AHVAP Monthly eNews

Thank You Northeast AHVAP Members and Affiliates

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Thanks to all Northeast AHVAP Members and Affiliates who attended the 2020 AHVAP National Conference Northeast Regional Meeting. We appreciate the great feedback provided for future Regional Meetings. We also had great attendance during the September 2020 Northeast Regional Meeting and also polled NE Members and Affiliates to how often the NE Region should hold meetings. Consensus identified quarterly NE Regional meetings, so please keep a look out for a future invite for a December 2020 NE Regional Meeting. Please feel free to reach out to either Jean Buscaglia-Yurkiewicz, District #9 Representative (Jean.Buscaglia-Yurkiewicz@rwjbh.org), Joyce Meisel, District #10 Representative (jameisel@comcast.net), or Sue Toomey, NE Regional Director (Susan.Toomey@lvhn.org), as we welcome any questions and interest in presenting information to the NE Region. 

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