 CDC Employer Resources Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 3, 2021</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>A new <a href="">communication toolkit </a>is available to help employers build confidence in their workforce for this important new vaccine. The toolkit will help employers across various industries provide information about COVID-19 vaccines, increase awareness about vaccination benefits, and address common questions and concerns. The toolkit contains a variety of resources including key messages, FAQs, posters, newsletter content, and more. Partners are encouraged to adapt the key messages to the language, tone, and format that will resonate with the organizations and industries they serve.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><a href="">Click here </a>to read about&nbsp;Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination for Essential Workers</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><a href="">Click here</a> for&nbsp;Workplace Vaccination Program (HTML version of the FAQs for employers)</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><a href="">Click here </a>for&nbsp;Essential Workers &amp; Employees: When &amp; How to Get Vaccinated</div></p> 3/2/2021 2:03:27 PM;issueID=75368 Interim List of Categories of Essential Workers Mapped to Standardized Industry Codes and Titles <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 3, 2021</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>An<a href=""> interim list</a> is now available to help state, local, tribal, and territorial officials and organizations prepare for the allocation of initially limited COVID-19 vaccine supply. The interim list maps essential industries to corresponding COVID-19 vaccination phases and workforce categories, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.</div></p> 3/2/2021 2:09:41 PM Attention: Release of International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (edition 6.4) <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2021</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>ADCI has released edition 6.4 of the International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations as well as&nbsp;and the gap analysis between editions 6.3 and 6.4. <br /><br />The major areas of change are:</div> <div>&bull; Revised and expanded Underwater Lift Bag Section<br />&bull; New subsection on manifolds<br />&bull; New subsection on pressure-reducing regulators<br />&bull; Revisions to audit reports to reflect additions of manifold and pressure-reducing regulator requirements<br />&nbsp;</div> <div><a href="">Click here</a> for&nbsp;International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations<br />6.4 Edition.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><a href="">Click here</a> for the Gap Analysis.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/5/2021 12:18:18 PM;issueID=75366 Diver Safety: IMCA and ADCI Work Together to Achieve US Coast Guard Recognition <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 16, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>A Policy Letter &lsquo;Commercial Diving Operations &ndash; Equivalent Levels of Safety&rsquo; published by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) was issued in October and applies to all USCG regulated vessels operating anywhere in the world. The Policy is not only set to improve US diving safety, but also bears testament to the combined efforts of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) who have worked closely together for many years.</div></p> 11/13/2020 1:40:29 PM OSHA Answers COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 20, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>Please see link below for the most up-to-date questions and answers concerning COVID-19 guidance on best practices in the workplace. Be sure to check back regularly for the most current FAQs.</div></p> 7/20/2020 12:34:04 PM COVID-19 GUIDANCE FOR SURFACE DIVING OPERATIONS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 17, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>ADCI along with its partners has developed safe practices for mitigating the spread of the virus during the conduct of commercial diving. <em>COVID-19 GUIDANCE FOR SURFACE DIVING OPERATIONS</em> also includes&nbsp;an appendix that contains the <em>UC San Diego Study on Evaluation of Divers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.&nbsp; </em></div> <div>The pdfs below also include a Spanish translation.</div></p> 7/16/2020 3:10:19 PM Mandarin and Spanish translations now available: ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (edition 6.3) <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 10, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (edition 6.3) is now available in Mandarin and Spanish translations.&nbsp; Both translations can be downloaded from the <a href="">ADCI Website.</a></div></p> 6/9/2020 11:14:53 AM UC San Diego Guidelines for Evaluation of Divers during COVID-19 pandemic <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 11, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global pandemic with SARS-CoV2 infecting millions of people and resulting in thousands of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. Research examining the origins and structure of the virus, its pathogenesis, and the clinical features of its acute presentation is growing at a fast pace. However, as a nascent pandemic, the long-term sequelae to be expected in those who have survived the acute disease are largely unknown. SARS-CoV2 infection manifests primarily as atypical pneumonia, but in severe disease other complications are common, including cardiac and thromboembolic disease. Scuba diving is a passion for many recreational divers, but, more importantly, it also represents a critical component of the commercial diving industry and scientific research.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>UCSD runs a diving medicine clinic that sees approximately 250 divers per year, most of whom are employed as commercial and scientific divers. As society begins to re-open after quarantines, many of these divers are presenting to our (and others&rsquo;) clinic requesting guidance and clearance on returning to dive after the pandemic.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 5/11/2020 12:09:09 PM Advisory Notice on the extension of KMDSI Technician certifications due to COVID-19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>April 14, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div> <div>To all KMDSI Technicians:</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Effective Immediately,&nbsp; Dive Lab is granting Technician extensions to those who were not able to attend a re-certification class prior to the expiration date, due to COVID-19.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The extension will cover all Technicians through September 1, 2020.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>We will not be issuing individual extensions.This <a href="">letter </a>will be used as your official extension.</div> <div>For any further questions, please contact dive lab directly at or call us at 850-237-2715.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>To print or send the letter electronically, please visit&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 4/14/2020 10:51:16 AM;issueID=75350 ADCI Advisory Notice 4 - COVID-19: ADCI Dive Medical Exams Vs. COVID-19 Risk <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 26, 2020</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/26/2020 8:00:36 AM;issueID=75349 ADCI Advisory Notice 3 -- COVID-19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 24, 2020</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>This advisory notice is provided to stress the importance of stakeholders vetting secondhand information on guidance for the sanitization of commercial diving life support equipment.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Recently, a diving contractor contacted the ADCI to verify an alleged guidance that OSHA/ADCI had issued, recommending the utilization of a diluted bleach mixture for post-dive cleaning of dive helmets. This is completely inaccurate, and is an example of why it is important to verify firsthand what are the recommended practices for the cleaning of shared life support equipment.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The ADCI would not, and will not, issue guidelines of this type that should be generated from manufacturers and vendors.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The ADCI encourages all contractors and schools to contact manufacturers on the best practices for proper sanitization to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The following links and recommendations are from Kirby Morgan Dive Systems:</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>During this period with the spreading of COVID-19 it is important that the helmets, BandMasks&reg; and full-face masks be cleaned and sanitized properly as defined in our <a href="">General Preventative Maintenance section and Sanitizing Procedure</a>.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>It is also important that the minimum&nbsp;post-dive procedures should be done using the <a href="">Post-Dive Cleaning, Maintenance, and Inspection Checklist A2.6 checklist</a>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Just wiping down and changing the parts is not enough. The equipment should be fully immersed and follow the solution manufacturers&rsquo; guidelines for immersion time. The regulator cover, whiskers and valves should be opened up as stated in the checklists. Don&rsquo;t forget about the neck dam and comms. The mic element is often overlooked and should receive the same attention as the other components that come in contact with the face.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Ensuring every diver has their own head cushion and oral nasal mask with valve, nose block pad has great value as well.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Concerning one of the KMDSI recommended sanitizing products Steramine:<br /><a href="">Steramine Efficacy Summary</a></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/24/2020 8:02:39 AM;issueID=75348 ADCI Advisory Notice 2 – COVID-19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March19, 2020</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/19/2020 1:21:03 PM;issueID=75347 The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March19, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/19/2020 1:25:28 PM COVID-19 Update: Issues for Commercial Diving Operations in the Gulf of Mexico <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March19, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/19/2020 1:30:17 PM ADVISORY NOTICE ON COVID-19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 12, 2020</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div> <div>The ADCI encourages all members to be vigilant within their companies and schools in exercising the recommended practices from health officials and the WHO for mitigating the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).</div> <div>By now, the world should know that COVID-19 is a very infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus, unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.</div> <div>The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don&rsquo;t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.</div> <div>COVID-19 spreads from others who have the virus.&nbsp; The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales.&nbsp; These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person.&nbsp; Other people catch COVID-19 by touching these objects and surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.&nbsp; People can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets.&nbsp;</div> <div>The most effective known ways to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 are to frequently clean your hands, cover your cough with the bend of elbow or tissue, and maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who are coughing and sneezing.</div> <div>The World Health Organization (WHO) is assessing ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share updated findings. &nbsp;Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local health authorities.</div> <div>The ADCI encourages all industry stakeholders to thoroughly risk assess any planned air travel or any form of travel to areas with wide-spread outbreak.</div> </div></p> 3/12/2020 12:32:47 PM;issueID=75346 UPDATE: ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (6.3) <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 25, 2020</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div> <div>ADCI Members,</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Please be advised of the release of the ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (6.3). The new ADCI Guidelines for Underwater Ship Husbandry can be found in Section 5.40 of ed. 6.3. &nbsp;This 6.3 edition of the International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations supersedes the 6.2 edition, dated 2016. A Gap Analysis between editions 6.2 and 6.3 can be accessed <a href="">here</a>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>To access the updated 6.3 complete edition to the International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations, please visit <a href=""></a></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div></p> 2/24/2020 1:02:06 PM;issueID=75344 Kirby Morgan Change to Product Bulletin <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 7, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 5/7/2019 12:37:23 AM;issueID=61650 IMCA Safety Flash 03/19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 1, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 3/1/2019 8:25:52 AM;issueID=61644 Underwater Intervention 2019 Schedule <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 4, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/3/2019 7:45:34 AM;issueID=71467 Underwater Intervention 2019 Schedule <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 1, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/31/2019 8:58:17 PM;issueID=61642 Mitigation Efforts Due to Lapse in Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations and Partial Government Shutdown <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 30, 2019</a> -- <em>WARNINGS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/29/2019 9:52:23 AM;issueID=61641 Register for Underwater Intervention Awards Dinner <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 28, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/28/2019 9:13:54 AM;issueID=61640 ADCI Communications Survey <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/8/2019 9:34:35 PM;issueID=61639 ADCI Communications Survey <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 3, 2019</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/3/2019 8:23:14 AM;issueID=61638 ADCI Communications Survey <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 18, 2018</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><div>&nbsp;</div></p> 12/17/2018 8:51:18 PM;issueID=57537 Nominations are now open for the ADCI Commercial Diving Hall of Fame <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 22, 2018</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br />Recognizing and honoring individuals whose efforts and accomplishments have significantly contributed to commercial diving through a lifetime of dedication. Nominees do not have to be commercial divers, but can be any individual who has been influential and who has made a significant and recognizable life-long contribution to the commercial diving community. Inductees will be honored at the Awards Dinner at Underwater Intervention 2019. For more information, please visit, hit the resources link and then the Underwater Intervention link to download the nominations form and to learn more about the Commercial Diving Hall of Fame. Deadline for submittal of nominations: OCTOBER 31, 2018</p> 5/22/2018 11:39:54 AM Nominations are now open for the ADCI Scholarship Program Award <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 22, 2018</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br />This year the ADCI will award 2 Scholarships at $4,000.00 each. Eligibility This ADCI Scholarship is open to members of the community of all ADCI voting member companies who are current and in good standing with ADCI, with the exception of officers and/or directors of the ADCI Board of Directors or their immediate families. This award is available for any institution of higher learning after high school including universities, colleges, junior colleges, vocational training schools and trade schools. Scholarship recipients will be honored at the Awards Dinner at Underwater Intervention 2019. Deadline for submittal of nominations: OCTOBER 31, 2018 Please visit to download the application form.</p> 5/22/2018 11:42:41 AM 90 Day Comment Period for Revisions to the <i>ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations (edition 6.3)</i> <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 30, 2017</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br />The comment period will commence on 27 June 2017 and conclude on 24 September 2017. The following areas will be available for comment: &bull; General Provisions &bull; Diving Personnel: Medical and Training Requirements &bull; Diving Personnel: Responsibilities, Qualifications, and Certifications &bull; Diving Modes: Definitions, Requirements, and Guidelines &bull; Underwater Operations: Procedures, Checklists, and Guidelines &bull; Life Support Equipment: Inspection, Maintenance, and Testing &bull; Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) &bull; Emergency Procedures, Assessments, and Reporting of Accidents &bull; Vessels and Floating Platforms for Diving Operations &bull; ADCI Compliance Audit Procedures &bull; Reference Materials</p> 6/30/2017 10:14:23 AM ADCI Informational Update 2013 - 27 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>August 21, 2013</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><b>Dear Industry Stakeholder, In a few days, you will be receiving an invitation to take part in a short, but very valuable, online survey pertaining to ADCI's communication efforts. As a valued industry stakeholder, your participation is vital to the outcome of this study. With your help, the association will gain a better understanding of how we are communicating with our members and stakeholders in today's constantly-changing environment. The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and you will have the opportunity to be entered into a drawing for a free $100 gift card.</b></p> 8/21/2013 2:52:40 PM ADCI Informational Update 2013 - 19 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>June 19, 2013</a> -- <em>DETAILS</em></strong><br /><b>COAST GUARD TERMINATION OF ITS 2 MHZ DISTRESS WATCHKEEPING SERVICE</b> Effective 01 August, 2013, the U. S. Coast Guard will terminate its radio guard of the international voice distress, safety and calling frequency 2182 kHz and the international digital selective calling (DSC) distress and safety frequency 2187.5 kHz. Additionally, marine information and weather broadcasts transmitted on 2670 kHz will terminate concurrently. The Coast Guard will continue to maintain a continuous watch on VHF FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz) and on existing voice and DSC frequencies in the 4/6/8/12 MHz bands as described in the Coast Guard Navigation Center website This safety alert is provided for informational purposes only and does not relieve any domestic or international safety, operational or material requirement. Developed by the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy Division (COMDT CG-652), USCG Headquarters, Washington, D.C.. Questions may be addressed to Ms. Sonia Kendall </p> 6/19/2013 8:36:20 AM