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FLASLA August 2015 Monthly Report

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CCNA Update
As this issue has developed, the design professionals working group has determined that it may not be necessary to run a stand-alone bill on the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA). The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has committed to working with the design professionals on a consensus solution regarding continuing contracts. Once this issue has been resolved, we can expect that it will be included in a bill that contains other AWWA items for next session. We will obviously need to watch this bill closely for amendments on the other items we have discussed.

Since several groups have expressed that it would be better to revise the "work of a specified nature" provisions rather than raise the caps for construction costs and studies, AWWA is floating some options on work of a specified nature. This is intended to (1) reverse the AG opinion we have discussed, and (2) encourage local governments to put a reasonable timeframe on these contracts in order to address concerns that have been raised regarding the perception of reduced competition with open-ended contracts. GAC members should review these options and provide me with any feedback they might have. 

FLAPC Update
The Friends of Landscape Architecture Political Committee (FLAPC) raised more than $10,000 at the FLASLA Annual Conference! This marks the first year that the FLAPC has met its $10,000 goal through individual member contributions, prior to any assistance from the Chapter. The FLAPC Board will be working to determine how best to utilize our funds in terms of political activity. This is a very inclusive and transparent group, so any GAC members or other chapter members that would like to participate in FLAPC Board activities may do so simply by letting any of the current board members know that they would like to be included. Current board members include:

David Ferris, Chair
Jonathan Haigh, Vice-Chair
Jeff Brophy, Member
Jim Couillard, Member
Diana Ferguson, Secretary/Treasurer

The GAC will be establishing a trails subcommittee, given the importance of this issue. Additionally, FLASLA needs to meet with Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Jim Boxold and appropriate trails staff in order to coordinate with the Department and ensure that landscape architects are fully included in its new SunTrail program. As the program has begun to develop, it appears that the Coast to Coast Connector will be the first priority for funding. It also appears that DOT will be utilizing the Greenways and Trails Land Opportunities Map and the regional work plans in order to establish other priorities for funding. We will be discussing this issue further on the next GAC call.

CCNA Continuing Contract Options - AWWA

(g) A "continuing contract" is a contract for professional services entered into in accordance with all the procedures of this act between an agency and a firm whereby the firm provides professional services to the agency for projects in which the estimated construction cost of each individual project under the contract does not exceed $25 million, for study activity if the fee for professional services for each individual study under the contract does not exceed $2500,000, or, without being subject to the above monetary limitations, for work of a specified nature as outlined in the contract required by the agency, with the contract being for a fixed term, provided that the term of said contract is no longer than five (5) years and shall not exceed seven (7) years with extensions to complete work started during the term of the contract. or with no time limitation except that the contract must provide a termination clause. Firms providing professional services under continuing contracts shall not be required to bid against one another.

(g) A "continuing contract" is a contract for professional services entered into in accordance with all the procedures of this act between an agency and a firm whereby the firm provides professional services to the agency for projects in which the estimated construction cost of each individual project under the contract does not exceed $2 million, for study activity if the fee for professional services for each individual study under the contract does not exceed $200,000, or, without being subject to the above monetary limitations, for work of a specified nature as outlined in the contract required by the agency, with the contract being for a fixed term, provided that the term of said contract is no longer than five (5) years and shall not exceed seven (7) years with extensions to complete work started during the term of the contract. or with no time limitation except that the contract must provide a termination clause. Firms providing professional services under continuing contracts shall not be required to bid against one another.

(g) A "continuing contract" is a contract for professional services entered into in accordance with all the procedures of this act between an agency and a firm whereby the firm provides professional services to the agency for projects in which the estimated construction cost of each individual project under the contract does not exceed $25 million, for study activity if the fee for professional services for each individual study under the contract does not exceed $2500,000, or for work of a specified nature as outlined in the contract required by the agency, with the contract being for a fixed term or with no time limitation except that the contract must provide a termination clause. Firms providing professional services under continuing contracts shall not be required to bid against one another.


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