Florida Landscapes eBrief
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October 2015 In This Issue
Member News
Member Profile
Florida Association of Native Nurseries
Member News
"Thank You" David Ferris It is hard to believe that this is my last President's message. Seems like I just started. During the past year we have continued, and hopefully improved, many of the activities such as Design Awards and Conference. We have also started new initiatives such as working with the Greenways and Trails Foundation and taking our EXCOM meeting to our university programs.
As you know, PARK(ing) Day (9/18) was a SUCCESS! To highlight all the hard work that our members put into this event, we've got some pictures from landscape architects and students throughout the state!!! Thank you to FIU and UF student chapters of ASLA, EDSA, and many others!!!
The University of Florida’s Department of Landscape Architecture invites applications for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer to begin employment in fall 2016. The primary responsibilities of this full-time 9-month faculty position are teaching and service. Lecturers also have opportunities to engage in creative work/research.
CCNA UPDATE The GAC was recently provided with the final draft of the CCNA language. TRAILS The Florida Greenways and Trails Council met recently and had a lengthy discussion regarding the Sun Trail program.
Senator Evers and Senator Flores was recently given special Thank You's for their support of Landscape Architects!!!
September 11-13, the Government Affairs held its annual Advocacy Summit in Albuquerque, NM. This year’s summit, hosted by the New Mexico Chapter, brought together 39 attendees from 31 chapters across the country, and the message provided information and strategies to foster strong, proactive, and engaging advocacy programs. Participants also heard presentations from chapters that have faced recent challenges to licensure or licensing requirements, including Connecticut, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana and brainstormed on specific techniques to apply during any upcoming challenges.
Member Profile
Highlighting the new members that joined Florida Chapter of ASLA in the month of October! We had seven new or rejoined members! We are very happy that you're a part of FLASLA and look forward to getting to know you better. --FLASLA
Please join us on Wednesday, October 28th from 5:30-7:30pm for a special and spooky FLASLA Combined Section Event at Coastal in Pompano Beach. This is a FREE event and we encourage members to bring non-members so we can introduce them to our great organization!


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