ASHHRA eNews Pulse
February 2021
ParkMed, Inc.

Message from the President
Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,
Welcome to February 2021 and Happy Black History Month. February is the month of celebration for achievements by African Americans and their contributions to America. I want to pay homage to all the leaders that have helped to create a pathway for other African American professionals in our profession, and for me. 
Register now for the ASHHRA21 Virtual Conference (April 26 - 27) for critical health care HR education, innovative solutions, essential best practices and vital connections with the health care HR community.
HCHR Week (March 15 – 19, 2021): Strategic Partners for the Health Care Workforce
ASHHRA is looking to recognize exemplary teamwork and ideas in the health care HR field. Nominations for a Team of the Day and Initiative of the Day  are now being accepted. We will be highlighting them on and on social media throughout HCHR Week. Submit your nominations by Friday, Feb. 26, 2021.
And don’t forget to order unique HCHR Week gifts early to ensure on-time delivery!
Each year, ASHHRA seeks to recognize the significant achievements of its members in the health care human resources field. Applications are now being accepted for the awards, scholarships and grants. Please click below to learn more about each program and submit an application or nomination. Applications are due by March 1, 2021. 
Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021  |  1:00 p.m. CT
During this webinar, Earl Dalton, Chief Nursing Officer, Health Carousel, will discuss the impact of inadequate nurse staffing in hospital units and offer insights into how flexible staffing can help hospitals maintain optimal patient-nurse ratios. Attendees will learn about: the negative impact of inadequate staffing; understanding true vacancy and operational vacancy; benefits of flexible staffing; contract and international nursing; and Managed Services Programs (MSPs).

Omaha Steaks
Texas Tribune
Now praised as heroes of the pandemic, nurses and other front-line medical workers have been routinely scratched, bitten or verbally abused by patients. Well over half of Texas' nurses reported being subject to workplace violence in their career, according to a 2016 state study.
Healthcare Dive
Heal, a Los Angeles-based provider of in-house primary care services, including physician house calls, has expandedto 11 states and the District of Columbia, potentially reaching 134 million Americans. It offers a combination of house calls and telemedicine services, essentially on demand.
Outcome Engenuity
Omaha Steaks
AHA News
Though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought us excruciatingly difficult times, this is the finest hour for hospitals. Our field has risen to incredible challenges with expertise, commitment and compassion, and it’s inspiring to see. Rural hospitals are an outstanding example. Despite unprecedented financial and health care challenges, rural hospitals are deeply committed to their communities. 
Industry News
Healthcare Finance
The U.S. health care industry is missing out on billions of dollars in potential annual savings by manually completing common business transactions, according to the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare's 2020 Index.
Becker's Hospital Review
The term Centers of Excellence (COE) is used broadly throughout the health care industry. Generally, a COE offers specialized programs within healthcare facilities that aggregate high concentrations of expertise and related resources centered on particular medical areas and delivered in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary fashion. 
HealthLeaders Media
The health care sector lost nearly 30,000 jobs in January, continuing a year-long trend for an industry that has seen 542,000 job losses since February 2020, new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.
COVID-19 Updates
Healthcare Finance
All health systems and hospitals have struggled during the pandemic, in terms of both caring for patients who have COVID-19 and in staying above water financially. CEOs, CFOs and other executives heading the financial ship had to become more agile overnight — and to do so, they shared many of the same best practices.
Fierce Healthcare
Public health authorities are relying on community health workers to be a bridge to communities that have been hardest hit by COVID-19 and who are most skeptical about the new vaccines. 
Kaiser Health News
COVID-19 has taken an outsize toll on Black and Hispanic Americans. And those disparities extend to the medical workers who have intubated them, cleaned their bedsheets and held their hands in their final days, a KHN/Guardian investigation has found. One recent study found health care workers of color were more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to test positive for the virus. 
Healthcare Dive
Working through the COVID-19 pandemic for nearly a year has pushed health care workers to their limits, and systems should take steps to better manage their concerns to ensure their safety and well-being, according to a report published Tuesday by the Joint Commission.



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