AHVAP Conference and Supplier Showcase
After monitoring the national pandemic response and in consideration of travel restrictions, facility budget and staffing constraints as well as the health and safety of the attendees, presenters and suppliers, the Board and Conference Committee members made the difficult decision to cancel the “live” conference planned for October 21-23, 2020 in Scottsdale, AZ.
AHVAP has an unflagging commitment to provide growth opportunities and continuing education to our members and the healthcare value analysis community, thus the Conference Committee is actively exploring options to provide a virtual online experience in or around the same third week of October 2020.We plan to reschedule our “live” conference event in Scottsdale for October 2021 to avoid any financial penalties to our organization.
For the virtual event, the Conference Committee is extending the submission deadline and would like members to send us presentations on their ‘Lessons Learned from COVID-19’ which can offer additional insights to our attendees and sponsors.
We understand the challenges you have faced during this outbreak and the uncertainty of a possible resurgence of the virus this fall. We thank you for all your hard work and sacrifices. Please visit the website for more information as we ‘transform’ our conference platform and dates.
Please contact info@ahvap.org with any questions.
Laura Polson, AHVAP President