ASHHRA eNews Pulse

American Society for Health Care Human Resources Administration

Message from the President

The Call for Proposals for the ASHHRA 53rd Annual Conference in Seattle, is open through this Friday, February 10. 

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We have officially launched the 2017 HR Metrics Tool! Hurry and sign up now before the data collection period ends! 

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ASHHRA has announced three new regional consultants for 2017: Celine Craig from Brookhaven, Mississippi (Region 4); Karen Gillespie from Province, Kansas (Region 6); and Tina Boeckenstedt from Boulder, Colorado (Region 8). Their two-year tenure began January 2017.

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Get recognized! A professional who holds the credential of Certified in Healthcare Human Resources (CHHR) is knowledgeable of the health care environment and health care workforce needs, and is able to adapt this knowledge to their individual health care organization’s needs and goals. 

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Society for Human Resource Management
Nielsen Healthcare Group
Healthcare Financial Management Association
Industry News
In a recent  joint letter to President Trump and the Congress, the AHA and 71 state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations outlined their top priorities as the administration and Congress deliberate the future of the Affordable Care Act. 

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A new AHA infographic highlights the benefits of hospital mergers, as revealed by a recent study by Charles River Associates. The study found that hospital mergers between 2009 and 2014 reduced annual operating expenses at acquired hospitals by 2.5 percent, and are driving quality and service improvements for patients. 

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The AHA has released a discussion guide to help hospital and health system board members and leaders implement innovative ways to preserve access to essential health care services in vulnerable rural and urban communities.

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HR Morning

In today’s competitive environment, employees are more educated than ever before about the current salary rates in their location and industry. If you want your business to remain competitive, and retain top talent, you need to stay one-step ahead of your competition, and have a solid pay strategy that’s based on accurate salary data — not speculation.

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HR Dive

FlexJobs’ annual 100 Top Companies with Remote Jobs shows that hiring remote workers is a business strategy, not just a perk to make workers happy. In interviews with leaders of top companies from a cross-section of industries, the job-board firm cited cost-efficiency, productivity, diversity and retention as major reasons companies hire remote workers. 

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Health Care HR
HR Daily Advisor

The first predictive scheduling ordinance was passed in San Francisco, California in 2014, and since then other localities have taken notice. Predictive scheduling laws generally require a minimum amount of notice to be provided for an employee’s scheduled shift or if changes are made to an employee’s scheduled shift. 

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Management & Leadership

Washington Post

Like so many things for the year ahead, many changes coming to the workplace are surrounded by questions. If Congress repeals or replaces the Affordable Care Act, what will that mean for employee health insurance? Will companies still have to publish the potentially embarrassing CEO-to-worker pay ratio, or will that part of the Dodd-Frank act be repealed, too? Will my employer or state join the bandwagon of those that have recently expanded paid parental leave?

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Hospitals & Health Networks

Three hospitals in a six-hospital Florida system are headed by RNs who are well-equipped to lead in a value-based paradigm.

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Compdata Consulting
University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education
UPMC  Health Plan
Patient Satisfaction
Patient Engagement HIT

Strong patient health literacy is key for improving patient engagement, but it does not occur in a vacuum. Instead, providers should assess and understand outside variables that affect health literacy, such as practice-wide interventions, policy decisions, and a patient’s environment, according to a report funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

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Physicians & Nurses

If there’s one thing that health care leaders can agree on, it’s that physician burnout is a major problem. In an October online survey that included health care executives, clinical leaders and clinicians, 96 percent of 570 respondents said physician burnout is a serious or moderate problem in health care.

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Healthcare Finance

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act and a changing economy, more physicians are contracting with hospitals. But according to new research from Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, achieving physician-hospital integration is a little more complicated than previously thought.

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Health Care & Hospitals
Healthcare Finance

Much has been written about the 20 million people who gained health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, and what could happen to these patients if the ACA is repealed without a replacement. But some people don't realize that hospitals nationwide could take a big financial hit on several fronts, too.

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Fierce Healthcare

Hospitals continue to be a significant economic engine across the country, according to a new report.  The American Hospital Association’s annual review of hospitals’ economic impact found that hospitals supported 1 in 9 U.S. jobs in 2015 in some way. Hospitals employed 5.7 million people that year, according to the report, and through "ripple effects" supported 10.3 million more. The health care industry as a whole added about 35,000 jobs per month in 2016.

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