The goal of The Memorial Sculpture Garden For Missing Children project aims to recognize all missing, abused, or neglected children in our society in honor of Caylee. Her story with its national tremendous impact will continue to live on in the local community as well as in the hearts of people all over the world. With visitors paying their respect at the site, the objective is to preserve the area in a way that highlights the innocence and precious nature of the site and all of the children while creating an environment promoting closure, peace, and spiritual recovery. The Memorial will create an organized solution to manage the thousands of stuffed animals, flowers, and notes left on site. A sequence of emotional environments that lead visitors to the area where Caylee was discovered will create awareness of the more than 300 missing children in Florida. This Memorial Project will act as a voice for all of these children. Caylee's story in particular has caught the attention and emotion of many worldwide. The design serves as an integral tool to capture that attention and emotion and redirect it in order to move forward in a positive manner for all children left without a voice.