AHVAP Monthly eNews

IBEC-Industry Business Education Collaborative Committee

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September 2021

Gloria Graham, DNP, RN, CVAHP Chair
Barbara Strain, MA, CVAHP Co-chair 

The IBEC Committee continues to be active with many great collaborative opportunities with our supplier partners and professional organizations. Through IBEC agreements AHVAP provides opportunities for reciprocal education sharing with healthcare suppliers, professional organizations, institutes, and academia with the goal to educate the broader healthcare industry to the tenets of value analysis.

Here are highlights of a few of the IBECs agreements:

Healthcare Hygiene Magazine (HHM) https://www.healthcarehygienemagazine.com/

In the September issue, AHVAP’s Southeaster Region Director Karen Niven, MS, BSN, RN, CVAHP has an article on Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals at the Infection Prevention Table. This article illuminates the importance of Value Analysis professionals having a seat of not only Infection Prevention but many other key areas within healthcare organizations. 

We are excited to announce there will be a special edition and publication of the magazine dedicated to AHVAP in October. The special edition will be handed out at the Annual Conference & Supplier Showcase!

If you are not a current subscriber to this magazine dedicated to “building bridges between infection prevention/epidemiology, scientific/R&D, manufacturing and regulatory compliance” then we encourage you to follow the link to their homepage and be amazed at what you have been missing that can assist in understanding the importance of certain characteristics to be considered in your day-to-day decision making. 

Lumere https://www.lumere.com/about/

In collaboration with Lumere, a provider value analysis focused survey was developed to gain insight on potential educational opportunities for the membership. The survey was sent out to membership July 26th and is now closed to compile data. Survey results will be shared with the membership along with a plan for opportunities by the membership. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Annual Conference & Supplier Showcase in Scottsdale, Arizona, in October!

Check out AHVAP’s home page for a list of other collaborators with IBEC agreements. www.AHVAP.org


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