Glover School

The school is located in eastern Hillsborough County. Over a year ago, the Tampa Bay Section was approached by Marilyn Hett, the county’s BOCC Tourism Development Manager for Economic Development, to provide community design assistance. The organization had received a historic preservation grant to fund targeted improvements and was looking for design assistance to prepare a master plan for exterior hardscape and landscape improvements. 

Over the course of the year, Ken and Joel met with the committee, conducted site visits and developed a phased master plan. They also planned a program of hardscape and landscape improvements and site planning concepts together with area tabulations to assist them in utilizing some of the grant funds and guiding future fundraising events. The in-kind services provided by FLASLA will be used to match existing grant funds that the Beasville Organization will use to begin implementing phase I of the project.

Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects