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ASLA Renovation Pledge Challenege

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I would like to personally challenge everyone on our ExCom to contribute to this worthy endeavor. It’s easy! They take credit cards and it is over three years. So while Curt is looking for 100% BOT (Board of Trustee) participation, I am looking for 100% FLASLA ExCom participation! 

I am writing to provide an update on the great progress made on my challenge for 100 percent BOT participation in the Center for Landscape Architecture fundraising. Since we met in Denver just three months ago:
  • $669,017 has been committed toward our $1 million goal.
  • All nine members of the Executive Committee & 10 current Trustees have made substantial contributions.
  • 32 of our 49 Chapters (65%) have also made funding commitments.
  • Four ASLA staff members have contributed (thanks!).
  • Our National Student Representative has contributed (thanks, Cameron!).
I thank everyone for this great start!  It is something of which we can be proud.
However, the challenge remains 100 percent BOT participation. I want to be able to report at our midyear meeting that we met the challenge. The contribution can be from you, personally, or from your Chapter. We have received both types. Both count towards the challenge. The minimum contribution for the challenge is $1,899 (the 1899 Society). Attached is the pledge form which should be completed and returned.  Pledges are fully tax deductible and payment can be made over three years (2015-2017).
The Center for Landscape Architecture will be transformative for our Society and profession. It will provide an appropriate work place for the amazing ASLA staff. As leaders we need to financially support the headquarters renovation 100 percent.
Please feel free to contact me or ASLA Corporate Secretary Curt Millay (cmillay@asla.org) with any questions. I’ll provide periodic updates on the progress of the challenge, leading to an announcement of 100 percent participation at midyear!
Thanks again for your continued commitment to ASLA and your participation in the challenge.
Mark A. Focht, FASLA
Immediate Past President
American Society of Landscape Architects

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