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President's Message -- October 2015

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Thank You

David Ferris

It is hard to believe that this is my last President's message. Seems like I just started. During the past year we have continued, and hopefully improved, many of the activities such as Design Awards and Conference. We have also started new initiatives such as working with the Greenways and Trails Foundation and taking our EXCOM meeting to our university programs. Our efforts to promote the profession during World Landscape Architecture Month resulted in a record number of proclamations around the state and a huge spike in our social media presence. And these are just a few highlights.

There are so many volunteers I am appreciative of but thanking them all individually would turn this message into a novel. That said, I must thank my wife Emily for her love and patience during my term. The time I have dedicated to the Chapter is time taken away from family, so thank you. Also to Ellie and Devin for their youthful understanding of my time away. (Yes, that is a strainer on his head as he heads off to battle)

I don't think I could say it any better than Jeff Brophy did last year and would like reiterate his sentiment as it is apropos to this year as well:

"I want to take this time to thank all the amazing people that volunteered their time, away from work, away from their families so that we as a profession could continue to grow and compete. I think it often goes unnoticed by the membership just how much work is needed to operate this organization. These volunteers dont get a reduced rate on membership, but they give up their time in dedication to the profession to complete the tasks necessary in an ever changing professional environment. Without them, there would be no licensure, there would be fewer opportunities for work, there would be more competition from other professions. Without them, our university programs would be less relevant, our profession would no longer be viewed as a leader in the design industry. The profession would suffer.

It is a thankless job in reality, so I will take the time here to say THANK YOU to all those that have volunteered (past, present and future) as an elected officer, serving on a committee, showing up to a section event, or teaching a class to students. THANKS to all of you who have given your time, whether through ASLA or not, to advance the profession in a positive way.

It has been a privilege and an honor to serve as your president. It has also been very humbling, having encountered so many amazing and dedicated landscape architects, both in state and out. If I have anything to leave behind, it is to  encourage you to get involved, get your employees involved; it cant be done by the same group over and over. Volunteer your time when you can, you are important and the chapter needs your voice now."

Jonathan Haigh will take over as President in early November and I am sure he will provide the same great leadership he has shown as Section Chair, Secretary, Member at Large for our advocacy and licensure effort and as President Elect. I look forward to continuing to work with the EXCOM as your Immediate Past President.


All the best!

David Ferris


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