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Florida Association of Native Nurseries
Member News

Dear FL|ASLA Members:

As we head into the official start of fall, I am reminded of a saying that we use to have at a previous position..."beware the ‘ber’ months." We had this saying because things would inevitably move at a lightning speed, and clients would typically want us to wrap up their projects before the end of the year. This year I believe the saying takes on a new more positive meaning. Things are picking up; hopefully, the "ber" months will bring us all new projects to tackle, and in turn time will once again fly by.

Last month we featured a member spotlight article on David Font, ASLA in Miami and his appearance on the HGTV show "Brother Vs. Brother." I am happy to update you in case you missed the shows, Dave won the competition! A BIG congratulations goes out to him from FL|ASLA!!

Elections are now open thru the end of the month. You should have received a link to your ballot in your email on Aug. 30. If you did not, please contact info@flasla.org and we will make sure you do. We have a strong slate of candidates this cycle, and I encourage you all to read each of the biography statements and cast your vote!

Additionally, we sent out a legislative survey last month, and that is still up and available for you to take. Please follow this link http://www.flasla.org/surveys/default.asp?id=GovernmentAffairsSurvey and complete the survey. This is your opportunity to inform your Government Affairs Committee what issues are important to you.

Until next month,

Michael Miller, ASLA
FL|ASLA President
FL|ASLA Conference 2014 at the Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo – July 24-26

Recently, Tampa Bay Section Chair Ken Sussman and Section Member Joel Mieses made a final presentation to the Beasville Inc., non-profit community organization responsible for the renovation of Glover School, a National Historic Landmark. This community outreach effort is the second one provided by the Chapter. It follows the successful completion of the City of Tampa Memorial Garden designed and constructed by the Section Chair, section members and community volunteers to honor Tampa’s finest police officers who have fallen in the line of duty.
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By Joe Samnik | Consulting Arborist
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August 2013 Newsletter
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Traveling Classes -- For the Required CEC Credits
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Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association
FLASLA Legislative Priorities Survey
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