ADCI Underwater Today

July 3, 2020

Fisk Marine Insurance International, LLC
India’s state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation’s (ONGC) has temporarily suspended operations at two drilling rigs in the Arabian Sea after 54 positive tests for COVID-19 and one death.

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Royal Dutch Shell Plc said it will write down between $15 billion and $22 billion in the second quarter, as the company gave investors a wider glimpse of just how severely the coronavirus crisis has hit the oil industry.

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The US Navy has announced that the construction of the fourth Expeditionary Sea Base (ESB) ship has officially commenced. The General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (GD-NASSCO) shipyard in San Diego, California, is developing the vessel designated as ESB 6.

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Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC
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Dive Commercial International, Inc.
Naylor Association Solutions
India, the third-biggest oil consumer, expects fuel demand to return to normal earlier than projections by the International Energy Agency and OPEC. 

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Mubadala Petroleum and Tap Oil have agreed to drill an additional development well this year in the Manora oil field in the Gulf of Thailand. The jackup Valaris 115 will drill the MNA-28 well from a new platform slot.

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Following the commissioning of the 219 MW Northwester 2 wind farm in May, Belgium now has 1,775 MW of installed offshore wind capacity, compared to Denmark’s 1,703 MW.

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Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc.
Fugro has completed what it claims was the Middle East’s first fully autonomous geophysical shallow-water route survey. n uncrewed surface vessel (USV) controlled from the company’s remote operations center in Abu Dhabi captured geophysical data across a survey area 40 km (25 mi) from the country’s coast.

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From the Pages of Underwater Magazine
Say the words “contaminated water,” and images of major worldwide disasters like the emergency response after Hurricane Katrina or the sinking of the Exxon Valdez come to mind. Although diving in these heavily contaminated areas is not necessarily an everyday occurrence, some degree of contamination and/or pollution is evident is practically every body of water in the world.

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Saab Seaeye Ltd