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Legislative Report

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Deregulation - Similar deregulation packages ended up moving in HB 15 by Representative Beshears, SB 526 by Seantor Brandes, HB 1041 by Representative Plakon, and SB 1114 by Senator Brandes.  HB 15 and HB 1041 both passed the House and died in Senate messages.  All of these bills would have eliminated the corporate certificate of authorization for architects and landscape architects.  The House bills also included geologists.  SB 526 and SB 1114 both died in committee. 


CCNA/Procurement Efficiency Task Force - We never say any bills or amendatory language that would have harmed CCNA.  However, HB 111 by Representative Albritton and SB 368 by Senator Brandes would have created a Procurement Efficiency Task Force.  However, these bills failed to advance.


Environmental Regulation - HB 1149 by Representative Payne passed both chambers and goes next to the Governor for final action.  This bill provides circumstances under which an ERP permit can be revived after it expires.  It is fully inclusive of landscape architects. 


State Assumption of the Federal 404 permitting program - HB 7043 by the House Natural Resources and Conservation Lands Subcommittee and Representative Raschein passed both chambers and goes next to the Governor for final action.  The bill authorizes DEP to pursue assumption of certain federal 404 permits.  There will need to be rulemaking and memoranda of agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers and EPA in order for the assumption to take place.


School Safety - SB 7026 by the Senate Rules Committee passed both chambers and goes next to the Governor for final action.  Among many other provisions, the bill authorizes the new Office of Safe Schools within the Department of Education to contract with engineers, architects, or other safety and security experts.  Senate staff stated that the language does include landscape architects.  Since landscape architects are included in the Department's design standards, there should not be a problem going forward. 


Transportation - While FDOT did not put forward a transportation package this year, a transportation package emerged anyway.  HB 1287 by Representative Drake and SB 1104 by Senator Brandes shaped up to be the package.  However, the bills died on the calendar with a number of amendments.  One of the amendments would have put forward new qualifications for the FDOT Secretary.  Under the amendatory language, the Secretary would need to either be a PE, have an advanced degree such as an MBA, or have ten years of relevant experience.



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