President's Corner
The last two months have been a whirlwind of lessons learned, and learned again. COVID-19 has been a formidable opponent…both quick AND unpredictable. Healthcare is learning the hard way that a fragile supply chain is more than just an annoyance, it’s deadly. Value Analysis staff have worked around the clock to assist procurement teams in validating products, only to find that they’ve been sold to another bidder before the money transfer could be approved. Fraudulent claims and falsified documents have been provided, and internet videos of manufacturing plants seem vaguely familiar despite being from different countries. Desperate times lead to hasty decisions, and those without strong value analysis support have been disappointed by the products provided, or those never received.
When value analysis incorporates all stakeholders such as infection control and employee health, their support can be invaluable in making life tolerable for front line staff delivering stock to nurses and physicians who, quite frankly, are terrified. We work to keep them safe and they know it. We’ve collaborated with local manufacturers to provide innovative solutions such as Plexiglas boxes for high risk intubation procedures. We’ve reviewed the menagerie of donations to assure they are used appropriately, but never wasted. Value analysis professionals have been able to navigate the waters of this pandemic and still be afloat. Whether you’re past the rapids or heading towards the falls, we’re all ready to throw out a networking lifeline!
In April your AHVAP peers shared their pandemic experiences through ten insightful podcasts. Barbara Strain (brilliant moderator) and all the talented speakers did an amazing job! If you missed any of these 30 minute sessions, AHVAP has them posted for you to access online and get educational credits. We’re looking to provide regular podcasts to help network and gain education opportunities at a time when it’s impossible to get away and most meetings are cancelled. Please let us know if you have a topic you’d like to address and join our panelist team!
May all of you and yours be blessed and stay healthy!